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As the movie ends I find myself hugging her from behind covering her in kisses. She accepts them gladly as she gets her arm behind so she can touch me as well. I gasp retreating as I realize what I'm doing. Her expression is now confused.
-I'm sorry, I got carried away..........
Before I can say anything else I jolt up and I go away. I can only hear when she calls out to me. I ignore her not willing to give in to temptation. I don't stop myself until I'm back home and I run to my old room ignoring everyone and I open my old closet and take my secret box out. I don't believe I would be needing this again. I take off my jacket and roll up my sleeve and get myself an injection to relax. Might need another one so I do but I don't feel better so I storm back downstairs to the kitchen and get lot of food for myself. I do cook it but once I'm about to eat it I stop myself. I can't eat it, I'm hungry but not for food or an apple or anything of the sort. I know what this is, is desire and I can't control it, not just yet. This didn't happen when I was filming the movie. I get a hand on to grab my face and is just then that I notice I'm trembling. I feel a light hand on my shoulder and snapped out of my thoughts and back to alertness I call my aura forth to attack as I back away from the touch. Realizing is only mom I call back my aura and as I shed a tear I run away as fast as I can. They call me but I ignore them as I keep running down the forest to the beach. I let out a scream as loud as I can and when I fall silent I fall to my knees sobbing. My arms and head just hang as if they have no strength left. I cry and I manage to grab my shoulders with all my might. I snap out of it when I hear a voice behind me.
M-Evzen? Are you feeling alright?
Unable to say anything I surround myself with my aura keeping everyone away. He doesn't budge as he steps through it, I huff and sit hugging my knees tightly hiding my face in it deeply ashamed. He wraps an arm around my shoulder comfortingly. I call my aura back to me and let him stay there.
M-Did you hurt the lady?
I jolt to look at him a bit surprised and the answer just comes out.
-Of course not, precisely because I didn't want to hurt her is that I am like I am. I didn't want to do anything I could regret later.
M-I take the lady in cuestion is cute.
-What makes you think is a lady?
He gives me a knowing look as he lists the reasons.
M-You got all dressed up, she called you and you said you would meet up with her, and you nearly speed off to get to her, need I say more?
I shake my head and I rest on the sand backwards and look at the sky more relaxed and calm. He laughs and I can't help but do as well.
M-Feel better?
-What do you mean?
M-You seem to be better. More composed.
He points me out and I take a look and I realize I am more calm, I am not craving that desire anymore. I look at him a bit surprised and confused.
-I didn't even realize I was better.
M-I knew you'll calm down if you let someone in. You just stormed out of the house.
I turn sad as I remember what I almost did.
-Is mom.....
M-She's fine. A bit confused but she doesn't hold anything against you or what you did, for her part there is no need to worry, she is like nothing happened at all but she is worried for you so you might as well prepare for hugs kisses and all that.
I can't help a chuckle at that and he stands and offers me his hand. I take it gladly and we walk slowly home. I sigh and just as he opens the door mom jumps to me in a crushing hug before she turns to examine me.
S-Are you ok? Are you hurt anywhere? Is everything where it should be? How are you feeling?
Like that she keeps checking me over and over once and again and I can't help a laugh. I prepared for everything except this much.
-I am fine. Well, I am now.
Suddenly I have a sudden realization and I snap away.
-Damn, I'm sorry. Give me a moment, I have to apologize to her. I just stormed out on her without a proper explanation.
I fish my phone but I find that I don't have it, I left it at her place. I turn to dad.
-Can I borrow your phone? I forgot mine at her place.
He shakes his head but still let's me borrow his phone. I dial my own number and she answers it delighted.
Po-Feeling better?
-Yeah, I'm sorry for leaving like I did.
Po-No worries. You left everything here. Money, phone, a strange remote and such.
-Yeah, can you get them kept safe? I didn't realize it until now.
Po-I will get them to you. Don't you worry.
I sigh in relief and she just laughs.
Po-Maybe you can continue what you started here but at your place.
She says it in such a tone that it sends a shiver down my back and I get flustered.
-Who knows.
Po-Anyway, I'll keep your stuff safe and clean and good as if it were my own life.
