98 Ninety Eight

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I watch as the doctors treat Calix cautiously getting all the wounds treated and the poison from tartarus out of his body as fast as they can. I stay there looking and waiting. No one dares to try and move me from there and I don't say a word as I stand there like a statue focused on him and his recovery only. I don't move even when I get dizzy or when I start to shake with high fever. I recognize everything but I refuse to go away and get treated.
                        Hera POV
I am making Hades his green smoothie as he needs something that he likes and keeps him hydrated. I serve him some in a bottle and I go to the emergency room and as I walk over towards him I see him lying unconscious on the floor. I let go of the smoothie and run to his side.
-Hades! Hey, wake up. Hades!
I take a good look at him and I call Karma to help me get him to a room. He comes and he takes Hades on his arms and he gets it to a bed where the doctors put him a breathing mask and give him the nutrients he needs by the veins. Karma gets me out of the room and I look over to where my youngest child is and I sob and bury my face on Karma's chest. He rubs my back softly calming me. After a bit they put both of them together on the same room and I watch over them as I always am. I try to think positively but I keep imagining the worst case scenarios. I sit between them and I take their hands on mine taking comfort on them being here. Hades is the first to wake up and he looks over to us and I see as he hides his face with his free hand covering his eyes as he drops a single tear. We keep waiting until Calix wakes up. When he does he is fearful and his aura explodes awakening fully for the first time and we see as his aura takes the shape of a black skull with two white hearts linked together with it. I squeeze his hand and as he calms down his aura gets more calm until it disappears inside of him again. After a week we go back home and after a month we have already forgotten everything about the event and we are enjoying ourselves on a nice restaurant with Persephone, Cerberus and Isabella.

