24 Twenty Four

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                         Hera POV
When I wake up the next morning I go to the kitchen and I see that Hades and Karai are having a tickling fight. Karai notices me first.
K-Morning mom, help me, hahaha, the tickling monster wants to, hahaha, capture me and make me laugh, hahaha, for the rest of my, hahaha, days. Please. Have mercy.
I laugh as Hades keeps tickling her mercilessly.
Ha-No mercy for the bad girl. You're a bad girl and you deserve a punishment.
I watch as Karai gives him a kiss and Hades stops suddenly.
Ha-The spell is broken and now you're free again.
He stands and helps her up and I join them for breakfast. As we eat I speak up.
-I see you got peace again.
K-Oh no, we haven't, I mean, didn't you saw how he didn't have any mercy on me.
-I saw.
Ha-You been a very bad girl and the tickling monster is going to get you.
K-No it won't.
Ha-Want to bet?
I see as Hades moves his fingers at her menacingly and she flinches away taking a defense position making him laugh.
K-That won't be necessary, thank you very much. Oh and mom, the cupcakes you made for me, mmm, divine. I got to say, you really outdid yourself this time.
-Oh, thanks, I'm glad you liked them. He has a gift for you as well.
Karai looks at Hades expectantly and I nudge his side to speak as he's not really paying attention to the conversation. He clears his throat and looks at her smiling.
Ha-I promise you'll like it.
K-Can I have a clue?
Ha-Not a chance.
She makes a funny face at him but keeps eating. She finishes up and goes take the dishes to the kitchen. She starts washing them when her phone rings on her back pocket.
K-Dad, can you reach my phone for me? Please.
He takes her phone and answers it and after a confirmation he holds it to her ear.
K-Hello?.........She speaks.............Yes, he's my boyfriend...........What?..........
No, no, no, I, I'll be right there, just give me a few minutes.........Thanks, see you there. Goodbye.
Hades takes the phone away and she sighs in anger.
K-Dad, can you come with me?
Ha-Sure, where exactly?
K-Police department. Questions later, please.
We all go to the police department and when we get there Karai goes inside at lightning speed. We follow her inside and she's at the counter waiting for someone. Hades puts a hand on her shoulder. She takes it but doesn't look at him. After a few more minutes an officer hands her a plastic bag. She takes it and looks inside before thanking him.
Officer-Would you like to go see him now or later?
She looks at Hades before she turns to him again.
The officer nods and guides us through the cells and I hope he stops on the next cell when he turns a corner and opens the door and I can see as Karai stops short frozen in place not believing her eyes. The officer realizes this and turns to her.
Officer-You don't have to do it now you know. You can do it when you feel ready.
Karai shakes her head before speaking.
K-No, is best to do it now.
The officer goes inside and we follow him inside. He gets us to the far end and show us the corpse of Edward. I see as Karai stumbles a bit and Hades catches her preventing her from falling to the floor. She turns to him and cries on his arms and Hades motions to cover the body again. He takes Karai outside of the room and as I'm about to get outside as well when I hear him.
I hurry to his side and I find that Karai is passed out on his arms.
-Karai. Hades?
Ha-Must be the impression.
He kneels down and shakes her a bit until she wakes up. She sits up covering her face while she cries.
K-Let's just, go home.
Hades takes her on his arms again and we go to the car. Hades looks at her through the mirror and he smiles thoughtfully.
-Hades, what are you planning?
Ha-You'll see soon enough. Karai, what can make you smile right now?
K-I don't know. Something good?
He takes us somewhere that I recognize and when I turn to look at him he makes for me to not speak. I smile understandingly and we both get out of the car. I see as Hades takes her out while covering her eyes.
K-Dad, what are you doing?
Ha-Surprise, surprise. Okay, now, cover your ears very, very tightly and don't smell.
K-Hold my breath?
Ha-Something like that.
I go inside and I hold the door for them to enter. When they're inside Hades let go of her and when she opens her eyes wide.
K-What are we doing here? Dad?
Ha-Remember your birthday gift from me. You can choose one to take home.
Karai jumps in joy before she hugs him tightly thanking him and kissing him a lot before he has to pull away.
Ha-I think I get the message now go on, choose your pet.
K-How expensive can it be?
Ha-Don't you worry about that. We have enough to buy the whole store multiple times. Now hush, hush, go choose.
K-Ah, I love you.
She goes away and looks at the animals carefully. At some point I see Karai looking at us.
-Is something wrong?
K-No but um, dad, turn around.
Hades looks at her but he still turns around. I look at him for a moment before I see Karai coming with a snake on her hands. I smile at her as she closes in. She lifts the snake middle part so he's touching it and he turns around a bit disgusted by the skin. Karai laughs at his reaction as she puts the snake back on the cage as she does a disgusted position.
Ha-So snakes, not an option.
K-Ugh, definitely not. I just wanted to gross you out. Uh, remember the weird bunny that was kind of golden with a red stripe was it?
Ha-Not really but I do remember that the bunny you liked was pretty uncommon. How do you even remember that? When was that? Fifteen, sixteen years ago?
K-I was five, so sixteen years, two months, three weeks, six days, nine hours, fourteen minutes with a couple seconds.
She looks at her clock and turns.
K-Make that fifteen minutes.