Out of custom I just say it out loud.
-Thank you dear.
Is not until I say it that I realize how that sounded and I hang up fast before it goes indecent. Just to make sure I ask.
-Did I say that or did I thought it?
M-You said it.
S-Out loud.
I hand him his phone and I clear my throat shamefully.
-I'm going to sleep here. I can still sleep here right?
He nods and pulling my tie lose and the neck of my shirt I sigh as some tension leaves me. I get through and go to my room and just as I step inside I collapse asleep on the bed without a second to waste.
The next morning as I wake up slowly when I open my eyes I find that Polly is there looking at me intently. I jolt up and a bit confused I look around. I am still on my room and I'm half naked. She laughs and I smile back desire building up on me again but weaker than last night.
Po-So, you're awake.
-And you're here.
She hands me my things and I smile even wider as I remember I forgot them at her place. The desire grows and I can't ignore it any longer. I step out of bed and I get closer to her. Very close, she let's me in of course as she did the first time but this time however I don't just kiss her, I grab her and devour her lips with mine before I pin her down to the floor. We are both breathless and she just closes her eyes turning her head as she invites me in and I bite my lip a bit as I turn to kiss her all the way up from her toes to her lips. She twists in place suppressing every sound and I leave her be as I get out of my clothes as she does as well until we are just on our underwear. A bit hesitant but with passion I turn to kiss her again and just as I'm about to take her underwear off the door opens revealing my parents and I turn to them, their expressions surprised and shocked and for a moment we are all frozen in place before I take the blanket off the bed and over her body covering her.
-This is........
S-He's all grown.
M-You waste no time.
S-I wanted to say that dinner is ready if you're hungry.
M-She can stay if she wants.
Po-I don't want to intrude.
S-Bit please, do get dressed before coming down.
We both flush red as they leave laughing. I turn to her and we laugh a bit.
-Let me take you somewhere else.
Po-Please do.
-I'll give you what you want but only this once. I don't want a serious relationship.
Po-Me neither, this is just carnal desire and lust taking over.
-Well, let's get dressed then. I am starving.
We get dressed and we slowly make our way down to the dining room. She is surprised as she sees all my family together. I laugh at her expression.
-Don't worry, they don't bite but be careful of the twins. Pranksters to everyone they find.
She nods and I offer her a seat kindly before I take mine after getting our food served. She pats my head and I turn back as everyone laughs at that making my blush grow on my face. In private I might just steal a kiss from her but in public I sink down and when she retires her hand to eat I get to my plate and take big bites as it ry to hide myself on it. I almost don't breathe as I just keep eating. Until someone grabs my hand.
Ha-Don't rush.
Ka-Breathe for a moment.
I gulp down the food in my mouth and sink down the rest ignoring their warnings. Eventually I have to take seconds and even thirds to calm down. Polly giggles at me and I frown a bit before I gulp down to laugh a bit. I pat her head as I fish out my phone on instinct. I realize how bad I am when I remember is in my room. I turn on my heel and I smash my face on the doorframe.
-Ugh that hurts.
Po-You always forget this.
She gives me my glasses and I slide them on feeling a bit better and swing better. I sigh.
-Much better.
I give her a kiss on the cheek before I storm off to get my phone. I get my phone and I book a flight for two to Alaska. With a smile I send it to Polly and she sends me back a surprise emoji. I laugh and I get downstairs again with my bag full of clothes. I leave the bag on the closet and I stand in the doorframe looking at her.
Po-I thought you were joking.
I show her the papers and lifting an eyebrow.
-A joke? Come on, we'll be there by tomorrow if we leave now.
She smiles and as she passes by my side she slides her hand dangerously by my arm and I smile as I follow her like a slave to its master.
Po-Follow me.
We leave and we make our way to her place getting her clothes so she doesn't freezes to death there. We share kisses and caresses between packing and when everything is packed we go to the airport.
Po-Why Alaska?
-Well, we can continue there what we got started last night.
Po-And interrupted this evening. But why not a tropical island like Hawaii for example?
-We don't need any more heat than the one we are producing right now, emanating from our bodies as we desire each other's bodies greatly.
She laughs and we keep on going.

To be continued................

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