Calix POV
I'm eating along with my family and I try to explain my niece who is ten year older than me. We are celebrating me awakening my full power. Isabella ruffles my hair.
I-I'm so glad for you. We must have a hand to hand combat soon.
-Sure thing. It will be nice to combat someone worthy.
Ha-I'm not worthy enough for you?
-Oh no I didn't mean it like that. Is just, I always exercise with the boxing bag on my room. Not accostumed to fight another person. Besides, you were holding back.
Ha-Relax, I was just teasing you.
We laugh and take a few bites of food until Karma speaks up.
Ka-I got a joke on dad a few days ago.
He-You must tell us everything.
Ha-No he does not.
Pe-Do tell.
Hades turns to his food and eats as Karma speaks.
Ka-I was cooking and as I was cutting the vegetables in little pieces. After a few I make as if I cut myself and when he calls me over I turn to him and show him that it was a joke.
Ha-But you got your payback when Nova scared you afterwards.
N-That one where he almost kicked me?
Ka-The one and only.
Ka-I was so focused on the cooking that when she scared me I almost shed my skin in fear before I turned to hit for the kill. When I realized it was her I stopped the attack an inch away from her face. She didn't even blinked in fear.
We laugh and after a while I get out to the terrace to take some fresh air. I lean against the edge and I listen to everything below me. I start to think about what Karma told me some time ago of why don't I get a girlfriend. I never thought so much about it before, I did thought on getting one eventually but I guess I think more about it now that I know they realize everything and I feel confused with everything. Besides, who would love a blind guy even if he can manage on his own like a normal person. I let out a sigh and think out loud.
-I will never get a girlfriend.
I laugh out loud as I start to think. I'm pathetic, the only girls that love me are blood related. Sisters, mother, aunts, cousins and so on. I feel a tear roll down my cheek and I start to sob like a little kid. I sit on the floor and I rest my arms against my knees while I rest my head hiding it between my legs as I try to stop myself but can't. I sniff and I hear dad calling me so I start to frantically cleaning the tears away as I stand and turn so he doesn't sees my face.
Ha-Calix, are you ok?
-Yeah, I'm, I'm fine.
Ha-Come, let's go back inside with the others.
Unable to play strong any longer I ask him.
-Can you.........Can you stay? For a bit more before going back inside.
He stands at my side and he keeps quiet just keeping me company. I lean against his shoulder and he wraps an arm tight around my shoulders offering me some comfort and we stay silent a bit more until he asks.
Ha-Want to tell me what's bothering you?
-Not now. Later, at home.
He nods and when I calm down enough we go back inside. I take a drink and drink it down without stopping until is empty. I let out a sigh and we all continue the celebration for a bit more before actually going home. I get on the corner of the backseat on the car and as we go home I fall asleep halfway there.
                       Hades POV
As I drive us back home I whistle a song as I drum my fingers against the driving wheel as I keep it up. I make a stop and I turn to see my family and I find that all of them are on their phones except for Calix that has fallen asleep on the corner. I smile laughing internally as I go back to driving home. When we get home I get Calix awake and he just mumbles sleepily.
-Come on, go get some rest.
C-I have to, uh, ask something.
-Tomorrow, you can barely keep yourself awake. Do get some rest.
He comes with me and I get him to his room just escorting him. I see as he let's himself fall on the bed not bothering in changing or covering himself with the blankets. I see as he immediately falls asleep from the moment he hits the bed. I smile and I accommodate him loosening his clothes a bit and giving him so he's nice and fresh. I cover him with the blankets and let his hair loose as well. I empty his pockets and get them by his side on the table before I go to my own room to sleep as well. I undress staying only on my underwear and I slip on the bed with Hera and I hug her from behind kissing her neck before I go to sleep at last.
                         Calix POV
I awake on the middle of the night and I find everything organized around me. My phone is charging, my wallet is on the drawer, I'm wrapped under the blankets and my hair and clothes are loose. I stretch and I stand from the bed and I take the clothes off and turn to take a shower. I tidy up and as I try to fall asleep again I can't so I dress up and I go for a run. I leave dad a note so he doesn't worry. I go out and I run to Astoria Park. I run to the agency as well and as I run back again getting back home I stumble into another person. Instinctively I get myself on the protecting side and I hold the person close turning us so she falls softly on top of me getting the worst part of the hit myself. I let out a sigh before I ask.
-Are you hurt?
Girl-No, I'm fine thanks to you. Are you ok?
-I am thanks for asking. Is only a scratch.
I am unfocused for a moment as I get up and help her up as well. I try to focus and organize my thoughts again and when I am fine again I let out a sigh and I turn red when she asks me again.
Girl-Can you stop holding me?
-I'm sorry, I didn't mean to, well, anything bad. Sorry.
Girl-Do you want a cup of coffee or grab a drink? Is the least I can do to thank you for breaking my fall.
-If is not a bother or anything at all.
Girl-No bother at all. Come on, you look like you need to relax and cheer up a bit.
-Do I really look that bad?
Girl-Not bad, just sad. Now come on, let's turn that frown upside down. By the way, my name's Angel, what's yours?
-My name's Calix.
A-Cool, it sounds like bad boy style. Does it means something in specific?
-Do you promise not to laugh?
A-I promise I won't laugh.
-It means handsome, Greek origins.
A-That is so much cooler. Who named you? Mom or dad?
A-He was right in naming you like that. Oh, here we are.
I hear a loud noise and it gets louder when we go inside. She takes my hand in hers and leads me to a table. She hands me a menu and I get nervous as I can't read this menu. After a bit she asks me.
A-What are you getting? I'll get some fries with cheese and bacon and sour cream. What about you? What do you want?
-Um, same but triple the portion for me please.
A-Isn't that too much food for you?
I smile at her.
-In my family we all eat big portions of food. Is kind of to stay in shape and relaxation combination.
A-Must be nice.
She clasps my forearm slightly which then turns into a deep caress as she amuses herself with my biceps and triceps. I rest my head on my hand as I smile as she keeps touching my arms.
A-You really do workout.
-Do you like how they feel?
She blushes and backs away embarrassed.
A-Sorry, I didn't mean to incomodate you or anything.
-You didn't incomodated me. Is nice to talk to a lady that is not family.
A-Lots of ladies in your family?
-Mother, sister, sister, niece, cousin and more. What about you? Siblings, parents, family, friends?
A-I am all alone. Orphan, no siblings, no aunts or uncles either.
-Don't you feel lonely?
A-Not really. Besides, now I have you as a friend.
She takes my hand and grasp it tightly and I get nervous at the contact. She stays like that until the food arrives. I smell my plate and then we both eat it calmly. Besides having more than her I finish first. She feeds me one almost forcing it down my throat and I eat it happily. After we finish she pulls me to the dancefloor with her and we dance all night long. At first there is not much contact but then she gets my hands on her waist and I hesitate a bit as she puts her hands around my neck and we dance slowly to the vals that is being played. After a bit we sit down exhausted and she leans on my chest and then she gets up and gives me a kiss on the cheek.

 After a bit we sit down exhausted and she leans on my chest and then she gets up and gives me a kiss on the cheek

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I open my eyes in surprise and she rests her head on my chest again.
A-Don't take me home.
-Where should I take you?
A-Anywhere, I live in hotels and such. I travel.
-My place? Is close by. You can use my room, I'll take the couch.
I nod and she gives me a hug. She pays with her own money insisting and I take her back home.

To be continued..............

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