54 Fifty Four

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The days pass and Karma heals fast with everyone taking care of him. We have breakfast together and Karma jumps around happy to be on his feet by his own again. He kisses and hugs each of us accordingly.
Ka-Mother, Karai, father, Nova.
N-Well aren't you a ray of sunshine this morning.
Ka-How can I not be when I am as good as new?
N-Anything in particular you want to do?
Ka-Tons but then again.
He stands and offers his hand to her in a small bow. She takes it and he pulls her to the living room.
N-Karma, what are you doing?
Ka-May I have this dance?
She takes his hand and they start dancing together just enjoying themselves, laughing and smiling until they drop on the couch exhausted from all the dancing. After they catch their breath Nova takes her notebook and she sits at the dge of the window and she draws on the notebook patiently. Karma looks at her as he listens to his iPod with his ear buds on and Karai reads a book on the other sofa silently. I go over to Nova's side and I look at her drawing and I see that she's drawing the outside but as if it were treehouses and without the cars and contamination of the gas of the cars. The cars are replaced by horses or carriages pulled by horses.
N-Are you liking it so far?
-Very much. I love it.
She winks at me and I understand her meaning quickly and I leave her alone and go back to Hades's side.
-Isn't this a nice view?
Ha-Indeed it is. Our children strong, healthy and they get along well.
He gives me a soft kiss and we keep looking at our children as they do their own thing quietly. Close to sunset Nova finishes her drawing and she stretches out before she stands and goes to Karma's side and she takes his ear buds off before she asks him.
N-What do you say a friendly match of chess?
He gets the board on the table and he puts the pieces on place giving her the first movement. She smiles as she makes her move and they, as always play fiercely and end up in a draw as always.
After that we go to sleep respectively.

The next morning at breakfast the first to speak is Karai.
K-Why don't we go somewhere fun? I don't know, get out of the city for a weekend or so.
Ha-Where do you suggest we go?
K-We can go to the zoo or the beach.
N-Uh, going to the beach sounds fun.
Ka-Yeah, we can do surfing or diving or just lie down there getting ourselves a tan.
K-That is such a great idea.
-Hades, what do you say? Do we go to the beach?
Ha-If you can get ready before the weekend arrives then yes.
They all cheer between themselves and they finish their food and they pull us out of the house and through the streets to the stores. We laugh as they pull us inside a store and they look for a bathing suit each.
N-Hey Karma, do you think this one will look good on me?
Ka-Maybe, you can go better. Say, um, let's see.....
He looks through the bathing suits dismissing almost all of them when he finds one that he approves. He gives it to her and she smiles lovingly. She puts the other one back and takes his from him hugging him.
N-I like it as well.
We go pay and we make our way to get a few more things. A couple juices, some sandwiches and a couple more snacks to eat. When we get to the beach at last they get out and inhale deeply before they help us get the things out of the car. The first to change are the boys and then I go with Karai and Nova and we help each other out.
K-Mom, you should get a new bathing suit.
N-More sexy.
K-That way dad is sure to look at you all the time.
We laugh and we finish changing and as we go back we see them talking and when we get to them.
Ha-You all look, divine.
Ka-Absolutely, tch, marvelous.
N-Shall we get in?
Ka-I'll catch up. I have an idea.
She goes to the water and for a while she stays just at the edge not touching the water just yet. When she finally gets inside she relaxes noticeably before she gets inside. Just then I see Karma with his surfboard entering a bit out of her eyesight. He makes it to her and he passes the surfing board to her.
Nova POV
I see as Karma gets to me in the surfing board and I laugh as he passes it to me.
Ka-I thought you might want to surf a bit.
I ruffle his hair a bit before I go deeper towards the wave. I stand up on the board and ride the waves. I give play to the music player that I have on my smart watch on my wrist and keep it going.

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