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Five years later
I am working late at the agency with both my wife and my eldest daughter Karai. Hera is asleep on the couch while Karai is daydreaming. Is been five years that she daydreams and she does it now more often for longer. I watch her as she smiles and I recognize that smile. Is the smile of someone who is in love. She hasn't received much many gifts from her secret admirer for the last year and everything is almost back to normal.
-You can sleep if you want.
K-I can still......
She gets interrupted by a very strong shake of the earth. I sense something wrong and then my phone blinks with a message from Cerberus. I frown as I read it. I turn to Karai and Hera.
-Are you both fine?
K-Yes. What happened?
-Titans happened. They got past Cerberus's gate.
K-What? How? Why?
I lift a hand to stop her and she does as another lower earthquake rumbles. After realizing there will not be any more earthquakes or anything I call Cerberus.
                         Helios POV
I follow my sister through the gate of Astoria.
S-Stop following me.
-Come back, where are you going?
S-You don't care.
With that she turns to me blowing a very powerful attack. I fall back on the ground and the last I see of her is her going away.
Just like that everything falls away.
                         Selene POV
I leave Helios behind and I go change my clothes. I get a simple plain outfit and I go to my friend's house. I knock on her door and she opens almost immediately.

Sora-I thought you would drop by sooner or later

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Sora-I thought you would drop by sooner or later. Come in.
I go inside her house and she offers me a drink.
Sora-Is this your flesh and blood or are you just projecting yourself here to talk to me?
-Flesh and blood. This is the real me. So, have you been doing what I asked for?
Sora-Yes, you like her that much?
-Yes, she is different from the other gods.
Sora-How so? I never understood that.
-Well, she has wings. Powerful and deadly and still elegant and gentle. She has a free spirit that I dare say is more free than the freedom herself.
Sora-Why don't you go with her and speak with her? Face to face.
-I can't, I would be killed upon sight by her family. Well, part of the family.
Sora-Right, mortal enemies. What's the worst she could do to you? And what would be the best if she doesn't accepts your proposal.
-Well, the worst is kill me and the best is let me stay as a friend. I suppose, this is new to me.
We keep talking all night about how to approach her gently.
                        Hades POV
I go towards Cerberus's gate to check what happened with the gate. When I get there I am for a moment shocked as I see he's not alone.
Cerberus-Hades! Almost everything is fine now.
-I see you have captured one.
Cerberus-I didn't, he was already passed out. I just kept him here in case you want to question him when he wakes up.
I nod and check him. I am surprised when I recognize him. I turn to Cerberus.
-Take him to my condo and wait there for me.
Cerberus-What about the gate?
-I'll take care of that. Go.
He takes Helios and goes away. I take out my phone and call Alex to send some agents to guard the gate for a while. They come immediately and as I go they ask.
AC-What happened here? Where's Cerberus?
-Later. Let me figure out first.
They nod and I go to my condo. I let Cerberus go and I keep waiting for Helios to wake up. I organize a questioning at Olympus for him to know what his motives are. I call Nova for precaution and everything and tell her to meet me at Olympus.
                       Nova POV
The next morning as we wait I see dad bringing Helios with an agent holding him with an aura. Dad stops in front of me as the companions wait and he talks with me so they don't hear.
Ha-You think you can check if he's telling the truth with your new trick?
-I have not tried that before but I can try.
Ha-Is only as a last resort. Stay out here.
I stay just out of the throne rooms and I hear screaming and discussion. When they go quiet I think they killed him but then the door opens.
Agent-Your presence is required.
I sigh but I enter the throne room. I stand at the center.
Z-Nova, do you think you can search his mind for answers?
-It may take a while but if he's hiding something I'll find it. I only ask for patience from you.
Zeus nods and I turn to Helios. He stays silent and looks at me with anger. I get my aura flow on the palm of my hands and I lift them taking his head. I sigh and close my eyes. At first is only behind a single door. I enter and I am instantly attacked, is obvious he doesn't want me searching his mind.
                   Hades POV
I watch from my throne as Nova searchesearches Helios's mind. Her expression turns sad, angry and pained. I see a tear roll her face as her nose bleeds as she travels deeper into his mind. Everyone keeps silent and waiting patiently. At a certain point she jumps back and away from him scared. She gets a hand over her chest breathing hard before she sighs relieved.
Helios-Next time it won't be only on my mind but in real life as well.
She ignores him and she turns to Zeus.
N-The answers we want we can find them if we find his sister.
He-Do not........
She knocks him silent.
N-He knows nothing but his sister does. If we find her we can have all the answers.
Zeus dismisses us all after sending a search party for Selene. As we go to search our own way Zeus stops us.
Z-Wait, do you think you can do that with Selene as well?
N-What I did with Helios? It will be harder with her.
N-Women are better at deceiving and hiding their feelings.
Z-But you can do it?
Nova nods and he let's us go.
After three eshausting days of search we still haven't found her. We are gathered at Olympus planning our next move when an agent comes running in.
Agent-Sorry for the interruption but, the titan just, she just came and asked to speak with you all.
Z-Get her in then!
The agent brings her inside.
Z-What brings you here?
Selene-I came to ask something of someone. I see she's not here.
Se-The eldest daughter of Hades.
Z-What for?
Selene stays quiet and he accepts her proposal. He calls Karai and before long she comes down from the sky as always.
Z-Karai, if you would be so kind as to listen to her.
Selene looks around and she whispers on her ear what she wants to say. Karai turns away surprise in her face and a hint of annoyed anger.
Z-What did she say?
K-She wants to challenge to a fight.
Z-With whom?
She says it a bit ashamed but he doesn't budge.
Z-Then go, she is your responsibility until we fix the stadium ready for the match.
Karai makes an annoyed face but nods. They are dismissed and as they go away Selene tries to make contact with Karai but she turns away keeping out of her reach.
                     Karai POV
I walk through Olympus to the house and I take Selene with me. I keep an eye on her the whole time not trusting her. She falls asleep and I keep watching her when someone comes in.
Ha-Go eat, I'll watch over her.
I nod and he helps me up from my chair. I go to the kitchen and I sigh relieved to be not with the female titan. I make myself a fast dinner and I eat fast and go back with dad. She is still asleep. I turn into the kitty that dad likes so much and get on his lap. He pets me softly and gently as we both keep an eye on her.
The next day both of the titans are kept separated just in case and I'm again alone with her. Dad is asking when is the match. Trying to hurry it up. Selene is calm all the time. Thank the gods for that. She falls asleep and despite my protests I do too.
                 Selene POV
I wake up and I see Karai deep in slumber. I get up and look at her in adoration.
-You'll be my girl. My angel, my love, my everything.
I look at how peaceful she seems just sleeping there and I dare to get closer with the intention to kiss her. I smell her perfume of roses, her expression is soft and angelical and her hair falls to the side as a waterfall or a river. Her lips are pink glowing with some lipstick and I smell the strawberry scent the have. I get closer to her and I give her a soft kiss on the lips. She smiles making my heart melts but what she says next breaks my heart.
I get back and I frown. I decide to play it right and play it safe. I'm alone in the middle of the most powerful gods of Olympus and my reasons change from making her my woman to make her suffer and it starts with the fight she agreed to do for me and with me.
                    Hades POV
I return home with the news for Karai they can fight now. She'll be happy as now we can solve this once and for all. She is watching over Selene closely and she seems to have been sleeping. I smile.
-You can have your match tomorrow early morning.
She turns to me with a questioning look.

