81 Eighty One

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Everyone wakes up and by dinnertime the only ones asleep are dad and Isabella. Just when I'm about to wake them up I see as Isabella wakes up on his arms and she smiles at dad's sleeping face. She turns to see him closer and her smiles disappears as she nudges him awake. When he wakes up he smiles at her before he gives her a kiss.
I-Why are you crying?
Ha-Crying? I'm not.....I am.
He passes a hand through his face and then his hair. They both get up and come to eat and I give dad my phone and I show him the video and the pictures of him.
-Because I can. I want to and other things.
He gives me a kiss on the forehead and he gives mom hers before he gets something to eat. He gets a small portion of food shaped like hearts and other stuff and he gives those to Isabella and he gets another thing for himself.
Ha-Where's Karma?
I look at Isabella before I speak.
-The books.
He looks at the books and his expression turns sad. I call him out but he doesn't hear me so I stand go towards him. I snap my fingers in front of his face and he reacts blinking rapidly.
Ha-Sorry, did you say something?
-I asked if your leg hurts.
Ha-Barely feel it.
We turn to the books and after a while we see Karma emerge from it. He has his eyes red from crying but he keeps a calm demeanor as he comes get four water bottles and he goes away again without speaking a word.
Pe-He must really hate this whole situation.
C-He's a protector. Besides, what did you expected? Like father like son.
I see as dad blushes at that and then we hear something unexpected from the most unexpected person. We all turn to see her.
I-I want to go with uncle Karma. Can I?
Pe-What do you think uncle? Is it safe?
Ha-Probably, she'll find out eventually.
I-Pretty please?
She makes puppy eyes at her parents and they nod letting her.
Pe-I'll go with you.
Dad turns to open the bookcase for them and they go down the elevator.
Karma POV
I keep watching over Nova sitting against the wall with an arm over my knee. I hear the elevator open and I see Persephone and Isabella as they step out. Isabella runs to me and she hugs me tightly. She looks at Nova and she gets surprised by how bad she is. Right now her hair is a mess and she's exhausted but still on beast rage mode.
-Don't get too close.
I-I won't.
Pe-Have you tried anything?
-Everything. I figured if she gets tired she won't hurt me but she gets tired but she keeps me away still. I tried.
We turn to see her and she hums a song to her. Nova reacts and she growls at her but she keeps on. After a moment Nova starts to calm down and she tilts her head kind of curious and confused. This time she actually sings the song.
I-Flor que da fulgor, con tu brillo fiel, vuelve el tiempo atras, change the fate's design, vuelve lo que fue, a lo que fue.
She sings it again and again in multiple languages and that calms Nova down somewhat.

