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Hades POV
The next morning I wake up and as breakfast is cooking I check my phone. When someone hugs me from behind. Then a second one and then a third.
B, Z & D-Hi.
-What are you doing here?
D-We came for you to fulfill your promise to us.
B-To take us shopping.
Z-We did came to get you.
-Ok. But before we go let us eat.
B-I go get aunt Karai.
D-I get Hera.
Z-And I'll help you.
The sisters go away and Zola gets at my side checking what I'm doing.
-Want a taste?
When she's about to answer as soon as she opens her mouth I give her a taste not waiting for an answer.
Z-Tasty. Delicious.
-Where are Nova and Chimera?
Z-Working. Well, dad is working and mom is at home. She is just relaxing.
-Can I borrow your phone?
She gives me her phone and I send a quick text to Nova, Angel, Stella, Persephone, Isabella, Darcy, Beatrice, Karai and Hera. My phone chimes with lots of messages in response all saying the same thing. To wait for them to come and they organize to go shopping the next day. After a few hours I'm surrounded by all of them in the living room.
-Why did I do this?
He-Already having regrets?
-Not really. But being just me against all of you.
She gives me a kiss before she turns to hug me tight.
D-Hey, I'm going to go sleep early.
B-Anything wrong?
D-Just a minor headache. I just need to sleep a bit.
-Come on, I'll show you to your room.
I take her to her room and get her on the bed.
-See what happens when you all get together.
D-Is not because of that.
D-It started yesterday but the day before. It gets worse by the minute.
I stay with her until she falls asleep that I go back to the living room. I see the other girls there still chatting.
B-Is she safe?
-Don't you mean asleep?
B-I meant safe. She sleepwalks.
-She does?
S-She does.
B-Come on.
She takes me to her room and sure enough, she's not there.
B-She's gone. We have to find her.
She passes by my side and out of the room.
                       Beatrice POV
I get out of Hades's house and I check everywhere. I find her going towards Poseidon's place. I follow her cautiously when I notice something odd. I feel something familiar yet different on her. Powerful but gentle at the same time. I see as she follows something and I get closer. I hear Zola and Hades at my sides.
Z-What is she doing?
Ha-How do we get her back to bed?
-I have an idea but we have to wait a little for that. Keep an eye on her.
I go back home and I take her favorite belt. A green necklace that is with a leaf shaped design. I go back to her and although they're amazed they don't say anything. I get close to her and I put the necklace on her. I see as some aura appears and gets in the necklace before it booms me away and I land at the other side of the garden. Both of them come to help me.
Ha-Are you hurt?
-No, not to worry but, I just got caught off guard. Was that, aura?
Ha-That was aura but.......
Z-I thought she didn't had an aura.
-Be as it may, we have to be careful still.
Just as I get up with their help Darcy collapses on the ground. I get to her with them close behind and she seems to be suffering. Panting, sweating, shaking and I seeing no other way to calm her I hug her and with my aura I stabilize hers with Zola's and Hades's help. When she calms down I'm exhausted as well and he takes Darcy on his arms as Zola helps me.
With Darcy back home and safe we all sleep better. We decide to change our plans and stay at Olympus for a family time and Hades is our guinea pig for everything.
The next morning I wake up for someone screaming for me. I strain a bit and I realize is Darcy calling me.
I go towards her room and I'm shocked with what I find.
D-What happened?
I am rushed with a sudden attack of laughter and I have to get out of there to calm down. She attacks me with a pillow and I just can't stop.
D-Don't laugh! Is not funny.
Ha-What is happening here?
She uses the pillow to cover her body and pouts.
                       Hades POV
I wait for an answer from them but get none.
-Well, what happened?
B-She, her clothes........
I roll my eyes and get her out of here so she can calm down. I turn to Darcy again and she's shivering so I give her my jacket.
-Here, so the cold doesn't bother you.
D-Thank you. I don't know what happened. Today, um, nothing seems to fit me now.
She takes me in her room and she shows me everything. All of her clothes seem too small for her now. I reach out to take her hand and we hear a knock on the door.
B-Since they seem small I got her some of mine.
I take the clothes from her and she goes away.
-Try it on.
She nods and I keep my back to her not looking.
D-I don't know. Is not my style.
-Really? Leather clothes are cool.
D-When is leather boots or leather belts or jackets not in dress. How does she moves in this?
I turn and she looks uncomfortable with the dress. I give her the other set and I turn around to not look but she stops me.
D-Would you mind helping me a bit?
I do and I help her tie the knots at her sides on her back.
-There you go. So, how do you feel?
D-Is better. What size is it?
I tell her her size and I see her before size and get amazed. She grew that much overnight.
-Look at the bright side. You will get new clothes.
D-So we are going shopping?
I nod and she hugs me tightly.
-How do you feel?
D-Better and stronger. Is weird, is a new feeling but somehow, is like I've felt it before. Why?
She extends her hand and a blast of aura gets out. She is shocked by it but I just laugh. I take her hand and help her stabilize it until is just a leaf on the palm of her hand. She smiles at it and I slowly let her do it alone.
A couple hours after we are at the mall and she is beaming with happiness along her sister, cousin, mother, aunts and Hera stays with me holding my arm tight.
-Don't you want anything at all?
He-I have everything I want right here.
She pulls me down and we meet in a kiss.
He-Told you I had all I need.
We keep walking and I see Stella sitting down on a table rubbing her forehead a bit. I go to her.
-Are you feeling alright?
S-I'm just tired. Thanks for worrying.
She takes me to the side and whispers to me.
He-Maybe we should go home now.
-Everyone to their respectful home.
She nods and we get them all back together. After a lot of complaining we decide for me to take her back home and they stay shopping. I take all their cards and give mine for them to use. Hera is the first I disqualify to keep it so I give it to Darcy the one that needs it the more right now.
-Keep it safe.
I give each a hug or a kiss before I go away with Stella.
                       Karma POV
I am doing exercise in a runner I got for myself when Stella was first pregnant. Since I didn't want to leave her alone we got one so we exercised at home. After a bit the door opens and I see dad bringing a not so well Stella. Fear and worry fill me as I STP the runner and go to them.
-Stella, hey, are you ok?
S-Just dizzy, don't worry.
Ha-I have no idea.
He goes away and I take her on my arms to the bed. She smiles weakly and I order every test that I can think of to find out what does she has. As we wait for the results we grow anxious. They're ready and they all come back negative except the pregnancy one.
I nod and she sheds a tear of happiness.
S-Another baby.
I give her a kiss unable to hide my happiness nor my love for it and we turn to sleep together.