She turns to me with a questioning look

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-I wouldn't lie to you. Go sleep, I'll watch over her.
She nods and goes to sleep.
The next day as we go to the arena they stand facing each other. Their faces expressing nothing and everything at the same time. The fight starts and Karai turns in the defensive as Selene attacks with a dagger. They seem to be having a conversation. After a bit Karai seems shocked and surprised and she gets her guard down for a second allowing Selene's chain to wrap around her. She turns into a snake and slips out of the hold. She turns then into a wolf and attacks. Selene blocks her fangs with an arm in front of her. They stumble on the floor and Selene takes a knife out with her free hand. Karai jumps back turning into a horse lifting on her two back legs. She's about to crush her but Selene gets out of the way rolling on her side. Karai turns to face her and as she runs towards her she jumps and midjump she turns into a green python and wraps around her in the famous bone breaking hug. She squeezes but as she's about to kill her she vanishes from sight and Karai is stunned. She turns to herself again and flies above looking for Selene angry. She smiles and she gets herself a bit higher before she let's herself fall breaking the floor with a kick revealing Selene hiding below the ground.
K-Such a coward move.
Karai kicks her ribs and is so loud I can her Selene's bones breaking but she refuses to scream in pain. As if unsure in how to kill her Karai takes a jump back turning into a wolf. She circles the injured Selene growling. As she does I see Selene smile and Karai stops growling at her angrily. Selene throws her chain well above her and Karai is stunned for a moment but recovers quickly. Something makes her look away and we realize Selene is pulling a column down on top of Karai. She only has enough time to change to her original form holding the column from crushing her. We all gasp in horror. Selene turns to get to the side and she gets out her dagger.

To be continued................

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