107 Hundred and Seven

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                  Nova POV
I smile as my phone rings with Karma's ringtone.
-Speaking of, is him.
I dry my hands and I answer the phone.
Ka(over phone)-Nova, listen to me and don't speak.
He starts to speak super fast and I have to shut him up.
-Karma calm down, Karma.
He keeps talking so I scream.
-SHUT UP!!!!
He shuts up and I let out a sigh.
-That's better. Now calmly tell me. What happened?
Ka-I'm on the NYPD. I need your help. Get me out of here.
I roll my eyes and then I take off my apron and as he keeps explaining the problem to me I let my hair loose and I unfold my sleeves and put my jacket on. I go out of the house and towards earth with angry steps behind me as I keep lecturing Karma over the phone.
I go to the police station and I pay his fine to get him out. They take me to him and I follow.
Officer-Redhead, they came to pick you up. You're free to go.
Ka-Sister ah......
When he sees me angry he takes a step back and he walks until his back is pressed against the wall. I go inside and I stand in front of him. When I look at him he shivers and I can see the fear on his eyes. I smile wickedly and I extend my hand to his hair and I grab him hard outside by the hairs. He begs me to let go but I don't. I grab tighter and don't let go until we are back home.
                      Hades POV
We talk all the while waiting for Nova to come back with Karma. I finish dinner and I get it saved when I hear Nova's angry voice yelling.
N-What were you thinking!?
N-No, shut it. I don't want to hear any excuse you might have.
We see as Nova pulls him by the hairs before she throws him on the couch pinning him down by putting her foot against his neck.
N-When did you became so carefree? How did it happen? Why? I told you many, many times to stop doing........
She looks at us and she turns frustrated.
N-To stop doing what you just did. Where is the brother I love, the brother that protects me, the cool brother. You never did anything like this. I have been too soft with you but that's over, I won't stand out with you or help you out anymore until you stay out of these things. Now tell me, why do you do it?
Ka-Can I answer that?
N-I asked you a question. Why?
Ka-I don't know.
She blows him a kick to the face and he groans in pain.
N-You are unbelievable!!!
Her hair turns pure white flaming all the way as she speaks and she make stop give him another kick and he puts his arms up in defense as he closes his eyes but surprisingly Nova stops the attack and she changes to hug him sweetly. He opens his eyes and he is surprised for a moment before he relaxes and smiles as he hugs her back.
N-Don't do that again.
Ka-I won't, I promise you will never have to lecture me again.
Nova starts sobbing on his shoulder and he just pats her nicely. He takes her up and towards their room. He comes back soon after and he goes to the freezer.
Ka-Dad, can you keep reminding me not to make her mad ever again.
He groans and rubs the side of his face a bit. I try to not say anything but can't.
-Does it hurt?
Ka-Now I remember why I called her the Bloody N.
He puts an icepack on his face and looks at me sighing.
C-She must be really pissed off with you to be like that.
Ka-Just a sibling fight. Is normal between us.
-That is not normal. Her hair never flames up when she's with you unless you are the hurt one.
K-Usually it goes like that to protect him not to kill him.
-You're right, now what's left to know is what did he do to make her that mad.
Ka-Not telling.
-Well then, give this to her.
I give him a dish for her and one for him and he nods as he takes them and goes away. We eat our own food and as we go back to sleep I check on Karma and Nova and I smile as I find them sleeping cuddling together as they use to do when they were little kids.
-Can't stay mad at each other no matter how bad it is.
I laugh and I go to sleep at last.

