77 Seventy Seven

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I get my hands on both girls and they pass their hands all over me. I start to kiss one of them while the other gives me a blowjob as I finger both their asses. After a bit they both sit on top of me and I fuck one in the ass fingering her pussy while with my other hand I finger the other girl's ass as I lick her front while they make out. After we all come multiple times I order them to lick my privates clean together. They add a blowjob each to end and as I get heated up again I fuck them both senseless wearing them out before I let them all three together on the bed and I dress up again and turn to go back home.

While I walk back home at Olympus towards the gates I see that is already late night. I turn my phone back on and I immediately receive a call from dad. I decide to ignore it and hang up before I check my notifications and I see I have at least fifty missed calls from everyone, fifty each with at least a couple voice mails from dad mostly and I decide to erase all of them as I decide to listen to dad's lecture when I get back home. I send a single text to Nova saying only hi. I turn the phone off again and as I keep walking the now empty streets I practice my fire breathing control and I notice something else. When I inhale first and then let it out it comes out like ice but if I just exhale is fire. I try to shape it as I breathe it out but I can't make it. Just before I reach the gates I buy a six pack of beer cans and I take one and as I go up the gate to Olympus I drink about half of them and by the time I reach home I'm finishing another one and I'm about to drink the last one when I almost drop it. I enter the house as silently as I possibly can but dad is already waiting for me.
Ha-Where were you?
-Not here?
Ha-Don't mock me child.
-I'm not mocking you.
I take a sip from the beer and as I start to walk away dad cones towards me slowly like a predator looks at its prey before killing it. He grabs me by the forearm and takes me to the training room. I suppose is a fight between us but I really don't want to fight him as I'm not ready, I'm tired and I can't seem to focus properly. He gets himself on position and he attacks me without warning and I fall backwards to the floor and I cough a bit of blood.
-For having fun? Not a chance.
He punches me on the face once more and as he throws another punch I use my ice breath to freeze his hand and in his surprise I get myself out of his reach. I start to see blurry so I just get a gigantic fire wall up surrounding me and I breathe fire above me to keep any attack from above. I try to focus my eyes but all I see is shades of red and orange. I see a shadow that I think is dad and I lift my arms defensively blocking his kick. After a few more hits I give up as I apologize and cry. Next thing I know is that I'm enveloped in a hug. I wrap an arm around his neck and I rest my chin against his shoulder and I apologize again.
-I'm sorry. Truly so, so sorry. I just wanted to have some fun before........
Ha-Is fine, you're here now. You're fine and that's what matters. Let's get you to bed, you look really bad.
-It was worth it though. Wait, is Nova awake?
Ha-You can sleep on the guest room if you so desire.
-If she's going to punish me as well I prefer it to be now before I go to sleep and not tomorrow.
We start to go home and he helps me to not fall over. He helps me all the way to my room where thankfully both Nova and Isabella are asleep and by some miracle they don't wake up as dad helps me to bed. He goes away and I loosen up the neck of my shirt and I take the tie off as well as the jacket but as I'm about to take off the shirt I fall asleep halfway done and I just sleep as I am.
Nova POV
The next morning as I wake up I see that Isabella is not here and Karma is on his bed with half his shirt over his face and half his legs hanging from the edge of the bed. His pants are opened and undone and he's also not looking too good and I find the reason of that when I see a can of beer lying empty at the foot of his bed. I get up and I go and have breakfast. I find them already eating and I join them still on my sleepwear.
-Morning to you all.
They wave at me.
I-Auntie, where's uncle?
-Oh I left him sleeping a bit more. I think he needs to rest the entire day.
I-I wanted him to give me a piggyback ride and play with him for a bit.
I pick her up on my arms and I give her a big squeezing hug swinging her from side to side before I give her a kiss and I put her back on her chair as she laughs a bit.
I-One more time?
-I would, if you were a bit smaller.
She stretches out along the table pushing her food away.
I laugh at her statement before I speak again.
-I'll compensate sooner than you think.

