39 Thirty Nine-Welcome Karma and Nova

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I nudge Hades awake and he mumbles still half asleep.
-Hades, the babies.
I nod and he gets dressed quickly calling Karai and then he picks me up taking me on his arms to the car meeting Karai halfway there. Hades puts me on the backseat with Karai taking care of me while he drives us to the hospital. I let out a laugh as I see Hades's choice of clothes.
K-What's so funny?
I point to Hades and she looks at him for a bit before she laughs. When we arrive at the hospital Hades takes me inside and we are quickly surrounded by doctors and nurses. They take me inside and I keep looking at them until I can't see them anymore.
Hades POV
I keep looking a bit more after she's gone and when I do turn is because Karai is pulling on me. I hug her tightly and she tries to comfort me rubbing my back softly.
K-She'll be fine and so will be my siblings.
I nod and give her a kiss and then she pulls me to sit down with her. I rest my head on her shoulder and take comfort on her presence and I allow myself to calm down a little bit.
Doctor-Family of Hera.
I jump out of the couch and away from Karai as I hear the doctor.
-We are.
Doctor-You can enter to see her now. She's on room 303.
I nod and pull Karai with me towards the room. I open the door to see that they're all sleeping peacefully. I give her a kiss on the forehead before I turn to our babies. I look at them sleeping peacefully and I nudge for Karai to come closer.
-Come on, come meet your siblings.
She nods and comes to my side to see them closely.
K-They're so cute.
One of the babies starts to wake up and I pick him up cautiously.
-Aww, shush now. I'm here, I'm here.
He calms down and he falls asleep once more in my arms. I turn to Karai and show her.
-Do you want to charge him?
K-I don't know if I can do it.
-I'll help you. Here you go.
She gets her arms stretched out and I pass him to her. She takes him a bit afraid and a bit hesitantly while she looks at him like is the last time she will see him.
K-Karma. He's so fragile and small. The cutest thing ever.
She passes the baby back to the crib and just when she's about to let go she gives him a kiss and we look at them until we hear Hera as she wakes up.
Hera POV
When I start to wake up I notice that Hades and Karai are here too.
-Mmm, hey. How are Nova and Karma?
Ha-They're here, sleeping.
One of them starts crying and we turn to see them.
Ha-Well, not anymore.
He goes and picks him up and just when he's about to come the other one starts crying as well and he hands Karma to Karai and picks Nova up and he gets them to me. I take Nova and he gives me a kiss before he sits at my side taking Karma again. We enjoy our little moment of peace when Hades's phone starts ringing loudly. He stands and turns his back to Karai.
Ha-Karai, can you get that for me?
She takes his phone from his pocket and answers it with a cheerful tone.
K-Hello, who speaks?........Oh, hi, he's busy right now...........one second.
She puts the phone on the bed and she puts it on speaker.
K-Ok, now you can speak.
Pe-<If you can tell him that I have something for him I would really appreciate it.>
Ha-We can hear you.
Pe-<Where are you? I'm at the condo and I already checked Cerberus's place, Hera and Olympus too.>
Ha-We're at the hospital.
K-I'm a big sister now.
Pe-<I'll come over.>
With that she hangs up and the call ends.
-I guess she'll bring the party over here.
We all laugh at that but stop when the babies give us a kind reminder that they're sleeping and we shush them with a little swinging. I see as Karai passes a finger through Karma's cheek lovingly.
K-He's so cute. They're both cute.
-They look just like what they are, the cutest thing in the world.
Just then Persephone comes in with a massive amount of gifts for the babies and us.
Pe-Uncle, how's the baby?
He steps aside and perhaps for the first time she notices that is two babies and not one.
Pe-Two babies? Oh uncle, I'm so happy for you all. What are their names? Can I hold one?
Hades gives her Karma to hold and she looks at him with a bright smile and once Hades retires his hands he starts crying and he only calms down when Hades takes him again.
Ha-And that was Karma.
Pe-And the other cutie pie and adorable baby is?
-This dear Persephone, is Nova. Here.
She picks her up and she seems calm for a moment before she starts kicking her forearm as she wakes up. Hades gives me Karma and takes Nova afterwards. She calms down on her dad's arms and falls back asleep.
Pe-It seems they don't like me that much.
Ha-They were barely born early this morning. Give them time.
Pe-Ok, so this is Nova and that one is Karma, right?
We keep laughing and talking until late at night when Persephone goes back home and she takes Karai with her. A few days later the doctor says I can finally go home and we do. When we get home as Hades opens the door for me I'm greeted by all of our friends. Persephone, Karai, Josh, May, Aphrodite, Zeus, Poseidon, Hercules, Hermes, Alex, Medusa, Hydra, Meg, Chimera, Cerberus and his brothers. All of them there to greet us happily and with gifts for the babies. We do a quick exchange of congratulations and slowly the only ones that are left are Cerberus, Persephone, Hercules and Karai. They all gather around except for Hercules, he stays hidden in a corner. I nudge Hades and when he sees what I do he smiles and nods at me. I go towards Hercules and look at him for a moment before I speak to him.
-Hercules, do you want to hold her?
Herc-I don't think I'm worthy.
I make a face at him before I talk again.
-Please? My arms are tired and only someone as strong as you can help me. Please.
Herc-Fine, just for a second. What do I have to do?
-Hold her like this.
He takes Nova with a gentleness I didn't know he was able to give, much to my surprise, he looks at her with adoration and I know that like everybody else, he loves her already.
Herc-She's so adorable.
-You like her?
He nods and I get him with the others as well. He smiles at Nova and makes her funny faces and she laughs at him and he laughs along with her and we all laugh at him and when he realizes it he tries to give her back to me but I back away.
-Not just yet, you seem to be enjoying yourself so, please keep it up.
He makes a pained face but smiles as soon as he hears Nova mumbling and reaching out for him. He keeps playing with her apart from us and we all sit down and talk. After a couple minutes is only me, Hades and our children Karai, Karma and Nova. Karai and I are admiring Nova when I hear Karma. I hold Nova close and I point Karai to look at Hades.
-Karai, look at you father.
She turns and she giggles a bit at Hades who has fallen asleep in the couch with Karma on his lap. Karma is looking curiously at his father and I laugh a bit until I notice that Karma is about to fall and I call out to Hades.
He wakes up and when he notices what's happening he throws himself on the floor on top of his back and he catches Karma midair preventing him to fall. He sighs relieved and he sits on the floor and looks at Karma while he on the other hand is laughing like it was all a game. Hades smiles at him calmly.
Ha-Really? You almost fall and you laugh. He will be fearless don't you think ladies?
K-We will get along just fine.
-I think is good that you get along.
We all look at each other and then at the babies as they start to yawn and get sleepy.
-Well then, I think that's enough for today. Is time to sleep for the cuties and I also need to sleep not to mention you already are falling asleep.
Ha-Yeah, let's all go to sleep.
With that we get Nova and Karma to their cribs and Karai goes to her room as well and then when we're sure the kids are asleep we get ourselves to sleep as well.

