10 Ten-Karai's First Birthday

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Finally is the day of Karai's first birthday and we're on our way to Olympus where everyone is waiting for us. Some want to spend time with her while some others are going to meet her for the very first time. Like Hermes and Hercules. I know for sure that Persephone wants to spend even more time with her but as she is she will save herself for last. Karai is bouncing up and down on Hades's arms repeating herself the only word she knows that by now she said it so much she says it the right way. We laugh at her enthusiasm and Hades puts her facing him.
Ha-Try mommy now. Say mommy.
Ha-No, mommy.
Ha-Mo~mmy, say it, mommy.
K-Dadddy, daddy, daddy, daddy.
He laughs and shakes his head in defeat.
Ha-Sorry, guess she's still not ready for more than a word.
-I don't mind, as long as she says it, I'm good.
We finally reach Olympus and when we step out of the gate Karai goes silent and she looks around in curiosity. Every time she comes she's asleep and the only part she's seen is the house. We go towards the throne room and when we get there although I knew what was waiting for us still get surprised. I look at Karai who has hidden on Hades chest. She smiles when she sees Persephone and Cerberus but otherwise she keeps looking at the room mostly. Hades takes her to the center of the room with the other Top Tier Gods and I see as she looks at them curiously as they greet Hades and pinch her cheeks. She hides on his father once more until Aphrodite comes, she comes last lucky for her because when she turns to pinch Karai's cheeks Karai turns and smiles at her as she reaches out for Aphrodite to charge her.
Ha-She wants you to charge her.
Aphrodite-I can?
Hades nods with a smile and gets Karai in Aphrodite's arms. Karai plays with the heart diamonds on her dress and everyone laughs. When she gets bored of that Karai looks around as if looking for something. I take a drink from the table and I wave to her as I drink. When she spots me that she recognizes me.
As I hear her call me mommy I almost choke on my drink. I start coughing up a bit and by the time I recuperate from the shock half of the Top Tier Gods are around me with worried looks. I stand straight again and I wave them all apart from me.
-I'm fine, I'm fine. Just surprised.
Hades comes with Karai on arms and she reaches for me.
K-Mommy, mommy.
Ha-Told you she could do it.
-Yes you did.
I take Karai on my arms and I give her a kiss. She laughs it off and I put her on the floor as she starts to wave her legs a bit. She looks around and she goes and explores the throne room. She looks like she's following something, some trail or something. I pull Hades down and ask him.
-Do you think she's perceiving aura?
Ha-Possibly, she looks like she's trailing someone. Let's see where she stops.
I nod and we watch as she goes through the thrones examining them and when she reaches Hades's throne she smiles clapping excitedly and I laugh a bit at her reaction.
That single word surprises Hades and I see him blushing. Karai passes the throne after identifying with it and then she stops in front of mine. She sits and looks up at the throne and then she looks at me before she grins happily.
I almost cry as she recognized that is my throne and I watch as she goes and examines the other thrones. This time however she goes to the throne and then to the throne's owner. The first she identifies is Aphrodite and then Poseidon and then Zeus before she turns to Hades's throne again. We watch as she uses the throne for support as she tries to stand up failing a couple times before she succeeds and she bounces in place a few times. I turn to Hades and we watch as she tries to climb onto his throne before she sits down in front of it as if she were analyzing it.
Ha-Do you think she'll try again?
-If she's like us then yes, she will.
He smiles at me and we go to my throne and observe her from there. I take my phone out and take a couple pictures before I change it to video. I turn it to Hades who doesn't notice me recording him as his attention is completely on Karai. I turn to record Karai again and I see her fail twice before she manages to get on the throne at last. She laughs a little too loud as she accomplished her goal and I save my phone again before we go to her. We stand behind the throne and she looks at both of us smiling and laughing excitedly. We laugh with her and I pinch her cheeks a bit but stop as they bring the birthday cake. I take her on my arms and get her on her seat in front of the cake. I put her hands under the table and she obediently keeps them there. Everyone starts singing happy birthday to her and when they finish Hades and I each blow at the single candle and get a bit of frosty on each of her cheeks before we take it off with a kiss respectively. We move the little cakes aside and pass her her piece. She looks at us like asking for permission and we nod at her. She splats her piece with her open hand and then she sucks a bit of frosty off of her hand. Hades sits at her side and he gets a little bit too close for his sake. Karai looks at him and waves her hand showing him the frosty and the cake. He laughs at that and she looks at her hand curiously before she splats it directly into his face wanting to share it with him. We all freeze in place and I cover my mouth with my hand suppressing a laugh. I look at everyone and they too are trying to suppress their laughter. The first to laugh is, surprisingly, Hades. He takes a napkin and cleans his face before he speaks a single word.
He gives her a kiss before he sits back taking a piece of cake for himself. I pass the other pieces to everyone and we eat in silence. Right now I can't forget the look on his face. I let out a soft laugh.
-How are you feeling?
Ha-Fine, perfectly fine.
Hades looks at Karai and he smiles as he sees her bounce sleepily over her food.
Ha-I have to say, I'm surprised she didn't doze off earlier. I mean, walking the entire throne room at least three times. I thought she was going to doze off before we got the cake out.
-She identified almost half of the thrones with their respective owners. She might be a better tracker than Cerberus when she grows up.
Ha-Possibly. I wonder, what will her aura be like when she shows it for the first time.
When we finish eating we say our goodbyes and go home as Karai falls asleep. Hades takes her and we go home for the day.

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