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After my honeymoon with Chimera as we go back to the city of New York I can't help but ask.
-You do know the house is not finished yet right?
Ch-I know. You and me, we are going to finish it together. You'll be the boss.
-I like that idea.
With that settled we go to our new home to finish making it but what we find when we get there is, it takes our breath away. The house is finished. With decorations and everything.
-Am I dreaming?
Ch-We must be dreaming the same thing then.
We walk inside and everything is solid done. I check the garden and everything.
-Oh my, what a marvelous garden, Lillies, roses, it even has a fountain with a mini pond for the water lillies.
Ch-It has the three roses. The red ones, the blue ones and the white ones.
We go to the garden outside and I look at the tree decorated with hanging hearts from the branches.
Ch-Who did this?
Ha-We did.
We hear dad behind us and we both turn around. He smiles at us and I turn to the house looking at its magnificence.
-You did all this?
K-Well, you need a home for yourself.
Ka-Thus is our wedding gift for you both.
He-With one gift apart from each of us on the bedroom.
Ha-We didn't got furniture in because that is for you to choose.
At a loss of words I just hug them each tightly giving each a kiss. I save dad for last as I keep hugging him very very tightly. He gasps for air and I let go of him.
-So, now then, who would like to join us for dinner at the beach? We have our own private beach.
They all nod and I smile knowingly.
-Race you there.
With that we all run together to the beach and Karma goes second as Karai got there first thanks to her wings while mom is the last one. We reach Karai then Karma then Calix and dad close together followed by Chimera then me and then Angel with mom in last place. We laugh as we sit on the sand around in a circle. Needless to say we are happy and we just goof around.
-You know, we were going to finish the house together but we didn't expect you to finish it for us.
C-So now then, what is Karma going to do now?
Ka-What do you mean?
C-Well, you'll be all alone and without Nova to help you.
He makes a suffering mimicks before he laughs and Karma seems between hurt, mad and insulted laughter. He's about to speak when I stop him.
-Need I remind you that he was the one that cooked our meals always when we went away for racing or concerts?
Ka-Don't you remember the concert at Japan? It was when Isabella sang with her for her birthday.
C-I was not there.
Ha-He wasn't born yet.
-Guess not then.
Ch-You seriously don't remember if he was born or not?
Ka-Well, we know all our family went.
-And last we checked Calix is family as well so.
C-You really are adorable when you get confused.
Ka & N-Oh shut up.
I look at Karma and he looks at me with the same expression of surprise on our faces before we all laugh together for a bit. Before long I start braiding my hair preparing for a swim.
                  Karma POV
I stay silent for a bit and I see as Nova starts braiding her hair. I smile as I know what's up. I get up and look at the ocean behind us and I let out a soft laugh.
-Ready for swimming?
N-I do have an idea.
She turns to Karai and I understand it quickly.
-You wouldn't dare.
N-Really? We've been together all of our life's and you still doubt if I will or will not do something.
-Just making sure. Seriously now, are you really doing it?
N-You bet I will. Now then, Karai, sweet sister of mine. How high can you fly?
K-Myself above the clouds, charging a person I have to go lower for the extra weight. Depending on who I'm carrying too.
N-How high can you take me?
She shrugs as she never carries anyone unless is absolutely necessary.
N-Well, can you fly me up when I finish braiding my hair?
K-I don't see why not.
Nova celebrates and we all go to the beach port and we wait for them to come. Both me and Chimera get in the beach. Mom and dad sit just with their feet in the water. Calix takes Angel on his arms and he throws her to where I am with Chimera. He comes in a second later.
A-I hate you.
C-I love you too.
-You are so bad little brother.
We splash each other before I race with Chimera to the deepest we can go. I reach further obviously and I smile at him making a face when we hear Nova scream.
N-Here I come.
Karai let's her go and as she falls she curls herself into a fetal position before she turns into a vertical position. She gets inside barely making a splash and I am shocked at the very best. After a bit I see bubbles and I know something's wrong when she doesn't come up again.
                Nova POV
I do a perfect cannonball barely making a splash. I stay underwater for a bit and I swim to the reef looking at the beautiful fishes and all the colors they have. I take a quick look around and I have to get up again for air but when I try to go up the surface I'm pulled back by something. I look back and I see my hair stuck in a coral reef. I try to pull free but as I do I let out my last breath of air and I panic as I try to get up to the surface for air. I see the bubbles come out I get a step and my foot gets stuck on a branch. I panic further as I can't break free from it and my last thought is about the shining sun and despite being underwater I feel a tear on my eye. I fade away losing consciousness.
