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Evzen POV
I go back home struggling a bit and out of breath as I nearly lost my life tonight. I was unprepared for this but I will learn how to deflect it. Everything in my body hurts even more with each step I take. I somehow managed to get my hoodie on to cover the symbol of my uniform, I fell right into the trap and I let them get away.

I follow the robber through an alley and I am so focused in stopping him that I don't realize I walked into an ambush until is too late to escape. They laugh at me and when I turn to check what happened there are at leas two dozen of guys surrounding me from all sides. I manage to get some knocked out but they are too much and I'm just me and alone against them. They try to strangle me and they cut me everywhere I am showing skin. Lucky me the police sound and they run away. I do as well in pain and I make my way to rest a bit before I continue my way home the shadows surrounding me completely making me invisible to everyone. I don't even have the energy to teleport home.
End of flashback

I see my house and I make one last push there before I fall against the wall by the window of the kitchen. I sigh and I take off the mask and hide it, although at this point is kind of useless to hide myself from my family. I get my weapon and a bit forced I stand up and seeing enough. Gathering my will I hide a bit and I knock the point of my weapon against the window. They notice but dismiss it so I knock harder. They all turn and I'm sure they all see me now by their expression but I don't really care right now. I shamefully ask Robin to come.
She comes to me a bit confused and I slide back resting against the wall. She looks at me a bit confused and I can tell she doesn't recognize me yet so I just call her out.
I nod weakly and she disappears inside before she comes back with a water bottle that I try to open but can't so she opens it.
R-What happened to you? You look bad and you're hurt.
She pulls me to the window frame and hugs me tightly across the window. I let out a tear and I speak on her ear.
-I need to tell you something. All of you. Help me in.
She backs away and offers me her hand. I tale it getting another hand on the frame and I slowly step through the window. They all look at me worried and expectantly and still a bit incredulous. I look at all of them a bit fearful for what I'm about to say to them and I get in completely but my legs threaten to fall to the weight of my body but I recover myself again. The one that breaks the silence is Hades as he speaks with authority.
Ha-Are you Mid-Night?
I don't answer but I let out a sigh and I get my mask out and slide it across the table. I clear my throat and they turn from the mask to me. I turn around turning my back to them and I take off the hoodie with a bit of difficulty and I leave it at the window before I turn around showing them the front of my costume. Is all black with a ray of moon crossing from my right shoulder to the left of my waist and on the left top there are the initials of my cover name, MN. I turn my face away and the next thing I know dad is in front of me a hand on my shoulder.
-Now you know.
R-Is this why you didn't let me in your room a few weeks ago.
I nod and I let myself fall to the floor exhausted and I just sit there. We fall into an awkward silence that is broken by the twins with their usual joke.
AJ-So you're that masked hero.
CJ-Was the lady you rescued not attracted to the hero?
I laugh out loud before I shrink grabbing my side in pain.
-No damsel in distress. The damsel, I don't have one. I got ambushed by dozen goons. Minimum.
Dad picks me up by the arm and he sits me down in a chair.
M-How are you feeling?
-Nothing. Just tired. Do I still look as cute as always?
He shakes his head in disbelief but still answers me honestly.
M-You look as always but hurt.
R-Here, get some ice. So why did you came here at all? You surely didn't came just to tell us you're this masked hero that roams at night.
-Not really. If you don't mind, I can ask for you to patch me up.
She sighs and she takes my hand gently.
R-Of course. Does this mean you're talking to me again? You're not mad anymore.
I scoff.
-I was never mad at you. Not really and I was a bit busy. I thought, if I didn't tell you all everything would just work out smoothly.
I take off my boots and my gloves and I get them together with my mask. A bit after I get all my weapons out and get them on the table, they are mostly knifes and some other stuff that I hang on the belt I use. They look at them amazed and I laugh a bit at their surprise. I slowly take off the top of my uniform and they all gasp as they see me with bruises and cuts and some scars over my upper body.
R-Do I clean them all or just the fresh ones?
-Focus in the fresh ones. The others are already healed up, kind of.
R-I will make it as painful as possible.
-I know you will.
I look at my top on my hands and I trace my thumb over the letters as I sigh.
-They will get what's coming to them.
M-Surely you don't plan on going back.
-Of course I am. Despite all of this........
I point to all my wounds and keep talking.
-I am not, ever, getting out of this. I am strong enough to handle more than this, I just got surprised. I was honestly not expecting this to happen.
I am not making the same mistake again.
Ka-The same mistake?
-Underestimate my enemy.
I see as Robin comes back to me with the first aid kit and I prepare myself for the worst. She did say it would hurt.
She is rough and tough and I groan as I imagine myself with happy thoughts until I flinch away when she gets to the very center of my wound sticking on the deeper part.
-Hey that hurt.
R-I said it would.
-I assumed you'll be rough and tough not torture me even more.
She offers me a hand and I take it gratefully. This time however she is more gentle as she treats my wounds again. I tell them everything I do and they listen without interrupting me. I get spanked a couple times by sister as I move trying to demonstrate with movements and reliving everything I have done since I became this masked hero, vigilante.
Ka-It seems you have very busy nights or long.
-I already had them way before I got the idea to be a vigilante.
M-I don't know if that's a good or a bad thing.
I consider my answer for a bit but shrug as I don't find a good one.
-Well, I only changed what I do so is not so much as a big deal.
R-There you go, you are all patched up.
I smile at her feeling a bit better and she offers me a pill and a glass of water. I sigh and I take the pill reluctantly but I don't swallow it at all. I make as if I were cleaning my mouth but I spit the pill on my fist fast enough that she doesn't notices and keep on going along with them. I end up eating more than I should as I'm as hungry as the wolf. They go away to sleep and when I'm done I get my things and I go with Robin to sleep with her on her room. I get changed to my pajamas and slip in bed with her. We face each other as she keeps an eye to make sure I stay on bed and sleep and I don't take long to fall asleep very deeply. When I wake up I get suited up again as there has been some fire that spread out of control at the park. I slip out of bed and as I go I find that Robin doesn't let go of me as she either wants to go or keep me here resting. I have to follow her everywhere as she doesn't let me go and as a result people get hurt even worse than they should if I were there. She doesn't give me any break or let me breathe without her knowing if I do or not. When I get creeped out I ask her.
-Would you help me fight them?

To be continued.............

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