89 Eighty Nine-Discovery and Loss

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Two months later
I wave goodbye to my clients for now as we're meeting again on the evening. I turn around in my chair and look by the window with nostalgia when my phone rings. Is Hades, I smile as I answer on video chat.
-Hello dear husband.
Ha-My love, you sound tired.
-I am mentally tired. How I wish to be with you and forget everything like we did in Japan.
He laughs and I can see him blush slightly on the camera. He clears his throat before he speaks again.
Ha-I promise we'll do it again, right now I think I can help you with another thing.
-Really now?
He smiles and he lifts a bag of my favorite food so I can see it on screen and I feel my mouth getting wet already.
-You didn't
Ha-Oh but I did, your favorite, I'm going down there.
-You're coming down from Olympus? What about your work?
Ha-Is lunchtime and I'm having lunch with you. The most beautiful wife of eternity. Wait for me there.
I nod and I throw him a kiss before I hang up as I turn to look at the horizon again. I almost fall asleep when I hear the door opening and Hades's voice.
Ha-Lunch is here.
I smile at him and he comes towards me and gives me a kiss before he gives me my food. I get mine and he gets his as well and we eat together. We share our dishes as well and I sit on his lap playfully. I kiss his cheek repeatedly enjoying the moment we have together and we stay close together until is time to work again. I groan as he goes away and I reach to him for a last kiss. I pull him down by his tie to kiss him and we stay like that for a moment before I finally let go of each other.
-Love you.
Ha-Love you more.
I laugh as he goes away and I'm left to work again. I receive the clients again and as I listen to them speak I start to feel bad. I take a medicine to relieve the pain and it soothes it down a bit just enough for me to keep working for the rest of the day. I get out a bit early still and we schedule for the next day as well.
When I get up the next day I feel bad again but I still go to work. As I get inside the agency I start to feel worse and I have to run to the bathroom to throw up. I start thinking of all the possibilities of why or of what I can be sick when a thought crosses my mind. I go buy a pregnancy test and I put it on my pocket and I start to think about the last time I had sex with Hades without precaution and I remember the time we threw everything away and had sex like savage beasts. I get to work and at lunch I do the test and it comes out positive. I get mixed feelings about it and I figure I should ask Aphrodite or Persephone about it as I'm too old to have another child. My brain storms with questions and doubts and endless possibilities. I know I want to be a mother again but, does Hades wants another child? I save the results on my purse and as I smile at having another baby. I start to go back home on Hades's car and as I'm about to cross the intersection a person comes in front of me and I almost hit him. He apologizes and I give him pass. I keep going forward but the last I remember after that is a loud horn and a hit from the side before blacking out.
                         Hades POV
I am at Olympus working when my phone rings. I answer as I see is Hera.
-My love.
Doctor-Are you related to the person owner of this phone?
I frown as a male voice speaks through her phone. I stand slamming my hand at the desk.
-Who are you and why do you have my wife's phone?
Doctor-Easy, I'm a doctor, you were her emergency contact. I called to inform that she's been in a car accident and she's, well, she's not unharmed. You should come.
He gives me the address and I go back down to earth and go to the hospital on my bike. I get there and I hurriedly ask on the front counter.
-How is my wife? Is she okay?
The doctor takes me to a more isolated place and he speaks.
-How is she doing?
Doctor-She's unconscious and she has lost a lot of blood. We might need a transfusion or someone to donate blood. A familiar would be more likely.
-Will she get better?
Doctor-Time is essence, the sooner we get the transfusion done the less danger she's in.
-Can I be a candidate?
Doctor-If you're the same type of blood as she is and you have no health problems or anything at all then you can come this way.
The doctor leads me through a room and he checks if I'm compatible and I call Persephone so she spreads the word to my children if they can be donors as well. They come but none of us is compatible with her. I grow frustrated and the guardians offer themselves as well to check and amongst everyone that checks their blood there is only one match. The match is Hermes and we all get surprised at that. He agrees to donate but I find it kind of weird that he stays still for a long time. A while later the doctor pulls me aside and he gives me some documents to sign before he asks me something that I almost don't believe.
Doctor-Did you know she was expecting?
Doctor-A child. Bearing a baby, she was pregnant.
-Is she pregnant?
Doctor-Was, the impact was so great that she lost the baby.
I feel my heart sink as million of thoughts cross my mind.
-When can I see her?
Doctor-As soon as she wakes up we're going to do some tests to see if she can go home or stay in observation.
-Can you tell me how was the accident? How did it happen?
