75-Seventy Five

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                      Nova POV
Dad open the doors of the throne room to Karma and me to enter and we do as he goes sit back on his throne we stand at the center of the room. Karma is still dressed with his battle clothes and he's sweating just a bit. I whisper on his ear.
-No matter what he says, keep a cool head.
Z-Nova, Karma.
We look at him serious and he smiles.
Z-Your place has been decided. Karma, god of nature and Nova goddess of illusions. And as I promised, since I lost to you I'll respect your wishes. The wedding will not happen. You will not marry.
I smile at him and I feel Karma's hand tightening around my own hand but he keeps cool.
-Thanks, I appreciate it.
He nods and he dismisses everyone to their own things. We go back home with dad and mom and I can barely contain myself as I hop around them and twirl around as they walk and I laugh.
-I'm free. Ah, what a good feeling.
I turn a corner and I almost trip over Isabella if I hadn't seen her in time. I give a small jump and I do a front flip going over her without hurting her and she just laughs like nothing happened. She hugs me and gives me a kiss on the cheek as I pick her up on my arms.
I-Auntie. You look happy.
-I am happy, what you doing here? Where's your mommy?
Pe-I'm here, I'm here. Don't run off like that.
I-Sorry mommy. Can I stay with auntie?
Pe-If she wants to.
She looks at me and I hug her  tightly and I tease them both a bit.
I-Where is uncle Karma?
Ka-Did I hear my name?
-Look who's here baby brother.
Ka-Isa-bella, its been too long since I last saw you.
I pass it to him and he holds her up on the air for a moment before he gets her down and charges her with only one arm. We keep going home all together with the two new additions tagging along. As we go I notice that Isabella giggles and chuckles all the way there.
Ka-What is so funny?
I-You are. Well, your clothes.
We get back home and we sit on the living room. Mom gets us drinks to each of us when suddenly Isabella turns to her phone and she excitedly looks for something. She comes towards me and shows me.
I-Auntie look, look look look.
-I'm looking at me?
I-Biggest fan. When are you going to sing again? Is it going to be a love song or a sad song? Maybe one that is like vals or like a soft one.
I laugh a bit at her enthusiasm but I turn to stop her.
-Sweetie, slow down. You're going too fast. Can you calm down?
Karma whispers on my ear.
Ka-Looks like you're biggest fan is right at home. She'll follow you like a shadow.
-Very funny. Isabella, what do you know about my songs?
I-I know everything, I have seen your shows, interviews, the catwalk, the dresses you use, the page where you ask for your fans opinions on what they would like to see you wear on your next show and I have them all recorded on the TV, and downloaded on my phone, my tablet, my computer and all my devices including the iPod and I also have a CD with all your songs since the first one until the most recent. Do you want me to sing one of your songs?
Pe-She better sings it or she'll scream, very loudly.
-Do sing it.
She gets off of my lap and she sits on the floor with her legs folded below her. She puts her hands on her thighs and she closes her eyes and turns serious and she takes a deep breath before she starts singing.

