140-Revenge 2

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Hera POV
After a long debate on how to approach Hades's stolen helmet of invisibility to get it back we are finally allowed to go rest. Hades was calm all the meeting. I stand from my throne and go towards him.
-Hades. Come on. Let's go home. We'll recover it, you'll see we will.
He doesn't says anything so I get behind him and I rest my arm on his shoulder to shake him. To my surprise he falls unconscious down the steps to the bottom and I go after him.
I call him out but he doesn't responds. He seems pale, more than usual. He looks sick and I call the other gods.
-Aphrodite, Poseidon! Help me!
Po & Aphrodite-Hera!
Their faces turn worried when they see me holding Hades. I open my mouth to speak but nothing comes out. Poseidon takes Hades and Aphrodite tries to calm me down. We go to the infirmary. She gets me a tea to calm down and we wait at least a day until Hades wakes up.
-I want to see him.
They let me in and Hades is just there lying down on the bed. He seems a bit better but tired and sick. I know he knows I'm here but he doesn't do anything. I get closer and I take his hand. He smiles opening his eyes to look at me.
I can't help a laugh to come out.
-Really? Hey. You scared me.
His expression turns dark and he pulse a bit. I get my ear to him and he speaks in a whisper.
Ha-Find the helmet and repair it. Do not let Karai know either. Leave her in the dark.
I get up surprised.
-Really? Are you sure?
He nods weakly and I see his eyes get watery but he doesn't cry. I pass my knuckles at the side of his hair and he smiles taking my hand and kissing it weakly. Even as bad as he is he's still the gentleman. He falls asleep and I turn to go outside. As I go out I swear I hear him groan and I let out a low sob and a single tear as I put a hand over my mouth. I made my mind of staying with him while he recovers and I go home for a pillow and a blanket for me and I come back with him and I lie down on the couch in front of the bed. Even if I'm not sleeping with him just being in the same room is enough for me for now.
                      Karai POV
I am hidden at Hydra's house and he let's me sleep on his bed. When I wake up I feel a sudden sadness on the very deep on my heart and I can't help a sob.
Hy-Hey, is fine, you're safe here.
-I don't know what happened, I just, felt sad all of a sudden and I don't know why.
Hy-Is fine. Come here.
He hugs me gently and I allow myself to get lost at the warmth of his touch and not long after I'm asleep again.
                         Hades POV
I have a strange sensation in the middle of the night and I wake up scared. I realize is fear and I get seated on the bed and I smile as I see Hera asleep on the couch in front of the bed. I rub my chest not feeling so good and I take my phone out silently and send a quick text to Karai. She answers immediately and I laugh a bit. I tell her to keep safe and where she is and that I'll call her back here when everything's fixed. She responds with sad and crying faces and I laugh and wish her goodnight and hugs and kisses. She does too before I turn off the phone completely. I sigh feeling guilty for lying to her but is for her safety. I hear as Hera awakens.
We hear as Zeus and Poseidon come inside and their expressions reveal nothing.
Po-Hades, you're looking good.
I roll my eyes and Zeus smirks and I take my phone again. I don't reach it because Hera takes it away from me.
He-Oh no, you are not going to use this. Not now anyways.
I look at her and she smiles negating with her head and her index finger. I lay back on the bed again.
Z-The helmet......
He is interrupted by Hera.
He-Do not say a word.
He-Out, if that's what you come to say then out.
She pushes them out of the room and away.
He-Send a text.
She closes the door and looks at me with a smile. She doesn't wants me to stress over anything. She sits at my side and takes my hand gently.
He-You never told me how it works.
-Is a part of our soul if you want to put it simply. It holds part of our power and if hurt we are hurt as well. Very badly.
She plays with my wedding ring for a bit before she turns to kiss my forehead.
He-Do you need anything?
-I might need, maybe another kiss.
I make a sad face and she laughs.
He-Even like you are you are still the romantic and loving husband.
She gives me a kiss and I cup her cheek gently.
-I do what I can.
He-Are you sure you don't want Karai here with us? With you?
-I have the feeling this is the doing of or a plan of Helios to avenge his sister.
He-Is he not locked up in the cells where he can't use his aura and without weapons.
-That's why I'm not sure of anything. What I'm sure of is that whoever it is is after Karai.
He-Where is she anyways?
-I sent her with her boyfriend, Hydra. They haven't been together that long so is the least probable place where they'll look for her.
She agrees with me and she turns to rest her head on my chest. I get a hand on top of her head playing with her hair a bit.
                         Helios POV
I scream silently to my insides angry at not finding my sister's killer in all of Olympus.
Sora-Calm down, she might be on earth. You can track her aura right?
-I can. It will be easier if I'm where she is.
Sora-Then let's go.
