101 Hundreth and One

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I am dressing up for my fight with the battle uniform I have to wear for the fight. I'm a bit nervous for the fight. I'm going to fight with Hermes. The fastest of the gods and the trickster of them too.
-How do I fight the fastest god? Can I change my opponent?
Ha-Sadly no.
-Who chose my opponent?
Ha-It was thrown to luck.
-Whose idea was that?
Ha-It was more a comment than a serious suggestion but we ended up using that as we couldn't agree who to choose. You forgot this.
He hands me the bracelets and ties them up on my wrists.
Ha-Now you're ready. Come on in.
I smile and she takes my hand before she hugs me.
Ha-I'll wait outside.
Just like that he goes outside leaving me alone with my sweet girlfriend. She let's go of me and I step back modeling for her.
-How do I look?
A-Strong. Are you nervous?
-I'm up against the fastest and the trickster of the gods. Of course I'm nervous.
A-Don't sweat it. You'll be fine and you'll win.
I smile and I bend down to her height asking for a kiss. She gives me a short one before it turns into a heated one and we get interrupted by dad knocking.
Ha-Hurry it up lovebirds, we have to go.
I laugh and give her another kiss before we get out. We go together to the arena where the fight is taking place. When we get there dad takes Angel with him to the seats and I go to the center of the arena. I focus on Hermes's aura and I give a respectful handshake. Everyone is excited to see our fight. I'm fast but not that fast if compared to Hermes. We hear the horn and the fight starts.
He attacks first and I don't feel his aura for a moment before it reappears by my side in a kick that I almost don't dodge. He gets me on the defensive immediately and I turn my arms up blocking the worst attacks. I keep receiving some of the punches and kicks but those are the soft ones. I am a son of the strongest god of Olympus and I can't be weak. As I think about how to attack him when one of his kicks connects with my jaw throwing me backwards. I take the chance and throw a wide range attack with my aura. I make a smaller defense around myself to be able to worry more about the attacks that I can do. I feel his aura all around me and I know he's running around me. I have to break a tendon or hurt him enough so he slows down for me to catch up. I feel as he comes dashing through my aura barrier and I let the attack come as I make a cut on his leg wounding him so he slows down. I push him back and I sense him falling to his knees as he grunts when he touches his cut. Then he throws a fast hummingbird aura and I make a high jump as I evade his attack. I hear as he moves from side to side trying to confuse me but I am no fool and I manage to block his attack entirely as I lift my arms to the side. I hear my bones crack a bit like when I crack my knuckles before and after exercising. I throw kicks at him but he evades them lifting his arms as well. In one I throw one last kick as he throws a punch at me. They both connect and we both fall backwards. He falls on his back rubbing his jaw and I stumble backwards rubbing my now bloody nose. He throws a knife at me and I evade but when I realize the direction in which is going I turn fearful as I realize it will struck Angel on the chest. I move fast and I hold the knife with a fist close on the sharp part. I let out a sigh of relief and I give her a smile before I go back to the fight. I play with the knife and I hold it up and I throw it at him but he evades it jumping back and the knife sticks on the wall behind him. He turns to attack me and I barely have time to block. Then I start to get even more defensive as his attacks turn more aggressive and faster. When I take my hand in a fist I notice that the wound from the knife is gone. For a moment I'm about to give up the fight when I swear I hear someone call my name. I blink a couple times before I tense my arms to get stronger concentrating all my weight on my upper body making my arms stronger and my legs faster. When I feel ready I make a run for it.
                    Hermes POV
I try to wear Calix down with a bunch of fast hits but he manages to keep up with me. When I'm about to claim my victory all of his essence disappears. I blink in surprise and I look all around me looking for him. I hear a big bump and when I turn I only see a broken wall but no sign of him. I hear more loud noises but I don't see him at all. I can feel his aura coming from two places at the same time. When I manage to establish a pattern on his movements I make a run following him as I use my full power to keep pace with him. We both throw punches at each other until we make a sudden stop to change direction. I almost don't believe my eyes, he's keeping up with my speed. In a moment he stops and he holds me up by the neck and I feel as he squeezes. For a moment his eyes glow but I throw him a kick and as his grip softens I throw another kick and that makes him let go of me. I cough as I regain my breath and he gives me a super high kick on my injured leg and I grunt in pain. Just as he's about to throw another attack I make one of my own and then we are both in a mutual kill move. We both jump back and as we throw one last attack we both get knocked out by the force.