-You really are his daughter.
Ha-What's that supposed to mean?
-She is more like you than me.
Ha-She's as stubborn as you are.
K-I'm not stubborn.
Ha-Yes you are.
K-No I'm not.
Ha-Is she stubborn?
-Pretty much.
K-I am not stubborn.
Ha-Have you decided for a pet yet?
K-Well, at first I thought a dog but then I remembered Cerberus's aura and scratch that then I thought maybe a cat but again the same problem, the cat might get scared by his dog aura and I go like, what the what? Ugh this is hard.
Ha-Why don't you take a bunny?
K-They are only to look cute like they go more to be there than to play with you and I want to be able to play with it and not just, stand there looking at it, I'll get bored before I get to three minutes maybe two. I know, can I get a tiger? A tiger cub. Pretty please.
Ha-Ask your mother.
-As long as you keep it away from me until is trained and agree to release it when it gets too big.
K-Is that a yes?
K-Ah thank you. So, lets go get a tiger.
We go get the tiger and when we finally go home I can hear Karai laughing and making a struggle not to over love the tiger cub too much. When we get home as we eat dinner I see as she gives the tiger the spoon to lick after she eats it. Soon after three or four times the tiger yawns and she picks it up and puts it on her lap. She pets it a bit before he starts playing with her hair. She takes a bite from her food and I see as the tigers pulls her hair down and she goes AAA bit crazy calm.
K-Auch, auch, auch. My, this ball of fur is small but, ah, strong.
She pulls him away a bit before she smiles.
K-How can he be so cute and so strong at the same time? Oh wait, I'm like that too.
Ha-Do you have a name for it?
K-Ian. What do you think?
Ha-I don't have to like it but I like it.
K-Oh, tread carefully when you walk. Oh this is going to be awesome. How does a tall guy react when a pup, fuzzy, little cute, baby tiger walks around his legs? Does he fall or loses his balance or stays still.
Ha-You wouldn't.
K-But he can. Um. I need you to watch him a moment, I'm going to my room and get my phone, take a picture with him. Here keep it there, don't let it go or loose running around.
She puts Ian on his lap and he holds it down as she goes to her room. We hear as things move around and and doors open and close and after a while we go check her and we are shocked when we open the door.
Ha-What happened in here? It looks like a party was thrown in here.
K-What are you talking about? This is my room, my space, my own little private world.
Ha-This is a mess, how long ago that you don't clean your room?
K-This is clean.
Ha-Is a mess, is dirty.
K-Is not dirty, is just, lying there.
Ha-So all the clothes that are on the floor are clean clothes as well?
K-Yeah at least I think they are, I don't see any stains and.....
She pincks up a shirt and smells it and shrugs.
K-They don't smell bad or used.
She goes to the basket of dirty clothes and picks it up and she puts some of the other clothes away as she drops the dirty ones on the floor and checks through them.
K-Okay, this is getting ridiculous. How do I lose my phone?
Ha-I can call you and we can locate it by sound.
K-Nah, it will turn out eventually, or at least I hope so.
I see Hades smile devilishly and I know he's up to no good.
Ha-Um Karai, can you get my phone from me?
K-Easy piece.
Hades takes his phone out and he lifts it high above his head.
Ha-Can you really?
K-You know I can't reach that high. Get it down here.
Ha-Poor thing.
K-Ah, come on, you're a lot taller than I am, look, standing straight with your arms crossed your elbow is just above my shoulders.
Ha-Do you suffer from that fact?
K-No but it weirds me out like, oh hell, is like putting the tallest person with the shortest person and it feels weird having to look at you like this. At least you won't grow taller but I will. And that per se is a bit more comforting. But to answer your initial question no, I don't..........
K-That, I don't suffer, in fact I kind of like it. That way if I take you down it means I'm stronger. For a moment there I forgot what word you used.
Ha-I noticed.
K-Well then, coming through, make way, I'm coming through.
I see as she steps on a few spots were you can actually see the floor of her room.
Ha-Karai, how do you live in there?
K-Well, I open the door and jump on the bed and I do everything with my aura except taking the clothes off or putting them on.
Ha-Are you implying that you don't walk in your room.
K-Of course, I do everything on the bed and just before sleeping I put everything on the floor or hanging around so it doesn't bother me while I sleep.
Ha-You know you're going to pick it up right?
K-Yes I'll do it. Eventually.
Ha-If either me or your mother has to pick it up if is on the floor is trash.
K-You wouldn't.
Hades smiles at her in a way that she takes the tiger from him and she puts it on the floor. The tiger roams around her legs and she has to hold on to something to not fall from cuteness.
K-Oh my god, if cuteness could kill I would be dead already. This little cub is so cute, so adorable.
Ha-Do you remember when you swam with the whale and the dolphins?
K-How could I forget? I still have the tiger you got me and I'm talking about the stuffed one.
Ha-How do you still have that thing, I thought it was long gone.
K-You know, this is he second time you say that exact same thing word by word.
K-You bought it to me when I was five, when I was sixteen mom drives and I offered the tiger to you so you could hug it because you got a bit scared and I told you that I still had it and now today you ask again.
Ha-I bet now is a rainbow tiger and not a white one.
After a couple more hours of chat and laughs we all fall asleep together on he couch.

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