We go to earth the long way and as we get closer I start to feel her. I guide her towards where the aura is coming from while hiding mine. I take my bow and arrow and get them ready as Sora gets closer holding a dagger. She is sleeping by a window and she gets inside. Before she can stick the dagger on her someone kicks her out of the way and the knife falls from her hand. I prepare and I shoot an arrow between them. After I shoot a lot of arrows the only thing I have is my aura.
                      Karai POV
I see as Helios crashes into the room landing between me and Hydra. His female companion is at my side and she tries to get her dagger again on me. I hold her hands just inches away. I remember dad asking me not to use my divine powers and godly strength but I don't let myself get hurt either.
I look at him for a brief moment before I go back to my own.
Hy-Hold on I'm coming.
Helios-Oh no you're not. Kill her.
Sora-I'm trying.
I see something fall from her bag and I recognize it. Suddenly anger flows through me.
-Hydra, take the helmet.
At that both Hydra and Helios fight over the helmet and I throw a kick and a punch to the girl. Since she's human she falls unconscious instantly. We turn to fight both with Helios.
                 Hera POV
I wake up on the couch and I find myself tucked in with both pillow and blanket and as I get up I realize at last that Hades is gone. I sigh as I read the note he left.
-Went to help Karai. She might be in danger. Sorry.
I speed out of the emergency and I find him waiting for the gates to open for him. I reach him and I pull him away.
Ha-Hera, my love, I have to go.
-You are in no condition to fight. Now come on, you need to rest.
I pull him back to the infirmary and back to the bed.
-Stay there.
Ha-She needs me.
-She is just like you, strong, capable, powerful and hotheaded.
-And she never stops until she finds a solution to the problem, just like you.
He smiles and stays still and quiet at last. He turns to sleep and I stay with him. I have a better idea when I feel a huge relief. It feels like something happened, something good or rather, not bad.
The next day I am summoned to the throne room and I leave Hades with Cerberus. I go to the throne room and to my surprise who enter afterwards is Karai holding Helios with his hands behind his back and her hand on his neck keeping his head bowed down while Hydra follows her with another person but he holds her down and she seems more willing to admit defeat.
I notice she has a bag with her.
Z-What are the accusations?
K-Attempting to kill me, stealing Hades's helmet of invisibility amongst other things and injuring the helmet.
Z-Now then, for punishment......
K-If I may, I have an idea on how to punish him already.
Z-Oh, ok then. His punishment is for you to decide as well as hers.
She nods and gets out with the other three following close behind.
                      Karai POV
I get out of the throne room with Hydra following close behind me. We take them to the dungeons and I leave them to be immobilized and away from each other. Hydra uses his aura and hypnotize her to forget about every god and related to that. We leave and I take a shower and change before I go to get dad. I knock on the door and I step in slowly. I see him asleep and I enter and sit on the couch. I hold the bag containing his helmet close to me as I look at him. I see Hydra come in and he bends down giving me a kiss.
Hy-I have to go back to work. He'll be fine, you'll see. I love you.
-I love you too. Take the human with you. You can kill him if you want. I can't deal with this right now.
Hy-I'll take the human but you get him back. I have no doubt this was his doing.
He gives me a kiss on the forehead before he goes away. I stay looking over dad just waiting until he wakes up. I turn into the kitty he likes so much and sneak on the bed with him and I fall sleep like that.
                         Hera POV
I get changed to something more comfortable and go check on Hades. I open the door and I find that he's sleeping with Karai at his side as a kitty. I snap a quick picture before I wake Hades up gently.
-Hades. Wake up.
He wakes up and he smiles when he sees me. I point to Karai and he looks happy. He holds her closer petting her.
Ha-How did she knew?
-Helios and his human companion attacked her and Hydra.
Ha-And here I thought she was safe.
-Oh she was, she gave them a hell of a fight. She did got a few scraps but they were worse than hers.
Ha-I don't doubt that.
Karai starts waking up and before we know it she is herself again and hugging Hades. We are both temporarily surprised before he returns the hug to her gently.
Ha-Is fine, I'm fine. Really.
K-I was so afraid. I have something for you. I suppose you'll be happy to have it.
She gets away and takes the bag. She opens it and she gets out the last thing we expected, his stolen helmet.
Ha-My helmet?
K-They had it. I haven't show anyone else.
She gives the helmet to him and she turns a bit sad.
K-I'm just sorry is not fully unscathed.
Ha-That's fine, at least we have it now and we can fix it.
-I'll go get it fixed.
Ha-With Athena.
I nod and go away.
                          Karai POV
I watch as mom takes the helmet and leaves to get it fixed and I turn to dad.
-I leave his fate to you.
Ha-I won't kill him.
-I know. That's why you'll do it. I would probably lose control.
Ha-As soon as I'm at my full power I'll do it.
With that we nod and I let him sleep a bit more so he recovers.

To be continued............

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