                      Hades POV
As I watch a pretty even fight between Calix and Hermes I see how Calix distributes his aura along his body. After that he makes a very good and fast opponent even for the fastest god. They make pretty even attacks and then they both throw a big attack and we see as both of them pass out after the attack. Is a toe and I almost don't believe it. We turn to treat them and Poseidon takes Hermes as I take Calix and we take them to the infirmary. Luckily they're just exhausted and this is probably the hardest decision ever. I leave him with his girlfriend to take care of him as I go to the throne room to reach a decision.
                         Angel POV
I watch over Calix as he sleeps resting from the fight. I undo his hair and I braid it and unbraiding it slowly humming to myself. After a while he wakes up and I give him a kiss on the hand and the cheek.
-I'm here.
He smiles and then he cries and I turn to him.
-Hey, what's wrong?
C-I lost the fight. What will happen now?
-You didn't lost, it was a tie. He too passed out.
C-Where's dad?
-He went to check which is your place amongst the gods. To reach the decision altogether.
He seems satisfied with my answer as he kisses my hand and then he asks.
C-Can you, um, lie down with me?
He moves to the side and I get on the bed at his side on top of his arm and I get closer to his chest and we both fall asleep together.
                          Hades POV
We reach a decision at last and I go get him. When I get there I find that he's asleep with his girlfriend with him and they're cuddling together. I roll my eyes and I go wake him up.
-Calix, hey wake up. Calix.
-Your presence is required. We've decided your place.
C-What is it?
-I can't tell.
C-Fine. I'll go, one second.
I step outside as he shoos me away.
                    Calix POV
I shoo dad away and he goes away and I turn to Angel. I smile as I shake her awake.
-Hey babe, baby, wake up.
She wakes up but she stays there and smiles hugging me tighter.
-Sweetie, angel of my life, wake up. I have to go. You go home. I'll catch up later with you.
A-Ok. I hope you get a good place. You'll be great.
I give her a kiss holding her chin up so our lips meet. When we separate we get up and we go our different ways. Just before we separate I stop her.
-Can I borrow your hair tie?
I smile and I undo her hair taking the tie and I tie up mine and give her a kiss before I go away.
When we get to the throne room I step on the center and I feel my feet on fire. I look down and I sigh as my feet are just like always. I turn my attention to Zeus as he speaks.
-I'm sorry. I didn't hear you, can you repeat that?
He sighs and rubs his face with his hands before he stands and gets towards me. I frown defiantly at him as he steps in front of me with his hands on his pockets.
Z-I said, you're the god of instinct and senses. Repeat.
-Make me.
He frowns and I turn away to go away. As I take a single step backwards I feel him throwing an attack at me. I frown and I throw a kick at him stopping just so I don't hit him before I sigh and retreat.
-See you.
I lower my leg and I turn and go away like nothing happened and I whistle as I go away. I go home and I go to the kitchen and get a drink for me and one for Angel. I go to the bedroom and I find her sleeping on the bed. I smile as I sense her and I put the glasses down and I quietly sneak in the bed with her and fall asleep as soon as I position myself so we're cuddling together.
The next time I wake up as I get to hug Angel again I freak out as I don't feel her with me on the bed.
I don't hear her and I get up from the bed and I of a bit hurriedly to the kitchen yawning a bit. I sense as Karma and Nova are there as well and I relax as I feel Angel too.
Ka-So you're awake. Your girlfriend's cute.
I frown and I get behind her protectively and he laughs at me.
-What were you talking about?
N-I was suggesting going to the beach or the pool and get some time together.
A-Can we go?
-If you want to.
I lean on her hugging her from behind before I give her a kiss on the cheek. Karma groans.
Ka-Ugh that's nasty. Gross, get a room.
N-I think is lovely, cute and adorable.
I smile and turn to give her another kiss this time on the lips.
Ka-Calix! You can do that when you're alone with her.
I laugh and give her another kiss before I turn to him.
-Suffer bitch.
I give her one more kiss before I go get a dinner for myself. As I cook I talk with them.
-Can you guess what I did to Zeus?
Ka-Badmouth him.
N-Insult him?
-No, I ignored him and when he tried to attack me I got a kick to him in warning and I went away as if nothing happened.
They laugh and I smile as I sit down to eat. I get my chair closer to Angel and I almost touch her as I eat.
-So, when are we going to the pool?
N-Tomorrow early and the rest of the weekend. Everyone will be there as well.
I agree and we finish eating and go to our rooms to sleep early for tomorrow.

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