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Nova laughs at how frenetic Ares is attacking her. After a bit she turns serious and he delivers a high kick to his face so hard it breaks his nose. She delivers another one that throws him to the floor with his back to her. When he tries to get up she kicks him down again and she takes his arm behind his back. He groans in pain.
N-Give up. Either way you're going to lose this fight.
Ares-The god of war doesn't give up.
N-Men, they never understand.
She breaks his arm and he screams in pain very loudly. Afterward she throws him up and she gives a kick so hard that it throws him to the wall breaking it down. He doesn't get up and she walks over to him a bit out of his reach. She calls him out.
N-Ares? Come on, it wasn't that hard.
He doesn't move and she gets closer cautiously. She smiles as she sees he's still alive then she backs away alarmed as his aura comes forth in rage. She makes appear a bow and arrow at her hands and she holds it. When he starts moving she snaps to attention getting her bow and arrow ready to shoot at him. Ares makes an army of weapons behind him and Nova frowns at it. She shoots her arrow but even as it hits on his arm it seems to have no effect on him at all. He doesn't even flinch and two spears come for her. She deflects he first but the second hits on her shoulder. She winces and she takes it out as she starts bleeding. She  looks at his other weapons again and she makes a last attack and runs in a frontal attack that I think what the hell.
-Is she crazy? A direct frontal assault is the last thing she should do.
Ka-She has a plan.
I look and I see as she gets behind him and takes him to the floor holding him as a shield from his weapons. He struggles a bit before he goes numb and his weapons all disappear. She throws him aside and she sits up and look at him. She gets up to her feet and smiles at us. Zeus checks Ares and he nods.
Z-You won.
N-I told you I would win.
With that we all go back home and I take her to the infirmary. The doctors don't let me be with her as they treat her and I receive a bunch of texts messages from all of her family. I tell them she's fine and wait for her. When she comes out I see the bandages on her arm up to her shoulder.

 When she comes out I see the bandages on her arm up to her shoulder

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She smiles sweetly at me.
N-Is not as bad as it seems.
Doctor-She has to rest and not move her arm around until it completely heals. If it hurts take these pills and also no sudden movements.
-She will rest.
N-I can barely feel the pain anymore and is not bleeding.
Doctor-That's the laxant working.
She rolls her eyes and we go home at Olympus so she doesn't have any temptations. I see as she tries to get a book from the high shelve and I lift her up.
N-What was that for?
-You shouldn't make any movements like that.
At dinner I leave her on the table and I don't let her do anything at all.
N-Chimera, I can do anything. Is not that big of a deal.
-Out of the question. You're hurt and I'm going to take care of you while you recover.
She stretches out and she groans.
N-Ah, ouch.
I turn to her worriedly.
-You ok?
N-Yes. Is nothing really.
-Are you absolutely sure?
I hug her gently evading her wound and she laughs.
N-Have I told you I love you yet?
-I can stand to hear it a couple more times.
N-I love you.
-I love you too.
With that I take her to bed and I wait until she falls asleep to do so myself. When she does I do as well and I fall asleep faster than I thought.
Six years after
            Nova POV
I am looking at my baby daughter and my baby niece play together with Karai's wings.
K-Ah, my feathers!
Ka-Your what?
K-My feathers. Sorry, now I realize how ridiculous it sounds out loud. Does she talk yet or not?
Ka-She tries but not yet.
After a bit Beatrice just looks at a sleeping Zola and she makes confused expressions at her before she tries to wake her up. Karai turns to take her up.
K-Come on. Let's get you to sleep too. We don't want to wake her do we now.
Ka-She likes the wings.
K-Can I, I can fly her to sleep. I mean if you let me that is.
Ka-You can do it. Not too high please.
K-I won't be too high, don't worry.
She stands and goes to the balcony holding Beatrice close to her chest. I stand and go get Zola.
-I think is time for this baby girl to get on her crib.
Ka-They are adorable. I'm glad they're kind of similar on age. Have each other to play with.
-With that they can each be a bit more calm and happy. Beatrice is such a sweetheart with her.
Ka-Zola is still a cutie pie on her own way. She resembles Chimera a bit.
-She does, she is not that messy.
Ch-She got that from you because I never know where something is if were not for you.
He looks over my shoulder to our daughter and I give him a kiss.
Ch-Where is Beatrice?
-With Karai.
Ch-How is Stella? I heard she was sick.
Ka-She's better, she's resting a bit on the room.
-What did she got?
Ka-Just a common cold. Nothing serious. She just doesn't want to get Beatrice sick.
-Such a good mother and you're a great father too. Oh, she woke up.
She reaches out for Chimera and he holds her lovingly.
Ch-I got her. You two have lots of things to talk about.
-My knight in shining armor.
He gives me a kiss before he goes away.
Ka-She's a very cute little baby.
-She'll be strong like dad and gentle like mom.
Ka-And she'll be as deadly as you are.
-Beatrice has your red hair and your eyes.
Ka-Then she'll be as cute as me.
We laugh and we see as Karai comes with Beatrice on arms still awake.
K-Does she ever get tired? She seems more energetic than before.
She puts her on the floor and she crawls a bit looking at Karma.
Ka-Come here, come on, you can do it.
B-Ah, ah.........
-Is she trying to talk?
Ka-She tries. Come on baby girl, come with daddy.
She laughs and she tries to get up but fails falling on her butt on the floor. She tries a second time and fails again but this time around however she gets sad and makes to cry but Karma takes her up consoling her.
Ka-Ah, don't cry. You'll get it, you'll get it. I got you, daddy's here.

