30 Thirty

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The next morning when I wake up I go to the kitchen and find that Karai is already awake and cooking some breakfast.
-What are you cooking?
K-I'm doing some bacon and some bread fried or toasted, I haven't decided yet. But you can get it plain if you like, I don't know.
-Thanks for it. What can I help you with?
K-You can go back to your room with dad and stay there both of you. I want to do something for both of you and I decided to get you breakfast in bed. So go back to bed and wait for it to be ready.
She pushes me out of the kitchen and I go back to my room where Hades is sitting awake scrolling through his phone. I flop down on the bed next to him and he laughs at me.
Ha-What happened?
-Karai will get us breakfast in bed.
Ha-Sounds dangerous. What is she bringing?
-She didn't told me. Pushed me out of the kitchen before I could even ask or see what was it.
He laughs at that and I laugh with him before he gives me a sweet kiss. After a while Karai enters with our breakfast on hand.
K-Good morning to the both of you. I hope you're hungry because I got you breakfast.
She gets on the bed with us and gets us our respective meals to eat. She looks at us and she steps back and shapeshifts into a tiny kitty. She comes between us and she cuddles under Hades's arm. I laugh as she purrs him to pet her. He does and he eats his breakfast calmly. I see as he tries to hide a smile by taking another bite. I look as Karai moves to climb by his arm to his shoulder. She gets there without problem and she licks his cheek lovingly.
Ha-You know you have to tell me how you do that, right?
She gets down from him and goes to the floor and she goes back to herself again.
K-Of course I will tell you but later. Now, finish your breakfast. Actually....
Karai grabs a bite from both our plates and eats them before she turns into a kitty again. This time however she rests on our feet and curls up in a sleepy position as she waits for us to finish our breakfast. I motion to Hades to look at me and when he looks I trace my hand to scare Karai but just as I'm about to scare her she pushes my hand back with her aura before she reacomodates herself on the bed yawning a bit as she sits looking at me viciously.
I move my finger in front of her and she follows it without breaking contact. She licks her nose a couple of times and she starts to stare at me. I laugh and I look down at my plate for a bit before putting it away and I get out of bed and go change. Hades does too and we see as she turns back to resting. We laugh slowly as we finish getting ready. I stand on the door and Hades goes back to the bed and pokes her.
Ha-Are you coming? Karai.
She looks at him before she rolls under the blankets. I look as she travels down the bed to the very center.
Ha-Get out of there.
She meows him and he laughs until we hear Cerberus's voice from the living room. I hear Karai purs under the blanket as she comes out.
C-Hades!!! Are you home?
Karai jumps from the bed to the floor and she turns into a puppy midair and runs through the hall to meet with Cerberus. We follow behind and when we reach them she's jumping towards him and we see as she turns herself again. Cerberus is so surprised at that he's thrown to the floor with her on a big hug with him.
They get up and we sit down at the couches. Karai gets us a drink each and as she passes them out Cerberus asks what we all think.
C-So, since when can you turn into a wolf?
K-Dog, not wolf. I will never turn into a wolf.
C-Ok then, since when can you turn into a dog?
K-Pretty recently, awesome right?
C-How did they took it or how was when you did it for the first time? Or what about......
Karai lifts a hand stopping him as she takes a sip from her drink. A pretty damn long sip and when she finishes the whole drink she turns to him laughing slowly.
K-I can do big cats too, panthers, tigers, lions, I won't try to do birds or fishes or insects perhaps I'll turn into a bird sometime but I prefer the puppy and the big cats.
Ha-Any particular reason for that or are you really being choosy now?
K-Oh no, I like all the animals but I feel that the ones I really want to turn into I can't. I can't really turn into a dolphin or a shark here on the living room, now can I?
Ha-You can always use the infinity pool.
K-Dad, I'm daring not death wishing. Besides, I would not go to the infinity pool for that, I'd make my own pool only for me and me alone.
-It was a joke, he's messing with you. But really why that specific choice.
K-Remember when we went to the zoo? What I said about you both comparing you with different animals?
-Oh, if only I could forget what you said for me. But I won't because it was fun and adorable.