Six months later
Nova POV
I am at Karma's place since Stella is in no condition to travel far just yet.
-You looking good.
Ka-Sister. So good you came.
-And I got a little something.
I hold up a bag of baby clothes and he takes it smiling.
S-The baby wants chocolate.
We laugh and as we go get her chocolate he tells me about everything that happened lately.
Ka-Darcy has her aura back and she's grown into quite the woman.
-Where are they now?
Ka-With Zola on her house practicing with their aura.
We decide to take a walk but we don't get so lucky as there is a robbery close by. We both turn to protect Stella but is in vain. She's already hurt.
He holds her up still.
                       Karma POV
I hold Stella not caring if I get dirty with the blood. I get her to the hospital and they have to induce labor in her to try and save both her and the baby. They let me stay with her and is awfully long.
-I'm here, you're doing fine.
-He'll be just fine.
The doctor pulls me to the side.
Doctor-We can't save them both. You have to choose, the baby or her.
I feel my world break apart as only one can survive. I'm about to make our choice when she speaks.
S-The baby. Save the baby. Please Karma, save the baby.
With tears on my eyes I nod.
-Save the baby.
I turn to Stella again and I keep with her as the doctors work.
                        Nova POV
I am at the waiting room when mom and dad arrive.
Ha-What happened?
-She got injured and as far as I know the baby will be born now to try and save him.
He-How is Karma?
I shrug and then we see the doctors coming and going around. After a while we hear the most painful scream from inside and I know something must be wrong.
Ha-It can't be.
We see doctors being pushed away from the room and Karma keeps holding Stella. We see as the doctors occupy themselves to save the baby leaving Karma to mourn her. But I know better that he doesn't want to accept her death.
After three days I turn to help them retrieve her body. I enter and Karma is worse for not sleeping or eating. He just stays there holding her hand when I dare speak.
Ka-Shush, don't want to wake her. She needs to rest and recover.
Slowly, I take him away from her.
-Come, let's let her sleep then.
Ka-They don't believe me. She's just tired, she's asleep.
He takes my face on his hands and I can see the fear on his eyes. He knows but he is too hurt. He's shaking in fear and I get his hands on mine.
Ka-You believe me don't you? That she's just sleeping. Tomorrow we'll be back home and she'll be on the bed and we will travel and win more trophies together. She'll protect me every day and make me happy.
-I believe you, she's sleeping. She's tired, she'll wake up soon.
The doctors take her away as silently as possible and I keep him focused on me but he notices and he tries to get her back. He struggles against me and I put all my strength to hold him back.
Ka-Let go!
-Calm down. Shush. Dad! Help me out.
Dad comes and he helps me a bit to hold him down and mom calls the doctor. He sedates Karma and he turns asleep. I sigh in relief and he's taken away getting him what he needs. Dad helps me up and we go see the newborn.
-He's cute. So small and fragile.
Ha-He is, his name, Max. I hope he doesn't turn drunk in sadness.
-Worst case he gets overprotective of him.
We go to see Karma and we see he's awake but not here. He's staring off into space and in his own world. We see as the girls arrive and they get towards Karma.
B & D-Dad!
They hug him but he doesn't move or reacts. His expression is sad and he mourns not paying any attention to anyone.

To be continued..........

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