8 Eight

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The next morning I wake up earlier than usual and I look at my window, is still dark outside and I turn to the clock on Hades's wrist and is only three in the morning. I try to get a bit more sleep but as I can't I roll out of bed and go to the kitchen. I take a bowl of ice cream that's still unopened and I start eating it. When I'm about halfway done with it I hear Hades calling me.
Ha-My love?
-On the kitchen.
Ha-Is something wrong? Why aren't you at bed?
-I couldn't go back to sleep and I got hungry and I didn't want to wake you up either.
Ha-You know I wouldn't mind it if is for you or the baby.
-I know.
I eat a mouth full without thinking and I get a chill that goes down to my bones and I shiver at the feeling as I put a finger to my forehead.
-Uh, brain freeze.
I save the ice cream and wash the spoon before I sit back down at the table. Hades sits at my side and he takes me on his lap and gently rubs my belly. I place one hand on top of his and give him a short kiss before I pull back to look at him.
-Let's go back to bed.
He nods and he lifts me up like a princess and gets us to bed.

A couple weeks pass and I'm on my fifth month of pregnancy. Hades and I are stretched out on the couch watching a movie on his laptop. The laptop is on my lap and I'm on his. He has his left hand on my belly with mine on top and my right hand is on my belly with his on top. We laugh at a scene on the movie when I feel a slight kick. I stop laughing and I feel as it kicks again and again. I look at Hades and I know he felt it too by the look on his eyes.
Ha-Was that what I think it was?
-Yes, is the first time it kicks.
He gives me a kiss on the cheek and the baby kicks more and more and we both laugh.
-If it kicks like this before being born I can't imagine how it will be after is born.
Ha-She will run in the Olympics.
After a couple minutes feeling our baby move I start to get a little pain on my back and I shrug a little bit uncomfortably.
Ha-Are you okay?
-Yeah, just the common pain that comes.
Ha-Anything I can do?
I take his left hand and link it with my left hand so we can see our engagement rings. I cuddle on him hiding my face on his neck.
-There is something you can do.
-Forget it, it's too silly and childish.
Ha-Tell me, I won't judge and I will do it. I'll do anything for you.
-Do you think maybe, you could sing me a lullaby?
Hades laughs a bit and I bury my face deeper in between his neck and his shoulder. To my surprise he does start singing skillfully with a calming voice.

Sometime halfway I feel myself being lifted up and I squeeze in alarm when I hear him talk.
Ha-Easy, just getting you to bed. You were falling asleep.
I cuddle in his arms as he gets me to bed to sleep more comfortably. The next morning I'm woken up by Hades cursing and I search for him on the bed to calm him down but as I find an empty bead instead I call to him.
Ha-Ugh, down here.
I go to the edge of the bed and I see him lying on the floor rubbing his arm and the side of his head.
-What are you doing down there?
Ha-That's my alarm, to wake up.
-Wake up or wake down?
He laughs at my joke before getting up and giving me a kiss. He sits on the bed and pats for me to accommodate for the daily back massage he gives me everyday now that I'm pregnant. I put my back to him and he starts working on my shoulders from the outside in to my neck and then goes back. I smile and I take the cushion he bought me when we first knew about my pregnancy. I look at it lovingly and I start humming a lullaby that mom used for me when I couldn't sleep. When Hades is done with the massage he hugs me and gives me a kiss on the cheek as he starts talking to our baby.
Ha-You hear that baby? That's the sweet sound of your mommy's voice. With that same voice she will say she loves you and that she will protect you and you'll know that those are promises that last forever. She might scream scared but she'll still protect you above everything else. And I want you to know, that I love her because she gave me you, whom I love before I met. I love you, both.
He gives me a kiss on the lips and I feel as our baby moves and I laugh.
-She says she loves you too. I love you.
Ha-I love you too.
-You know, I'm pretty sure that our baby will be a girl.
Ha-How are you so sure?
-A feeling, I just know it.
Ha-So, it's Karai then?
-Pretty sure. Oh, the lullaby you sang last night for me. I love it. Maybe you can sing it to Karai too after she's born.
Ha-Sure, I would be happy to.
-Can you get me my crosswords book please?
Without a word he stands and goes get me my book and a pen to do them. We move to the living room and I stretch out on the couch and start doing them as Hades moves to the kitchen to do breakfast. After a couple minutes I can smell it and I smile and not long after Hades cones out with a tray for me. I sit straight and when I see the breakfast.
-Oh, Hades.

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