                       Karma POV
I swim to where Nova is supposed to be but I don't find her. I swim a bit using my aura to breathe underwater. Chimera finds her and he points at her as he has to go back up for air. I swim on her direction and I see her hair tangled on a reef and her foot on a branch at the bottom. I swim up and I only take the time to take my k ice from my pants before I go back down. I cut her hair on the part where is stuck only and as she breaks free I also cut the branch holding her feet. I use my aura to take the water out and as she starts coughing she slowly tries to get up but I stop her.
N-That was, unexpected.
Ch-You scared my soul away. If something happened, if I lost you.
He hugs her crying and I smile at the sight.
N-You're not getting rid of me that easily. Now then, Karma.
She looks at me fiercely and I swear I see a streak of white and red go down her hair and I straighten up some afraid.
N-Couldn't you have use your aura to get the both of us breathing under the water instead of cutting it.
-I didn't thought of that. I was hurried and afraid if I didn't act fast enough. Forgive me?
I shut my eyes tight and wait for a slap but find myself getting a pat on the head. I open my eyes surprised and she gives me a warm smile reassuring me. Before I know it I'm thrown to the water.
-You, you naughty girl.
I splash her and we all laugh together. Before long we're all back to the water and I watch as Karai evens Nova's hair out making it look pretty and not uneven as I did with my rushed cuts. Chimera is in front of her holding her hands comfortingly. I swim to where mom and dad are.
He-What do you want?
-Come in with us.
He-I'm fine as I am. You go and enjoy the water for the both of us.
I get on her feet and make puppy eyes at her as I hold her ankles.
-Pretty please? I'm your sweet little boy, your baby, your child. I give her my best smile and she laughs hiding a laughter with her hand. I pull ehr feet a bit and she looks at me but I keep menacing to pull her in.
-Dad, help me out?
Ha-Go in with him?
He-I rather stay here.
Ha-I tried.
-That wasn't trying.
Ha-Not really but this is.
With a smile he pushes mom to the water. When she comes out to breathe we laugh at her and she splashes me furious.
He-I'll get you for this.
Ha-If I let myself that is.
He-Well, I'm soaked now. What do you want to do?
I take her hand and I smile.
-Underwater. I'll help with the breathing.
She lifts an eyebrow at me doubtful.
-Just trust me. I know what I'm doing.
I take us down and I make the water out of her so she can as I breathe underwater. She seems surprised and I smile at her. I show her a lot of beautiful rocks and shells that are on the sandfloor and she reaches to touch one of them but I stop her. She gets the message and she sticks to just looking at them. Before long I am a bit exhausted and I take us back up again. She laughs as she gets out if the water.
He-I got to admit that was awesome.
-One of my many talents.
I make to get out but mom pushes me back down.
He-Not yet. Let me enjoy not having to look up to see your face.
-Really? That's your reasoning for keeping me down.
He-I always have to get a bit a distance so I don't strain my neck looking at all of you.
-Well, you are the shortest in our family. Even AJ and CJ are taller than you.
We all laugh and as the sunset starts we all go back home. As we walk back to the house of Chimera and Nova I turn to her and take her away a moment.
                     Nova POV
After a long day at the beach we go back to our new home Karma takes me away from everyone and we walk side by side. I see a tear form at his eye and I have to suppress the urge to speak.
Ka-I'll miss you.
We reach the home and at the edge of the forest he stops and I stop beside him.
Ka-Damn, I'm so weak. Calix was right, I can't be without you. When you said you were moving out I got sad and happy at the same time. You are my baby sister and I swore I would protect you with my life and when Chimera came along I thought we could protect you together. It wasn't until today I really realized that, that now he's your protector. I feel so happy for you but sad to see you go. I feel lost and like I'm losing a part of me.
He turns to me at last and I see he's crying deeply. I take his face on my hand and I turn to him with my best smile. He speaks again.
Ka-I just realized that, you don't need me anymore, that I have no place on your life anymore.
-Don't be silly. You'll always have a place in my heart and that place is overflowing with love, you're my brother and I love you and I will always need you. You didn't lose a sister, you gained a brother. And who knows maybe soon I'll surprise you with a niece or a nephew.
Ka-I'll be the best uncle they can get.
-I know you will. When the time comes, you'll be the first to know now then, stop crying and give me a smile.
He cleans his face with his sleeve and he gives me the best smile he can and I give him a big crushing hug. Before long we go to the house and I see him get his keys. I recognize them as the bike's keys and I turn to him.
-You little devil.
Ka-Come on, you know me better than that.
He hops on his bike and he gets the helmet on and goes away at top speed and wheeling. I go back inside the house and now is just me and Chimera alone on our new house.

To be continued.............

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