74-Seventy Four-Our Places

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The next morning as I get ready to fight Poseidon I find myself hating the uniform.
-Do I have to use this?
Ha-Come on, is not that bad.
-Of course, since you're not the one using it.
Ha-You'll be fine, this is designed for battle.
-I look ridiculous.
N-You look like a prince in shining armor. Just like in a fairytale, strong and handsome.
-Really? Do I?
She comes inside and she bumps her fist slowly on my chest.
N-I wouldn't lie to you.
Ha-There you go.

N-Are you ready?-Is there any chance I can not use this?Ha-Really? You radiate power

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N-Are you ready?
-Is there any chance I can not use this?
Ha-Really? You radiate power.
-Fine, I'll use it but I won't be happy about it.
With that out of the way we go to the arena which is like new again. I look at Poseidon with his own armor suit and I go forward in the arena. We shake hands as a sign of respect and give a respectful bow before we take our fighting stances.
I start attacking throwing a wall of fire towards him and then he does a backflip and as he raises his upper body he lifts a big wave of water extinguishing my flames and then I get physical as I throw a kick at him which he evades by a hair. I throw a column of fire at him afterwards and this time he only has time to evade it and when he attacks I jump out of his reach and as I try to materialize a bow and arrow I get stopped by my own clothes. I take the defensive against Poseidon's multiple attacks and I start to break loose from the extra weight of the uniform leaving my arms exposed but able to move. I throw it away and I jump out of his reach once more giving him a kick on the process and I materialize the bow and arrow once more.

 I throw it away and I jump out of his reach once more giving him a kick on the process and I materialize the bow and arrow once more

