65 Sixty Five

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I look at Karma annoyed before I get a mouthful of food so I don't insult him. He pokes my arm and I wave him off to stop but when he doesn't stop I take the knife and I stick it on his hand.
-Do you want a second one?
He shakes his head and I stand and I leave the house just as I am. It's still raining hard outside but I don't care if I get wet at all.
Karma POV
I watch as Nova leaves the house turn into a mad woman and I turn to my hand and see the knife still there and my hand all bloody now. I take the knife and I pull it out harshly.
-Ugh, that's nasty.
I hear dad and Karai laugh a bit and I point the knife at them.
-Not funny.
K-Your face is kind of funny.
I make a face to her before I get up and take the umbrella to go look for Nova. I take the park first and I call Cerberus and everyone else to see if someone has seen her and when I run out of places to check I get more desperate by her.
-Nova, where are you? Sister.
I call dad so they also help me look for her and then I resume my search. I look up and down right and left but I don't find her. I meet with everyone else at Astoria Park.
Ha-Not even a trace.
K-We have to get home and change before we continue looking for her.
He-We should get her some clothes as well.
Ha-We'll get her trace and find her.
-Trace? Trace, that's it! Dad, you're a genius.
I hug him before I make my way towards Cerberus's place. I knock and I hear Isabella from the other side laughing before someone I don't recognize opens the door. Before she says a word Isabella runs to me.
I-Uncle! Long time no see. Good evening, I'm good how are you?
-Is your daddy home?
I-No, I'm with a nanny today.
Ha-Do you know where he is?
I-He took mom for a surprise or a gift.
-Thanks anyway for your help, I have to go now. Wish me luck, I'll need it.
I-Good luck.
She gives me a hug and a kiss before we all go away and I turn to my family and see mom struggling to keep up with us and how Karai helps her up. I turn to them and I help her up as well.
-Mom, I need you to go home. I promise I'll find Nova but you get home with Karai, please.
Ha-Go, I'll stay with him.
After a bit of arguing we manage to convince her to go home with Karai while we search for Nova. By the time I start to feel tired I don't know if I'm wet by the rain or sweat or my own tears. I look at dad and I see him standing as proud as always with a serious face that doesn't give anything.
Ha-I don't suppose you know where Sebastian lives.
-Not a clue, she never told me. But when I find him, I swear I'm going to tear him apart limb by limb and will keep him alive long enough so he suffers a slow, painful death.
Ha-I can punish him personally when he dies, in the underworld.
That makes me laugh and he laughs as well and we get seated on a bench to rest our feet a bit. Suddenly I hear a sneeze from a close alleyway. I turn to dad and I can tell he heard it as well. We get up and get to the alley and as I get closer I hear hard breathing and teeths clashing together. Dad moves a bag out of the way and it I see a pair of legs and when I turn to see her face I see is Nova shivering and when I touch her face I note that she's frozen cold.
Ha-To Olympus
I take my jacket off and I give it to her so she gets a bit warmer. I take her on my arms and helps me get through the storm while he calls mom to tell her we're on our way.
When we get home they have warm water and towels ready for Nova. Mom and Karai take her alone and they change her clothes before I get to her side. I link our hands together and I see as she tries to talk and I get closer and she whispers on my ear what I least expect. I look at her.
-Nova, you know I can't do that.
She squeezes my hand and I feel a bit guilty as she speaks.
N-You promised.
-Fine, I promise.
She smiles and she lifts her pinky towards me and I link my pinky with hers.
She turns to her side taking my hand in both of hers to her face using it as a pillow. I stay with her all night watching over her. After a couple hours dad comes to get me a cup of hot chocolate.
Ha-Here, drink this.
Ha-You really are a good brother to her.
-You give me too much credit.
Ha-Why is your hand doing as a pillow for her?
-If I were to guess, is to keep me here. I promised I wouldn't hurt him under any condition.
Ha-She really has a pure heart.
-A good night's rest and she will be just fine and asking to go shopping like always.
He laughs before he takes my now empty cup and goes away. I fall asleep soon afterwards just like that.
When I wake up I see that she's already awake and with her drawing notebook on hand. I let out a laugh and she smiles.
N-Finally awake?
-Feeling better?
N-A bit, don't move.
-You're drawing me?
She shushes me and keeps drawing me on her notebook. After she finishes she asks me to get with her on the bed and I do. I sit behind her and she shows me her drawings. Is mostly mom and dad and Karai and me she draws.

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