Doctor-We only know her condition and the other driver's condition. You can ask the police if you want to know. They ought to know what happened.
He gives me a room number and I nod thanking him. Everyone goes away to their homes except for my children and Hermes. I go ask the guards what happened and I know that at least the other driver is on death's door as he's in coma.
-Excuse me, officer. I want to know how did the accident happened. My wife is one of the people hospitalized.
Police-Here is the report with the details, she's lucky to be alive.
I read the report and I get to know that a truck impacted the driver's side, meaning Hera, and she was left unconscious at impact with multiple light wounds and the trucker was as well as they were both taken to the hospital and the cars got removed from the street as evidence. I give the report back to the officer thanking him as I go back to wait on news about Hera. She doesn't wakes up until morning three days later. Everyone leaves except for me, I stay there waiting for news without sleeping or going anywhere. I grow desperate as they don't let me see her yet. When she wakes up they get her checked up when suddenly I hear her scream loudly.
He-Nooo, no, no.
I see a lot of doctors enter her room  and I catch a glimpse of her crying before one of the nurses pulls me away from the door. They have to sedate her but this time they let me stay with her. I sit by her side and I can see her face wet with tears still and I take her hand on mine and I stay with her until she wakes up the next day late in the morning. She starts to wake up slowly and I stand and get my hand on her face.
-Hey, I'm here, I'm here, you're fine.
She starts to sob and cry as she turns away from me. I can only know what she's trying to avoid.
He-Tell me is not true.
I turn to hug her and she cries on my arms and it takes everything I have to not cry as well.
-Is not your fault. It was an accident.
He-I was looking forward to let you know but then, this happened and I.....
-Shh, don't think about it. Everything will be alright. Is fine, is fine, everything's going to be just fine.
She calms down and I give her lots of kisses until she laughs and smiles.
-There it is, the smile I love so much.
She turns away a bit ashamed and I smile at her. Then I notice she looks at me curiously and I turn to her.
He-How long I've been here?
-Four days. I've been here the whole time.
He-Did you slept anything while waiting?
I shake my head and she squeezes my hand.
He-Where are my things?
I stand and I go to the drawer and I take her things and get them to her. She gets everything out and she takes her phone between everything else. She sends a quick text to three different persons and one answer and she turns surprised. A bit after that she shows me the pregnancy test and I smile at her softly.
-Don't worry about it now, we can talk later.
Suddenly we hear yelling from outside the door and we see two doctors entering the room. I see the doctor that talked to me and one that looks more older and like he's the boss. He's kind of agitated, mad and worried. He comes towards Hera and he takes off all the intakes she has excepts the ones monitoring her pulse and those things. Checking her he asks her lots of questions almost too fast.
Doctor-How do you feel? What have you been told?
The other doctor tries to speak but he silences him with a glance his way making him retreat to a corner.
Doctor-Now then, I am afraid there has been a mistake or half a mistake because is half true. First tell me what do you know about your condition.
We both tell him what we know respectively and he sighs.
Doctor-You did indeed lost the baby but, in this case, what you suffered was the syndrome of what we call the vanishing twin. Meaning that you only lost one of the babies.
He-I was, with twins?
Doctor-I'm sorry for the incomplete, inaccurate information. I understand if you want to press charges if anything happens.
-Are there any risks because of the situation?
Doctor-There is the danger of losing this one as well if we don't hurry with a treatment. It will most probably have any health problems if not taken care properly. I recommend she stays bed rest the rest of the pregnancy with no sudden emotions or forced movements at all. She has to be in complete and absolute peace.
-What do you recommend us to do in your professional opinion?
Doctor-These are hard decisions but on my expertise I would recommend not having the baby.........
He gets interrupted by Hera as she immediately turns down his offer of losing both babies. We both turn to her and she's crying now.
Doctor-I am not forcing the decision on you.
She calms down and she looks at her hands on her lap as she speaks calmly.
He-I want to have this baby.
She looks at me and I get close to her and I hug her rubbing her back comfortingly.
-Is your choice, whatever you want I want.
He-I want to have this baby.
-Then you'll have it.
We turn to the doctor and he nods.
Doctor-I'll prepare everything to go smoothly with the pregnancy.
He goes away and when he comes back he gives me a report and they translate us to a more comfortable room as she's going to be here for a couple more days to observate how the pregnancy goes. I give her a book I just got for her while she was sleeping. I stay with her all the time.

To be continued.............

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