She sings it one more time this time in Greek and at the end Nova sings the last words with her before she passes out.
-Get back, Nova. She's burning in fever.
I untie her and I take her on my arms and we all go up the elevator. I put her down on the couch in the living room and I pass it to Isabella as she sits at her side taking her hand. I get a pack of ice water and some towels both in warm and cold water. I go back to her and I notice a glow on Isabella's hands just where she's touching her. I let her hold her hand a bit more as I put the ice pack on her forehead. She shakes and shakes and I hear footsteps coming from the hallway and I hear them but I don't register what they say but I keep them where they are as I make a water wall with strays of fire that make it into crystal and they just keep there completely still. After a bit I have to replace the water for new one and that's exactly what I do. I have to break the crystal and I burn it as I turn myself on fire. When I come back I lift it again behind me and I keep. She speaks some between shaky breaths and I turn to hear her and she's asking for the song. I turn to Isabella and I cup her cheek on my hand.
-Sing for her.
She nods and she sings with her eyes closed and completely focused on the task as I keep treating her. Suddenly I notice a slight recovery on her. I pass my hand above her tracing her aura and when I find the source of her recovery I get shocked. I look at Isabella with curiosity and I examine her and I notice her aura for he first time as it flows from her to Nova and heals her. I confirm my suspicions when she starts to glow and shine like the sun. She doesn't appear to notice as she keeps singing calmly. Her aura explodes with a bright shine and I have to cover my eyes from the sudden brightness of her aura. I see the same surprise on Persephone's face when I look at her. I look at Isabella one more time and I smile as I notice her aura pulsates at the same rhythm of her singing. When she stops singing her aura vanishes as well but is now there awake within her. I look at Nova and she frowns before she opens her eyes.
Unable to find words I take her on my arms and I hug her tightly as I cry hard on her shoulder. I hold her tight against me and I grab the back of her head tightly yet gently at the same time. I turn to check her and when I make sure she's fine physically I hug her again. This time however she hugs me as well and she pats me on the back comfortingly. I freeze when I hear her next words.
N-What happened? How did I got here?
-What's the last you remember?
N-I was asking for a refreshment after the concert ended and then now. I remember I went alone because you fell asleep and I didn't wanted to wake you up so I went alone.
Pe-Are you sure you went alone? Don't you remember asking anyone to be your assistant to give Karma a break?
N-No, he fell asleep so I went alone. I can do everything he does too. Because I do it for him on his bike races.
I wave my hand at her to dismiss the thought for later. I snap my fingers and make the crystal disappear allowing everyone else to come. I keep hugging her for a second longer before she turns to Isabella.
N-You look different. Stronger than last time.
-That's because she is. She just healed you. With her aura.
I-My aura? I don't have one. Yet.
-Now you do, is like a life force. Bright and warm, makes you feel good.
Nova turns to hug her and she smiles happy as everyone laughs.
N-How do I look?
Ha-Like you just dressed up for a gala.
N-Did you see me sing?
Dad looks at me and I sigh but do speak.
-I'll explain later about that.
He nods and we enjoy our time together until both Isabella and Nova go to sleep. Everyone else stays with me and Persephone and they look at me expectantly.
Ha-Why is she like nothing happened? She didn't talked about making him pay or anything of the sort.
Pe-Most likely she doesn't remember him.
-Most likely she doesn't. She said that she didn't asked anyone to be her assistant for the night, that she went alone and that I fell asleep and that's why she left me when we all know that she asked, she went with Hercules and I wasn't asleep when she left for the concert.
C-Memory loss?
-Most probably.
O-But how did she healed so fast?
-She didn't healed, she was healed.
Pe-By Isabella no less.
They look at us with doubt and we both nod confirming that she awoke her aura.
-I think we should not speak about Hercules at all or anything related to him or this event.
Ha-It might hurt her even more or cause another rampage.
With that we all agree in not speaking about the event and we all go to sleep for the night.

The next morning I watch as Isabella and Nova dance together. Nova talks the steps slowly for her to follow, then she dances slowly in silent and then they go faster until they're in perfect synchronization. I watch a bit more until I decide to change the song and I ask her for a dance.
-May I have this dance?
I hold my hand for her and she takes it and we dance together a couple songs. We start very energetic and then we go slower and slower and I hold her close and make a promise.
-I'll protect you. No matter what, I always be with you.
N-I know. I love you.
The song ends and I give her a kiss on the forehead before I let her keep practicing with Isabella. I get cooking as is almost lunchtime and I listen to the songs as I can't be looking at them.
Nova POV
I dance with Isabella and we turn to practice high kicks. She gives decent kicks but not high enough.
-Harder and higher look.
I give a kick and it reaches my face and I turn to her.
-You don't have to go that high but as high as you can.
She nods and we practice the kicks one more time. In one she gives a hard kick that it sends her little shoe flying. I look on the direction of the shoe and I find that dad is entering the room but the shoe is going to hit him.
He looks and just barely he manages to evade the shoe on the last second but it goes straight to Cerberus's face as he's behind dad. It hits and both Isabella and I put both hands covering our mouths between shock and surprise.
She runs towards Cerberus and I go with dad.
Ha-That was awfully close. What were you doing? Shooting shoes?
-High kicks.
We turn to see that Isabella is looking at Cerberus now on the verge of tears.
I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you. Forgive me?
C-Easy it was an accident. It was my fault for getting on the way. Come here.
He picks her up on his arms and she tries to hold a sob. We sit down at the table together and I see as she hugs him tightly. Soon enough everyone is at the table waiting for the food and we talk and joke around until Karma brings the food. I take the wrong dish and I almost explode.
-Mmm, mouth on fire.
Ka-Sorry, that's mom's, here have some water.
He gives me a water bottle and I drink half in one go letting out a sigh of relief afterwards.
-How can you eat that?
He-Is not that spicy.
She takes a bite as if she were proving a point and I raise an eyebrow at her. I can't help a chuckle and I turn to my food. I look at Karma and I ask.
-This is mine? No other mistake like mom's.
Ka-Positive. That's yours.
I turn to eat and and I see as Isabella just sticks the chopsticks on her food as she can't make it stay on the chopsticks enough to reach her mouth. I laugh a bit as she eats it like so. We finish eating and we make a dance competition between ourselves until we get tired and decide to go out.

To be continued............

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