C-What did you say to her?
K-I was five and I said that she looked like an adult male lion when she woke up every morning with her hair savage like that.
Ha-And you compared me to a white tiger. Cute as well.
K-A gentle fierceness. A cute mystery, a majestic look. And you're adorable too.
She gives him a big hug before she gives him a kiss on the cheek.
K-So, I was able to master the ability completely on my birthday. I wasn't really sure I was going to be able to use it during the fight with Zeus and I wasn't going to use it either but I didn't want to lose so there goes the panther.
C-So you're saying that you defeated Zeus as a panther?
K-Well, it did gave the finishing blow by my side because even after I let go because it was hilarious, he continued to zap thunderbolts at me until he got tired of losing. It was like I attack him a lot while hurting his vital points, then I immobilized him with my panther form and then let him attack until he gets tired.
C-That sounds like it took a long time. Did you got hurt?
K-Not as bad as I hurt him.
-Don't lie to him, tell him what happened right here.
I give her a soft punch on the arm and she rolls her eyes. She looks at her that beggingly.
Ha-I'm not going to say it.
K-Ugh, well then, after a bit of fighting I made a mistake and gave him an opening and I don't think he really wanted to punch me that hard but he punched me on my shoulder and he immobilized my arm but I got it back into place and got my sweet revenge by beating him up.
Ha-You should have seen her expression, a cold unreadable mask and she fought only with her legs for a while.
-And while having her eyes closed she evaded all of his attacks. I got scared and amazed at the same time.
C-Well, little sis, you haven't answered my first question.
We all look to him and we realize he's being serious because he called her little sis and not puppy or Karai like he always does.
K-Wich of all the questions you asked?
C-I can ask another question and add it to the list.
K-Oh please, just ask the damn question already.
K-Yes kitty cat?
Ha-First, don't call me that again and second, watch your language.
K-I can do one only at the same time.
Ha-And how will that work out?
K-Depends on how I'm feeling. Anyhow, Cerby, I believe you wanted to ask me something.
C-Yes, true, um, I wanted to know in which animals can you transform.
K-How do you want me to tell you? By telling you or showing you.
C-Telling, you can show me later.
K-I can go into any living creature big or small but up until now I have been a panther, a pretty cute small kitty and a puppy. The puppy doesn't feel as comfortable or intimidating or adorable like the other two, is just, not enough feeling. It doesn't feel right with what I like to do the most and it doesn't look good on me either.
Ha-Karai, don't push it.
K-I'm not doing anything.
We all laugh at her innocent face of indifference. Karai gets a bit of food and drinks for all of us and she gets one for Hades, one for Cerberus, one for me and another one for herself. She looks at Hades for a moment before she smiles and drinks from her cup.
-What's so funny?
K-I was thinking about something and well it got funny.
Ha-What were you thinking about?
C-But that's not funny. That's gross, disgusting and boring with a hint of killing.
K-Oh no, you misunderstood me. I was talking about dressing up for a party and I was thinking about what would look terrific and when I got to the zombie as I imagined how would we look I just thought it would be funny looking.
We keep talking and joking between ourselves until Cerberus starts to blush at some thoughts.
-What are you thinking about Cerberus?
C-I was wondering if maybe, just maybe, if it can be done.
C-I would like to see as Karai turns into different animals if she wants. Only if she wants.
Ha-Karai, what do you say?
Karai answers by turning into the small kitty that she did this morning. She looks at all of us before she yawns a little more out of boredom than tired. She looks at the sky outside and hops on Hades's lap easily. She turns into herself again and she ends up with her legs on top of me and her upper body on Hades.
K-Any other animal you want me to turn to?
Ha-We might have a few on mind.
K-As long as they're adorable.
-How about if you turn into a little adorable monkey?
K-You really want a monkey? Don't you want another one? What about your symbol? A peacock perhaps.
-You said that you wouldn't turn into any bird.
K-I said I won't try because I can't very well do the flying part. But I can turn into them and keep myself on the ground.
-Then turn into the peacock if you think is a best choice.