A month later
On the twenty fourth of December we are just arriving at the airport to get our plane. Everyone comes with us to wave goodbye at us. Dad, Karma and Cerberus charge the bags while I hold Isabella's hand tightly so she doesn't runs off. She looks around excitedly taking every single little detail. We reach the point where we have to separate and we get the luggage in and before we go inside ourselves and we wave goodbye to everyone and we see as Isabella clings to Cerberus's leg hugging him tightly. He picks her up to his arms and he looks at her sad face.
C-Come now, I'll catch up later.
Pe-Can you give us a big smile?
I-You will come to see me, right?
C-We wouldn't miss it for the world.
He puts her down and gives her a kiss and a hug as he passes her back to me. Persephone is on the verge of tears but she doesn't cry in front of Isabella. She gives her something.
Pe-I was saving this for after seeing you sing but I think is best if you take it now.
She gives her a small box and she opens it she sees a ring on it. She puts it on and it turns blue and when she smiles and gets a laugh it turns yellow.
I-Cool. I love it.
Pe-Is a mood ring, changes color based on your emotions.
I-Like auntie's hair?
Everyone laughs at that and I blush a bit as Persephone gives a last kiss and a hug to her before she urges her to come with me. I take her on my arms and as I start to walk away she stops me.
I-Wait, one last thing.
I put her down and she runs towards her parents giving them a big hug and a kiss each before she comes back with me and she holds my hand tightly as she keeps turning to see them like she's making sure they're still there. When we reach security I give her a small box to put her personal belongings there and I take one for myself.
-Take your shoes off and put them there along with accessories like earrings, necklaces or rings. Your phone and such. Karma will go first, then you and then I'll follow close behind. Do the same as he does.
She nods and we put our belongings on the boxes and we pass the security one by one. She takes her things back and puts them on again and she turns to check behind us but then she asks Karma to lift her up. He does and he gets her up on his shoulders and she looks for everyone and she smiles widely when she finds them. She waves at them and I see as she cries a bit before she tries to hide it with a smile. We hear the call for our flight and we go to the plane. Already there we go inside the plane in our respective turns. Karma finds our seats and she sits on the middle seat and I sit on the inside seat as Karma puts the backpacks on the cabinet over our heads. Meanwhile I show Isabella how to put the seatbelt on and she mimicks me and I smile at how she does it.
I-How long until we get there?
Ka-Eighteen hours.
I-That is, um, half a day?
-Three fourths but you were close.
I-What am I supposed to do with that much time?
Ka-There are movies that you can choose from.
                       Karma POV
I take out a teddy bear from my suitcase and I give it to her and she smiles at me lovingly.
I-Thank you.
-You're welcome. Nova, do you want to play chess?
I look at the chessboard on the suitcase and wait for her answer. She negates with her head and she takes a blindfold from her pocket and she puts it on and goes to sleep. Isabella does the same and I look at the woman that I saw before entering. I smile at her and she calls me over to her. I go over to her and she gives me a piece of paper folded in pieces and as I take it I look at her and she winks at me with a smile. I go back to my seat and I put the seatbelt on. I make sure theirs is secure as well and then the plane takes off and they tell us about the security precautions. After they're done we are left to enjoy the flight and the movies. When most of the passengers are asleep I turn to see the chick from before taking her seatbelt off and she stands and goes to the bathroom silently as a cat. I follow her soon after and as I close the bathroom's door behind me and stand in front of her I can now study her closely and I notice she's no different from an exotic dancer. I pull her close to me and just before we start kissing we confirm the act.
Lady-Just sex.
-Just sex.
I bend down and I kiss her forcefully grabbing her head with both hands as she puts hers on my shoulders. We get rid of our clothes after we separate and once we're completely naked I turn her back to me and I fuck her from behind roughly. A bit afterwards I turn her to face me and I kiss her again forcefully before take her leg and I put it over my shoulder spreading her legs wide open for me. I rub my intimates by both her holes going back and forth letting her decide where she wants it.
-Where do you want it?
Lady-My ass. Fuck my ass.
I take her by the neck and I kiss her forcefully as I start to fuck her ass slowly. She bites her lip and I feel her body tremble. I hold her closer and I go faster until I come inside her. I look at the time on my watch and is barely midnight. She fixes herself and then she gets dressed and gets out of the bathroom and I close announcing that is occupied. I dress up again after cleaning myself and I fix my hair. I admire myself on the mirror and when I'm satisfied I get out of the bathroom and I go back to my seat. I thank the heavens that they're both still asleep and I sit and I turn to sleep for a bit.

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