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I point and shoot and it lands on his shoulder. He grunts in pain and he takes it out of his shoulder and I see as blood comes out of his wound. He looks at me and I smile at him mockingly. He makes a circular movement throwing waves of water at me. I fire up engulfing myself in flames and I throw my arms out making two fire walls and I get them close together to meet at the center with the purpose of burning him by both sides but he jumps high and he throws a big wave at me that puts all the fire out and then he lands in front of me and lifts me by the neck.
Po-What now? You can't make fire.
I give him a smile and I lift my arms to the side and I raise two earth walls with spikes at the ends coming towards us and when he sees them he let's go of me and he jumps backwards out of the way of my attack. He lands on his knees and as I get up I lift my arms slowly and I lift the earth in which he stands and I lift it high before I throw him down with the intention of knocking him out but it doesn't work as I see he gets up but I smile as I see him bleeding from his forehead. He throws a gigantic wave at me and I lift a wall to protect me from the immediate hit and the water flows through the sides. Before I can get the wall down I see as the water gets up and turns to attack me. In the rush and the panic I feel at the moment I make a hole in the ground and I bury myself in it. I control the earth around me as I make it like if I were swimming in it and I focus on find Poseidon in the arena. When I find him I go from behind him and below. I take impulse and I push myself out of the ground to the air and I give a kick on the side of his head throwing him to the floor. He is momentarily surprised but as he gets up and attacks me again with yet another wave this time around I let it slide through me cleaning the dirt off of me and when is over I smile at him and I tilt my head to the side.
-Thanks for cleaning me up.
Po-Don't mock me kiddo.
I stick my tongue out at him and he throws yet another wave and I lift the earth turning it to mud and making him lose control over it. He gets physical as he throws me a punch and as I lift my arms to block him I step over the mud and I groan angrily at getting dirty again. I push him back and before he can attack again I engulf him in vines and roots and I turn to my clothes and as he starts to break free from the prison I made to hold him for a moment I turn to use water and I get all the dirt out of my clothes, the mud and the earth from before. When he finally breaks free from the vines I throw the dirty water at his face as he attacks me and then at the last second I jump out of his reach and I land on the top of one statue and I look at him throwing attacks at me and I evade them all by a hair. After a while I get on the ground again and then I feel the ground tremble and for a moment I don't know what it is until I remember that he can create earthquakes too. I power up I'm fire and I combine it with earth and make lava flow from the ground. After a bit I get a bit desperate and I look for some water. I see a bottle of water at the distance and I get on top of the statue again and I jump from the top of it and I land a bit closer to it but as I'm about to get it when Poseidon attacks me and I lift multiple thin walls of earth to slow him down and I take he water bottle and as I hear him coming I slide to the side taking the water bottle with me. I lift yet another wall in front of me and then I try something else. I blow on my hand and my breath is cold and I smile as I get the water from the bottle and get it around my hand. I throw the bottle aside and I close my fist on a water fist and I blow on it making an ice glove with sharp edges like a knife. I hear as the wall protecting me crumbles and I see as Poseidon appears in front of me and I attack him with my ice knife and he barely has time to evade it as I make a cut on his cheek. I follow it with a kick that he stops with a kick of his own. We both throw another simultaneous attack as I throw him another kick and he delivers a punch to my face before we both jump backwards and out of each other's reach. I clean my mouth before I spit on the ground a bit of the blood. I let out a sigh and I focus on finding the earth's minerals and I focus on getting myself to be one with the earth, the sky and the waters, becoming one with nature to deliver the final blow to end this fight. He attacks me multiple times and I evade them as I make them flow through me and make my own attack stronger. I'm sure he doesn't notice it yet but I'm sure that everyone else notices it. I make it grow and grow and grow. He finally corners me against a column and he throws punches at me that I evade making them land on the column behind me. I let him corner me yet again when I finish making my attack. He puts a hand on my chest and as he turns to punch me he asks me.
Po-Anything you have to say before I make this my win?
-Look up.
I motion with my head towards where my attack is and when he looks up he let's me go and he curses in Greek, he turns to me and I make I make a small movement separating the gigantic meteor into lots of weapons, some arrows, swords, spears, daggers and some couple balls of fire and I start throwing them at him and he makes a sharp knife of water on both forearms as he turns and breaks almost all of them. While his attention is on the big attack I sneak behind him and I tie his feet to the ground with vines, roots and anything else I can find. When he's unable to move I take a dagger from below my shirt and I put it on the edge of his neck as I hold another one on his low back as I stop the other attack from continuing.
-Say it.
He sighs and I know he realizes he has no way out and he lifts both hands up in the air.
Po-I give up, is Karma's victory.
I let out a sigh and I let myself fall to the floor using my aura to soften the impact and I finally relax letting every bit of my attacks fade away. Poseidon looks at meand he smiles at me before I laugh as he offers me his hand. I take it and he lifts me up to a hug and then I see as dad and Nova come towards us. I exchange fists with dad before I turn to hug Nova lifting her for a second before I put her back down. I laugh as we keep hugging and then I notice that she is using the jacket I threw away during the fight.
-I won. Can you believe it?
N-I can. I told you so, that you would win.
Ha-Are you both okay?
-I'm fine, tired but fine.
Po-Tired as well. I'm glad I fought you, it was the best I had in a long time.
We part ways to our own homes and I go with my sisters towards home as dad and mom go to the throne room with the other gods to decide on our places here.
                         Hera POV
I go with Hades to the throne room and we only wait for Zeus and Poseidon to show up as Zeus is at his home and Poseidon goes change and clean up his cuts and wounds. When they come all the attention turns to them as they sit on their respective thrones.
Po-Well, now we can make a decision on what their roles are.
Z-Not quite yet, Karma and Nova have similar ways of fighting and it will be hard identifying each accurately.
Ha-You gave your word.
Z-I know, I will do as I promised. I just stated that it will be hard.
He-What can you see within Karma?
Po-Well, he seems to be like a free spirit running wild in unions with the nature that surrounds him. The way he can control the elements is pretty amazing. They didn't seem like a weapon but a part of himself, an extension of his body if you may.
Aphrodite-He was pretty amazing, he even mocked Poseidon and made fun of him.
Z-How about nature? Does that seems fitting enough for you?
Ha-Karma the god of Nature. I approve.
The other gods approve as well and then Zeus speaks again.
Z-And for Nova. She is very strong indeed but what she has is an inner strength so how about goddess of illusions?
We all agree and with that their roles are decided. Hades goes get them from the house to the throne room.

To be continued.........

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