When she finishes singing she smiles at me and I just shrug as I am unable to put my feelings into words. She stops smiling.
I-Was it not good? Did you not like it?
-Oh no, no no no. I loved it, you were amazing. I'm just, surprised. Maybe you can join me one day on stage if your mom let's you tag along.
She turns to her mother.
I-Can I? Please, please, please, pretty please. Can you say yes? Can I go with my dear auntie? Please.
At some point Persephone covers her mouth with a hand and sighs.
Pe-Maybe if you let me answer you'll get to know that I do give you permission to go.
She uncovers her mouth and she throws herself to hug her and give her a kiss before she jumps around running happily. On like her twelfth round around us dad stops her holding her up by the waist before he puts her on his lap.
Ha-We know you're happy but I'm getting dizzy with you running in circles.
She turns to me still on dad's lap and as she plays with his hand she asks me.
I-What do I have to do when you take me with you?
-I will tell you what to do there just know don't ever get out of my sight or Karma's sight. You're either with me or with him. Do not wander off, lots of people and I don't want you to get lost.
I-I promise I will stick to your side. I'll do everything you say. Cross my heart and hope to die.
She lifts her right hand on the air like she's doing a statement.
Karma whispers on my ear.
Ka-We might have to get her a dress that matches your clothes. I can organize her stuff right away.
-Please do but not right now. Later.
He nods and he turns to Isabella.
Ka-You're adorable and you'll be even more when you get on stage with her.
K-Nova is a diva and she's a minidiva.
-I'll organize everything with Karma and when everything's ready, I get you.
Ha-Why don't you practice singing with her?
I-Can I?
I offer her a hand and she gets up from dad's lap and she gives everyone a kiss and a hug before she comes to me. I take her with me to the audio room and I give her a script and a ear bud that is also a microphone to sing when you can't use your hands. I help her out getting it on I get a chair for her to sit if she likes. We start singing together practicing synchronization and we get it perfectioned very quickly. I give her a water bottle and she drinks it entirely. We do one more song before she starts to get sleepy and I stop the practice and get her on my bed before I come back to practice on my new song. After a bit when I get sleepy I change to my pajamas and I go to sleep on Karma's bed as Isabella is sleeping deeply on mine.
                    Karma POV
I stay with dad and Persephone long after Isabella and Nova go away to sing together. Not shortly afterwards mom and Karai go to sleep as they get tired.
Ha-So you sing Nova's songs to Isabella every night?
Pe-She can't sleep if she doesn't listen to one of her songs before. Still, she goes out as a light as soon as the song ends.
Ha-She got that from you.
-Dad, be nice. Besides, I think that Isabella has more than a hundred times the energy Persephone has. I mean, having Cerberus as a father too. That's a dangerous combination to make.
Ha-They're both energetic.
-Too energetic. Persephone equals storm, Cerberus equals storm, Isabella equals super storm.
Pe-That is extreme.
Ha-That's accurate. You're just accustomed to having to keep up with her since she's always with you.
Pe-Maybe, well then, I have to go. Thanks for agreeing to take care of her for a bit.
Ha-Anything for you.
-Want me to get her?
Pe-I'll go to her.
We go to the music room and as I see that they're not there we go to the rooms one by one until we reach my room where we find Nova and Isabella sleeping already. Nova is on my bed and Isabella is on Nova's bed. I go towards Nova and I pass my hand across her hair softly before I give her a kiss on the forehead and I do the same with Isabella before I go out of the room and I turn to see them one more time. Dad goes to his room as I escort Persephone to the door. We bid farewell and I accommodate myself on the couch and I turn to sleep there for the night.
The next time I wake up I find that Isabella is resting on top of me. I smile at her sleeping face and I look around but the house is dead silent as I'm the only one awake. I look at the time and I see that is only three in the morning and I curse under my breath. I see as Isabella shakes a bit and I use my control over fire and heat to heat up the part of my body that touches her and then I hold her and rub my hands on her back until she stops shaking. After a bit I change positions and I rest on the corner of the seat sitting myself and I envelop her in between my legs and my arms keeping her warm. I start to doze off and I hang my head backwards and I fall asleep as I hum a lullaby to her.
                      Hades POV
I get up early as usual for my morning run but I stop dead on my tracks when I see Karma on the couch sleeping with Isabella wrapped on his arms. I snap a quick picture of them and I send it to Persephone and Cerberus. I take my run and when I come back everyone is still asleep and I decide to watch over Karma and Isabella for a bit. After a bit I see smoking coming out of his nose and I get a bit closer to him and I can feel as he heats up like burning hot before his body cools down as he exhales fire from his mouth before it ends up in an icy smoke breath. I shake him awake while I take Isabella on my arms carefully not to wake her.
                      Karma POV
I wake up to a rough shake and still with my eyes closed I search for Isabella on my arms and when I don't feel her with me I jolt awake a bit scared before I calm down as I see that she's asleep on dad's arms. I stretch my arms yawning before I sit up.
Ha-Did you sleep well?
-Could be better.
I see him smile and I hear as Isabella groans as she starts to wake up on his arms. She wraps her arms around the closest thing she can, which in this case is around his neck.
I-Mmm, I don't want to wake up.
Dad puts her on the couch and she almost doesn't let go of him until he smirks at her and she let's go of him.
Ha-I'm going to change, Karma, can you make breakfast? I'll wake up the ladies.
I-Can I help with breakfast?
-Only what I tell you to do.
She nods and she gets up rubbing her eyes.
I-What can I do?
I stand and I take her with me to the kitchen as dad goes to the rooms to get everyone ready.

To be continued.............

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