95 Ninety Five

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                        Calix POV
The next morning as I wake up I stay on my room and I take a very interesting book from the shelve and I read it. Is a romantic story of tragedy and unrequited love. I stay on the bed reading and I turn the pages as I finish each page. After a bit I hear a knock on the door and scared I hide under the blankets.
Ha-Are you awake?

-Be out in a minute

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-Be out in a minute.
I stand with the blanket wrapped around my waist and I go take my clothes and dress up. I open the door for him and he pats my head.
-What is it?
Ha-If you want to go out with your siblings.
Ha-Ask Karma.
                        Karma POV
I help Nova brush her hair and I sit behind her as she gets her shoes on. I am tying up her hair in a braid when we hear a knock on the door.
N-Come in.
Calix comes inside and we see that he's already dressed.
C-Where are we going?
-Out for a picnic.
-Just hanging out. Sibling time. You have to come. There is a lot of things to do.
I get dressed and we all go down to earth and we go to the park for our picnic. I make the sandwiches for us while Nova ties his hair with lots of flowers and ribbons. When I finish making the food I give it to them and we start chatting and everything.
C-You really are a great cook.
-Thank you. So, we have a question for you.
N-Do you have anyone special? A girl you like for girlfriend?
C-No such luck. But I'm fine with that. If it comes it will come.
We laugh and chat for a moment more and I describe some girls that I see to him. He shrugs his shoulders every time and when I'm describing one he stops me.
-Short black hair, long legs.....
He lifts his head and he tilts to the side.
C-Describe the girl that just entered. She feels sad, maybe crying.
-She is like the innocent flirt type. Shorts, sleeveless shirt, blonde, small, long hair, wait, where are you going?
He stands up and he walks towards her with a confused look on his face, I'm surprised by what he does next. He stumbles onto her on purpose and falls down.
                       Calix POV
I fall on purpose on top of the girl and I hear her groan.
Girl-You idiot! Beast! Watch where you're going.
-Sorry, I didn't saw you there.
Girl-How can you not see me sitting here? Are you blind?
I nod and I hear her gasp.
Girl-You are blind?
-Yes, and I thought I was reaching my brother and sister. Seems I was wrong because you're not my sister.
She laughs and she helps me up to my feet. She holds me with a hand on the shoulder and I smile.
Girl-What are their names? I'll help you get back with them.
-I can manage on my own. I just have to wait for them. You've done enough. Thanks for offering anyways, most people treat me like a weird guy.
She laughs as she helps me sit on the bench and then she gives me a kiss on the forehead before she bids farewell and goes away. I smile as I don't feel her anymore and I go back with my siblings.
                       Nova POV
I laugh as I see Calix coming back after chatting with a girl.
Ka-Look at you, playing the blind defenseless guy to get the girl.
C-That's how I will conquer her heart. Not her exactly but something like that.
-Little brother is growing up.
Ka-How can you tell if she's the girl.
C-I look at her heart and soul. A pure heart and a beautiful soul is what matters the most. The looks are just a bonus.
We laugh together and as he sits again Karma wraps an arm around his neck crunching his fist on his head playfully.
Ka-Little brother is becoming a young man.
C-Get off of me.
Calix slips away from Karma's grip and he fixes his hair as we all laugh together. We finish eating and we go take a walk. I stay with Calix as Karma goes away.
Ka-I'll catch up at Olympus. I have to get something really fast.
-See you there.
He gives me a kiss and a hug and bump fists with Calix before he goes away. We go back to Olympus and I link arms with him as we go. We stay silent all the way there. When we get home I sit him down and I make him his food and give it to him. I make one for me as well and I sit to eat with him. Halfway done Karma arrives with a book on his hands.
Ka-I'm back. This is for you and this is for you.
He gives me a little box and he gives the book to Calix. He touches the book curiously.
C-It doesn't have a title. What's it about?
Ka-I promise you'll love it. I have my own copy as well.
I laugh and Karma starts to make a more heavy dinner for everyone. As he finishes dinner everyone else arrives home and they sit at the table.
Karma serves the food and Calix doesn't eats immediately as he gets his book to read it but Karma stops him.
Ka-Not here, not now.
Ka-Because I said so?
C-Not good enough.
Ka-Don't say I didn't warn you later.
C-Please, what can it be about that I can't read it now?
Karma let's go of him shrugging his shoulders and I have just a slight idea of what it can be by his words.
                      Calix POV
Even after Karma tried to stop me from reading the book I still do. I open the book on the first page and I read it silently on my hand. I imagine the words as I read it. I smile as I read a romantic kiss description. I keep tracing my fingers across the page when I stop dead on my tracks as I read a very sexual part. I close the book and sigh.
Ka-I guess you reach the best part.
-Very funny.
Ka-I told you not to read it here. Now you know why.
I turn and I stuff my mouth with food to prevent from saying anything insulting to him and everyone laughs at me.
Ha-Can I have the book?
I gulp the food down the throat and I hold the book tighter to my chest.
Ha-Did you like it that much?
-I do not. Is just, a, a blind book?
Everyone laughs and I blush a bit at that. I finish my food hurriedly and I go wash the dish. I get the book at my side and I wash the dish and when I dry my hands as I turn to get the book and I don't find it I turn.
-Who took the book!?
Ha-I did.
I stretch out my hand asking for it.
Ha-Tell me what's it about.
-Ask Karma, he has a copy.
Ka-I do have a copy for myself but I don't let anyone read it.
Ha-You boys have to hide always.
We both say at the same time.
Ka & C-I don't hide anything.
Everyone looks at us and I fake a cough as I turn a bit aggressive and snap the book out of dad's hands forcefully and go away to keep reading it in my room on private.
                      Nova POV
We all laugh as Calix goes away blushing hard after snapping the book from dad.
-That was awesome.
Ha-I'm more surprised by the fact that he didn't notice me taking the book. He usually notices every single detail even before we do.
K-I bet Karma told him something indecent earlier.
Ka-Indecent? Me? I would never.
-You seem to forget.......
He covers my mouth with a hand silencing me and I smile at him as he begs me with his eyes. I take his hand out and we all finish eating leaving the conversation hanging. After that we each go to our own rooms and once there I turn to Karma.
-Now that we're alone. What did you got him?
Ka-A sexual book. Erotic, sensual and savage with other things. The best sex stories he will ever read.
-He's only a boy. He's not like you. You go have sex every chance but he's more shy and reserved to himself.
Ka-He is growing up.
-Yes he is. He's probably having dirty thoughts right now with that book.
Ka-I bet he is. Should we check on him? See if we're right or not?
-I wonder. Do we or do we not. What should we do.
Ka-We can always bother him tomorrow.
I nod and we go to sleep with the idea of embarrassing him the next day.
The next day as we wait to embarrass him at breakfast he doesn't come and we turn to each other.
Ka-Maybe he fell asleep.
We wait and wait and wait but he doesn't comes out of his room until dinner time. We are all eating together except for him when we see him come in with the book on hand still. He's still reading it and he looks worn out. He goes directly to the kitchen and he makes a sandwich with only one hand without stopping reading and ignoring us completely as he keeps reading and cooking. He makes a very heavy cook and lots of it and he takes a whole bunch of food on his arms. He takes as much as he can carry and he balances the book on his head and goes back to his room without speaking a word. We are all frozen in place as we see him disappear in his room.
-He really loves that book.
Ka-Is not love, is lust. I should take the book away.
Ha-Yes you should.
Ka-I'll take it when he finishes the book. That way he will not notice that is gone.
Ha-But you will.

