141-Revenge Finale & Underworld Tour

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A few days later dad is finally at his full power and he seems happy.
Ha-Feels good. Now, there is one last thing to do and everything will be as before.
-Can I go with you?
Ha-It would be my honor.
He takes my hand and leads me to the dungeons where Helios is. I see as he takes him away and we go to his realm, the Underworld. He takes my hand.
Ha-Stay close to me. Don't get away from me.
I nod and the gate opens. We enter the underworld and I maintain an unreadable expression despite my feelings. I hold his arm and hand tighter getting closer to him.
Ha-Don't be afraid. They're harmless and as long as you're with me you won't get lost or confused as a traitor.
-There are so many.
Ha-Well, the dead never lowers but rises in numbers.
-Is it the same amount of dead as well as living?
Ha-Not sure I get your meaning.
-Say there is a million dead, are there a million as well on earth alive. You know, same amount but separated in different places.
Ha-No, there are more dead than alive. I'll explain properly another time.
-With a tour?
Ha-Would that make you happy?
-Yes. You never talk about the underworld so I don't quite get it.
Ha-Then sure, I'll gladly give you a tour of the Underworld soon. We're here.
We stop at a door and I read it labeled as Tartarus. He looks at me a bit afraid and he smiles reassuringly.
Ha-Keep close and no matter what do not move from her side.
-Her side?
Ha-Nyx, keep her safe while I do this.
He hands me over with Nyx and we step a bit away from dad. I go without complaint but keep watching as dad puts Helios down on the floor for a moment. Another servant comes up to dad and I see as dad takes off his earring and gives it to him. The servant backs away a bit in fear and I see as dad's aura grows stronger.
Nyx-His real form.
I see as dad gets taller and bigger. He is entirely black as obsidian with amethyst as details and other gemstones covering the rest of his body. His hair grows longer and fire comes out of the sides of his mouth. I smile at how cool he looks and I see as he reaches up and takes a giant rock out of the way and he puts it down on the floor. He kneels and turns to Helios taking him between his thumb and index fingers cautiously. He gets it inside the room the rock was covering before he gets the rock back in place. He speaks in Greek.
Ηα-Φορ αλλ οφ ετερνιτυ.
Ha-For all eternity.
He steps against the wall and is then I notice similar stones shaped the same as he is. He closes his eyes and then he bows the head down and after a bit I see him as his human small form getting out of the gemstone body. He walks down some steps that he makes appear every time he steps and I can't help but run up to him crushing him in a hug. He groans and then he laughs patting my head gently.
Ha-Did I scare you?
I shake my head struggling to find the words to express myself.
Ha-How about I give you that tour now?
I get away from him smiling and he offers me his hand. He gets us back to the entrance showing me the things in their respectful order.
Ha-As always, start at the beginning.
I laugh at that attracting some souls attention.
Ha-The first part, the Styx where the dead wait for the ferryman to help them cross it.
I pull on his hand for a question.
-But isn't the Styx itself dead souls?
He nods and explains.
Ha-The souls that make the river have already done this and so they help other souls travel. They mostly do it hoping to get a taste of either a soul that falls from the ferry or those who he throws by the other side because they don't have the payment for him.
-Why does he need payment?
Ha-As a thanks. The token slowly disappears by the time he has the next soul across and if you don't have a coin you have to pay the price and so does the next soul that has to pay double.
-I guess politics are the same everywhere. So why exactly must you not fall on the Styx or not have payment to be thrown?
Ha-If you get on the Styx first you don't get judged or reincarnated but get eaten by the other souls and is like you never came at all. You really don't want to fall there. Afraid yet?
-Impressed or surprised but not afraid.
Ha-Want to see it up close?
-Can I?
He nods and I make my puppy eyes at him. He takes me down to the Styx and towards the ferryman. He helps me in the boat and we travel across the river. I look at the souls, their blank expressions and I decide to tease them a bit. I lift a hand over the side and snap my fingers at them. Some of them follow the movement fighting over who takes my hand and I laugh. Shortly after I get scared by dad.
He grabs my shoulders tight and shakes me a bit and I let out a squeak. I turn to see him and I slap his hand softly before I laugh.
-Don't do that.
Ha-Did I scare you?
I cross my arms over my chest refusing to look at him. He ruffles my hair a bit before he gives me a kiss on the cheek. We reach the other side and dad gets out first helping me out as well. The ferryman extends his bony hand and dad gives him three gold coins. I get confused and as he takes his leave I turn to him.
-I thought you didn't had to pay.
Ha-I might be the god of all of this but he still needs his payment. No exceptions. One for you, one for me and one for the soul he didn't guided.
-I guess if you're not in disagreement with it.
I shrug and he takes me up some steps where even more dead are than on the other side.
Ha-This is Erebus. If you're lucky enough to get here, lucky them. The ones here hover around the most recent arrival.
-What do they do?
Ha-It depends. If you have a body still they drink your blood and eat your flesh. That eases their pain or the feeling they miss of being alive but if you don't have a body anymore they won't even notice you as you pass by them.
I see a figure all alone and the others running from it. I point it out for him.
-What's with that one?