He gets her up making eye contact with her and she plays around getting her hand all over his face

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He gets her up making eye contact with her and she plays around getting her hand all over his face.
-Isn't that adorable?
K-Father and daughter together.
She tries to talk again and we laugh. My phone rings and I answer quickly as I recognize the ringtone as dad's.
We all turn to Beatrice as she mimicks my cheerful tone.
-Did she just?
Ka-I think so.
I remember dad on the phone and excuse me.
-Is it possible I call you later? Even better, let me get you on video so you can all see as well.
I put it on video and get so is recording as well. I repeat myself.
-Beatrice, say daddy.
B-Addy, addy, addy.
-Let's try it simpler them. What about mommy? Dada, mama?
B-Ada, ada.
Ka-He, she wants down now.
He puts her down but then she quickly turns sad and holds to him grabbing his hair. She hits him on the head laughing and we all laugh as well, even dad on the phone.
-Oh my, she said it.
Ka-She certainly did. Ah, my princess. Her first word.
B-Dada, dada, dada, dada.
We laugh as she keeps repeating herself over and over again while she crawls around the living room. I stop recording and turn to speak with dad again.
-She's cute.
Ha-She is.
-So, why you called me?
Ha-Well, Persephone is organizing a family reunion for everyone in our family. The guardians, Isabella, Persephone, us, your siblings and their kids and you and your daughter of course.
-A family reunion.
Ha-Basically. Yes.
Ha-Over the weekend. You have all week to prepare.
-We'll be there. Everyone will. See you on the weekend then.
Ha-See you all then.
We hang up and I go to where the kids are playing again together. After a bit Beatrice falls asleep and shortly after Zola is falling asleep again. I start singing to them.

When I finish I look at them and I see that they're cuddling together sleeping peacefully. Karma puts a blanket over them.
Ka-Good song.
-Dad used to sing us that lullaby when we were sad and couldn't sleep or just to make us sleep.
Ka-He told me he got it for each of us when we were babies.
K-She got her first word out.
Ka-She sure did.
-Well then, next weekend we'll meet up at Olympus with everyone of our family.
K-That sounds great. Everyone together, is been quite some time since the last time we've been all together as a family.
Ch-They spend up some time with their cousins and your parents as well.
Ka-Well, is getting late. We better get the girls to bed.
-We have to go home then. Don't want it to get too late.
Ka-Why don't you stay and sleep here the night?
Ch-We don't want to bother you.
Ka-It will be a pleasure besides, how are we going to separate them now that they stuck together?
-Fine but I'll cook breakfast tomorrow.
Ka-Sure thing.
With that we all go to sleep and Karma sleeps on the living room with the girls.

Next weekend as we go to Olympus together I talk with Stella as Chimera and Karma carry the girls each.
S-Thank the gods the cold is no more.
-I noticed.
S-Look how happy they seem.
-The kings and their princesses.
We laugh and when we reach dad's house at Olympus I see we are the last ones there.
I hug him tight and midhug we hear Beatrice mimicks me.
Ha-You got a copy.
Ka-She only repeats when you squeak it out.
He says hi to everyone. He ruffles Karma's hair and when he backs away Beatrice tries to do as well and we laugh.
Ha-That's adorable.
Ka-She is repeating wathever we do.
Ha-Babies tend to do that.
Ka-Ah, that did hurt a bit.
He takes her hand out of his hair and we enter together. Dad takes her on his arms and she seems a bit confused and curious. Is not long before she starts crawling around everyone trying to figure out who is the best option for her to be with. I take Zola on my arms and from Chimera and I rub her back a bit.
-This is good.
I watch as AJ and CJ turn to Beatrice and she takes his glasses and sucks them curiously.
K-Don't let her break them.
AJ-She won't. She's a good girl.
He tickles her a bit and she turns away from him desinterested as she turns to Karai. She looks at her deeply.
-Karai, I think your shadow wants your wings.
I point to Beatrice on the floor and she smiles.
K-That shadow.
She gets on her knees in front of her and spreads her wings for her. She holds Karai's wings softly and very happy about it. We all laugh a bit at how cute she looks as she moves her wing back and forth.

To be continued..........

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