She nods and gets down from Hades's lap and turns into a white, majestic peacock. She shakes her head as she comes and goes.
Ha-How about you turn into the kitty cat again.
She flaps her wings a bit and turns into the kitty he liked so much this morning. She stretches a bit before she jumps on the couch and acomodates herself under his arm and his hand. She puts as he pets her a bit. He takes her by the back of the neck and holds her up and she looks at him like she wants to scratch him hard on the face. Hades laughs a bit and holds her in front of him.
Ha-Why you got so small? I almost prefer you like this.
C-She might scratch you if you don't let her down.
Karai meows at his argument and Hades puts her down gently. She turns to look at Cerberus and he looks at her oblivious to what she wants. She stands and steps closer to his feet trying to get him to understand what she's trying to say. Obviously he doesn't understands.
C-What do you want?
-She wants you to tell her into what animal you want her to turn into.
Karai jumps happily and he thinks a bit before he asks.
C-How about the one you used on the fight.
She walks away to a more open space and turns into the panther. She walks towards Cerberus slowly and one step at a time before she lies down peacefully to show him that she's still in control of herself.
We keep watching as she turns into different animals through the evening when.
C-Can you turn into a wolf?
Karai turns back to herself and she snaps at him menacingly and with her voice raised a bit.
K-I said that I won't turn into a wolf ever. So don't ask me to turn into a wolf again, ever.
C-Can you at least tell me why?
K-Is not of your interest.
She sits down frowning and she crosses her arms in anger. Hades pokes her arm gently until she smiles back at him.
Ha-There you go. Keep it up.
K-You always get your way.
Ha-Is my job to keep you smiling at all times no matter what.
Karai turns to hug him before he speaks again.
Ha-Seriously now, why don't you want to try turning into a wolf?
Karai rolls his eyes and she pulls him down to whisper something on his ear. When she let's go she looks down at her feet.
K-You must think I sound ridiculous with that excuse.
Ha-That's not ridiculous, a bit unrealistic but not ridiculous. That will pass and will go away, you'll see. You'll get over it soon enough.
K-I can try but I make no promises that everything will work out like it should be.
We laugh at her reasoning before Cerberus speaks again.
C-Hades, if you let me, can I take Karai with me for a couple days? I think I will need her advice on something I want to do.
He rubs the back of his neck a bit ashamed of himself.
K-What is so urgent that you have to ask for my advice of all people? I know I'm smart but for advice I think you better ask them instead.
C-Is because I need your, sense of style? Can she come with me?
Ha-Only under two conditions at least.
C-Name it and I'll do them.
Ha-First, she has to want to go with you and second, you have to promise no harm will come to her no matter what.
C-Karai, do you want to come?
K-I don't see why not but I still think you don't really need my advice but sure, I'll go with you.
C-Then I promise you all that no harm will come to her, not while she's with me.
K-Then I will go pack a few clothes for how much time?
C-A week at least, maybe two.
K-Three it is then. When do we leave?
C-When you say.
Karai goes away to pack and it takes a while but she ends up with two suitcases and a backpack that she gives Cerberus to carry.
K-Carry that for me, can you?
C-Is the strongest having problems lifting a bag pack?
Karai looks at him menacingly as she shrugs uncomfortably rubbing her back to where she can reach a lot.
C-Is this everything?
K-Oh no, there are two more suitcases over there, you can go get them. And carry them for me.
C-Sure thing sis.
He gets up and gives Karai a kiss on the cheek before he goes and gets her luggage. He comes grunting with the luggage.
C-By the gods, what did you pack in here? Did you pack your entire closet?
K-Don't be ridiculous, that's only a few things that are essential in my everyday life.
C-Maybe you can leave a few things, I don't know, leave some clothes here.
K-You're crazy if you think I'll unpack anything.
C-It was worth a try. Are you ready to go?
K-Of course puppy face.
She turns to us and she gives us a kiss each before she goes away with Cerberus. Leaving Hades and I alone at Olympus and we already miss their scandalous voices and their laughter. We look at each other and Hades gives me a sweet kiss before he takes me to our room on his arms like a princess.

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