Ha-That one is cursed in life by the gods and in her torment it scares off the other souls.
-Why are they afraid? They can't die again.
Ha-But they think they do, they like to think they're still alive and the most shown here is fear, despair, sadness, anger and so on.
-It looks like a party.
Ha-A party?
-Yeah, lots of people together. Only that their music is the painful screams of the tortured and the dance moves are when they move to devour the body or run away from that lonely one.
Ha-I guess.
???-Hades! You ungrateful brat.
I look at dad and he sighs.
Ha-Tartarus. The souls of the ones who have committed unforgivable acts against the gods and their order are punished.
-The titans.
He nods and a bright light shows on top of us spinning in circular motions.
-First murderer?
-I read our history. I know only what the books at Olympus say. Is he suffering alive or dead soul being tortured?
Ha-Honestly, I can't tell anymore if he's still alive or if he died and his soul is the one suffering now. Let's go on.
I walk a bit and I almost trip over something. Lucky me dad is holding me and doesn't let me fall.
-Is this........a finger?
Ha-Over here, a better view.
He takes me up some stairs and I recognize the titan.
-I know this guy.
Ha-Why is he here?
-Tytius. He was killed by Apollo when he tried to assault his mother, Leto?
Ha-Good. Every day a flock of vultures eats his liver and every day it grows back anew.
-Poor thing.
I look at dad and he smiles as he catches on my irony. We see as a rock comes over us.
-Is that?
Ha-Yes, that's Sisyphus. He has to push the boulder up the hill. After reaching the top it rolls down and he starts again.
-Can I ask something? Promise you won't get mad.
Ha-I promise.
-Tartarus is where souls who have offended the gods come right?
He nods but let's me continue.
-Has any offended you?
Ha-None, is funny how in life people curse on my name and all that and try to avoid me but in the end.
-They all come to meet you.
We reach another river and there are even more dead on the other side.
Ha-If you have not offended the gods you come here and join the other souls in the Fields of Asphodel. You drink from the river, Lethe, and all your memories, thoughts, dreams, all that you are will disappear and you will become either part of the anonymous dead on Asphodel or to the Styx and be the river.
He takes me to the fields and the souls respectfully get out of the way making a path for us to pass without touching them or them touching us.
-Are they afraid or respectful?
Ha-Don't know. Be it fear or respect they'll do it only if is me.
Fate1-Greetings wealthy one.
F2-Greetings host of many.
F3-Greetings unseen one.
Ha-Greetings to you kind ones.
They hover around me and I keep a serious demeanor.
F1-And who might this be?
F2-Such a beautiful lady.
F3-I see a dark within you.
I lash out in anger.
They laugh and I get close to dad angry.
Ha-This is Karai. My eldest child.
F1-A child?
F2-How old is she?
Ha-Would you like them to know?
-Hundred and forty one.
F1-You never told us you had a child.
F3-A princess no less.
F2-Any siblings?
Ha-Leave her alone.
F1, 2 & 3-Yes my lord.
With that they go away laughing.
-Where did they go?
Ha-Off to torment some poor fool. They bring madness and despair to those who offend the Olympic order and they wait for someone to curse on their name.  Come now, there are two more places you have yet to see.
He takes me to a giant room with a used throne dusty from not being used in a long time.
He nods.
Ha-I never use it but is still there. I can't bring myself to destroy it or use it either.
I let go of his hand and I met him know I'll be fine. I get up in the air and I flap my wings strongly blowing away the dust and dirt off the throne. He laughs as I go back to him.
Ha-You didn't had to do that. I barely use it.
-I know but I wanted to. I do have an ulterior motive for it still.
Ha-You want to see me there.
I nod and he goes towards the throne and sits. His clothes change at the touch to a Greek tunic and he has his helmet on as well. I get an idea a do a respectful teasing bow.
-Oh powerful one.
Ha-Stop that, you silly girl.
He gets up and comes back to me smiling flustered. I laugh at that.
Ha-Your turn.
He takes me up on his arms and sets me down on the throne. My clothes change as well to a white dress with a golden belt, sandals, bracelets, necklace and a tiara along with other accessories.
Ha-You look radiant.
Ha-Is the truth. You are divine.
-Thank you, I got it from my dad.
He blushes surprised before blushing.
Ha-You got me two for one.
I stick my tongue out at him before I get up.
-I believe there is one more place to see.
He nods and guides me to a white marble door finely decorated with bright light colored gemstones.
Ha-Close your eyes.
I do and I hear the door opening and I feel a light and warmth on my skin. He takes my hands and leads me inside.
Ha-You can open your eyes now.
I do and I see a beautiful lively green garden.
Ha-Welcome, to the Elysian Fields.
-Wow, is beautiful. What is this place exactly?
Ha-Is supposed to be the paradise for dead heroes but........
Ha-As you can see, is empty. Can you guess why?
-Heroes are immortal.
Ha-Exactly. Is kind of our own fault really. The competition we hold for a hero to come and die for us. Well, we gods are greedy and somehow a bunch of showoffs. So we enter the competition ourselves and win ourselves knowing we can't die and come here. Also, all the heroes can't do something without angering another god.
-If I were to have a hero mine wouldn't come here because his acts might anger uncle Zeus.
Ha-And Zeus angers everyone.
We laugh and make our way back to Olympus. As we get there I make dinner for the both of us before going to bed.

Author's note:
This last chapters were mostly inspired on a friend.
She/he got the idea and she also made character Sora.
Give a follow, good loyal follower.

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