Seven months later
I stay at home with Calix and his pregnant wife giving them advice for when the kid is born and organizing the room to welcome the baby.
-You said cream right? A cream color?
A-Yes, that way we can't tell if is a boy or a girl. It won't matter.
C-Are you sure you don't mind doing this for us?
-No bother doing it. I have free time and what better thing to do than helping you with the baby's room. Now then, do you want to put a drawing on the wall? Feel free to abuse.
C-Me or her.
-Her, I already took care of you when you were young.
A-Wouldn't that be abusing of your generosity?
-Is not if I'm offering myself for it. So what would you like? A family picture, some animals or maybe a sky with a rainbow and a sunshine.
C-Well babe, you heard the man. What would you like for him to paint?
A-A baby looking at a night sky with stars.
-Whatever she wants.
I pull up my sleeves and open up the paint to start painting. As I paint I make conversation.
-About to be born. Any names yet?
C-Yeah. We have a few names on mind.
A-Tell him the top three.
I smile as she doesn't turns to talk to me unless I ask her a question directly.
C-We have if it's a boy either CJ or AJ and if it's a girl either MaryKate or Mary Ann or maybe even Mary Jane.
A-We can call them MK or MJ.
C-CJ stands for Christian Jackson and AJ is for Avi Jamal.
-My father is mighty handsome? Really Calix?
C-What's wrong with that?
-Nothing, nothing really. I guess I will call him only AJ if you name it like that. Is there anything that concerns you that I can help or that you want to share?
C-Just one thing.
C-I worry about how to teach him to be either a gentleman or a proper lady.
-You'll be fine. You'll see that a child can be your greatest strength. You see, being a father is good, beyond words. Once you hold your child for the very first time nothing else will matter more than him.
C-What if I don't do it right?
-Let me tell you something. When your mother and I were expecting Karai to be born. I was terrified to even touch her. I did everything with extreme caution as I was afraid of hurting her or Karai. When she was born at last I remember she refused to carry her unless I did it first.
A-She forced you to carry her.
-Technically speaking.
A-How was this one as a baby?
A-Yes, how was he?
-He was very attached to me. He almost never cried and when he did he was with a silent cry. Always smiling and cheerful kid.
A-He sounds so adorable.
-He was. So how do you like the painting?
C-I like it.
A-Good, is cute. I like it.
I give the finishing touches to the painting on the wall and I smile as I walk backwards to see it completely.
A-It looks perfect.
-Glad you liked it.
C-Anything you like us to do?
A-Not really, nothing comes to mind.
-Then go to sleep. The both of you, you won't get much sleep after it's born.
I watch as they go away to sleep and I clean up everything in the house before the rest of the family arrives. After I finish I go back to my room to rest a bit and I fall asleep instantly. I don't rest too much as I wake up by Calix calling me.
I get up and go to his room and I see that the baby decided to be born before time. I turn to action and take her on my arms as I'm more calm and composed than he is. I take the stairs down with Calix following me and I get them to the hospital. They take her away and as we sit down I watch as Calix paces the length of the room anxiously.
-Would you sit down?
He keeps pacing and I notice he's not listening to anything I say. I let out a sigh and I stand and pul him down to a seat. He taps his foot against the floor anxiously.
C-Ugh, why does it take so long?
-Calm down. I'm sure everything's fine.
C-I'm calm, yes, calm and composed.
-If you say so.
It doesn't pass a minute when he gets up and starts pacing again. I send a text to everyone telling them the situation. A bit afterwards the doctor comes out and as he explains the situation he tries to keep a calm demeanor.
Doctor-Everything was successful but since the babies are premature we had to put them in incubators for the night. If they don't present any problems during the night they should be able to be on the same room with their mother and you too.
C-Can I see her?
Doctor-Yes, room 104.
-Follow me.
I take him to the room and I stay outside as he goes inside to be with her.
                        Calix POV
I enter the room where my Angel rests and at a loss of words I just smile at her.
I go to her side and take her hand and put it on my cheek. She laughs and I can't help a tear from falling down my face.
A-Did you hear? We have two perfect little boys.
-AJ and CJ.
A-Where are they? When can I see them?
-Tomorrow. We'll meet them tomorrow. With that of being premature and all they will keep them on observation for the night.
A-Now we have a new problem. How are we going to tell them apart?
-I can study their auras. Tell them apart by that. Or I can just call them both.
We laugh together and I give her a kiss when we hear voices outside.
A-Looks like the family is here now.
I make as if I have a shudder and she laughs at that and then we are interrupted by Karma's bad timing. He jumps on top of me and he gets a finger on my cheek while his other hand is on top of my head.
Ka-Look at the proud new father. Give me a smile. Come on.
Ha-Karma, don't bother your brother.
I laugh as I realize something and I get Karma away from me.
-Hello you all.
We talk together for a bit before we all turn to sleep except for me and my eldest sister.
K-Are you going to tell if is a boy or a girl?
-Patience dear sister. Patience.
With that she falls asleep waiting for me to tell her but I don't.

To be continued.............
Credits for Pikachu904726 for naming one of the characters. CJ, Chris Jack or Christian Jackson. Give her/him the credit it deserves and pass to read the stories too. They're good and I like them.

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