Five years later
We are making a party of our own with only Hades, Karai, Karma, Nova and myself for Karma and Nova's fifth birthday. Hades and I watch as they play together a game of chess over their breakfast and I whisper on his ear.
-They really are as smart as you.
Ha-You are smart too.
He gives me a kiss and we hear them both groan.
Ka-Not a tie again.

Note: K is Karai and Ka is Karma.

N-Ugh, this is boring.
Ka-I know, come.
Karma whispers something on Nova's ear and she smiles widely and turns nodding at her twin brother and they go off looking for something.
Ha-What could they be planning.
I shrug my shoulders and we both go wash the dishes when we hear Karai screaming for her siblings.
K-KARMA!!!!! NOVA!!!!!! DAD!!!
We both go to her room and we see that Karai is tied up to her bed.
-What happened?
I hear some laughter from the door. I turn and I see the twins giggling at their big sister.
K-You two, when I get out of here, that is not nice. But I'll get you, you'll see.
Ka-Only if you catch us first.
N-And you're tied up.
I watch as the knots come undone by Hades and when they're loose in their entirity Karai jumps out of bed towards them and I try to stop her.
-Karai, don't........hurt them?
When I see clearly I see that they're all smiling and laughing as Karai tickles them without mercy only stopping when she can't breathe anymore. She gets a group hug to them and gives them a kiss.
Ka-Are you not mad anymore?
K-I wasn't mad, confused maybe but not mad, you're my little brother and sister, I can't get mad at you. I love you both too much to be mad at you.
N-Why were you confused then?
K-Because I couldn't use my aura, my power. To break free. Come on.
We all go to the living room and as I search for something to do on my phone for a good party. Karai keeps talking with the twins.
K-So, why couldn't I use my aura?
The twins start talking at the same time and Karai puts her hands over their mouths.
K-I can't understand if you talk at the same time. Now, Karma, explain.
Ka-The ropes which we used to tie you up, we made them.
K-What do you mean you made them?
N-We invented it just so we could prank you.
Ka-And tie you up. You know the aura cuffs?
K-How do you know about that?
N & Ka-Nowhere.
And just like that they hop away from Karai and go play somewhere else. Karai goes to the kitchen and gets something to eat. She comes back and she sits properly like a lady. Hades stands to get a drink and just as he comes with his drink in hand the twins come running and laughing and they run around his legs making him lose his balance and almost fall to the floor.
Ha-Slow down, you're going to fall.
He gets his drink to drink something but when he notices the drink is all on his shirt he shakes his head smiling and turns to clean it. In the end he takes the shirt off and he hangs it on the back of one of the chairs neatly. He comes back to my side and he passes an arm around my shoulders.

To be continued....

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