A month layer
Karma and I are playing a game of chess when dad comes in and takes his usual shake when he asks.
Ha-Where's Calix?
Ka-His room.
Ha-Still? What is that boy doing?
-He's still reading his book.
Ha-I thought that book was long gone.
Ka-He's not done with it yet.
N-He sleeps with the book on his hand, showers with it, eats with it he does everything with that book.
Ha-He should be done with it by now.
Go take it. Now.
Karma stands from his seat and he goes to his room. I follow after him and as he turns to open the door we find that is locked.
Ka-Calix! Open up.
At first we don't hear anything but then we hear some strange noises coming from the inside. We look at each other and dad knocks loudly.
Ha-Calix! Open the door. NOW!!!
The door opens slightly and we catch a glimpse of a mess on his room and everything seems like he hasn't clean since he moved into the room.
Ha-Open up.
C-Ahh, sure, give me a moment.
He closes the door and we hear a lot of noises coming from the inside. He opens the door again and he invites us inside. We enter and we are bombarded with a rotting smell.
-Bloody hell, it reeks in here.
Ka-Did something die in here?
C-Is not that bad. Is normal.
Ha-Normal? This room is a mess.
Dad smells him and makes him a face.
Ha-You need a shower as well. When did you shower last?
C-Not that long ago. Yesterday maybe the day before.
We all look at him and he shrugs his shoulders.
C-Anything I can do for you all?
Ha-Give me the book. The newest one.
C-That book. Maybe, is here somewhere, in a corner or under the bed, maybe?
Ka-Were you not reading it?
C-Oh I did read it. Multiple times before putting it back down. Now I hear audio books from my laptop. As I exercise.
-Then where is the book?
He hops on the bed stretching out in it with indifference.
C-You can take it if you want it. I memorized it entirely. Don't need it anymore.
Ha-You want us to search for the book ourselves?
C-You are the ones that want it.
-I am so not touching anything here.
C-Do as you like.
Ha-Don't play games. Pick this up or everything burns away.
C-You wouldn't throw anything away.
Ha-Not if you clean up this mess.
C-In a moment?
Ha-Now! And clean everything including yourself.
C-Fine. Let me just get the cleaning things.
Ha-Not so fast. As punishment you are cleaning your room with a toothbrush.
C-Now you're just being cruel, my room is as big as your condo on earth two times. It'll take me days to clean up.
Ha-Is a punishment. I recommend you start cleaning now.
C-I don't have a toothbrush to use.
Dad produces a toothbrush from his pocket and gives it to him.
C-Of course you have one.
Ha-I want to see my reflection on the floor when you're finished.
He gets up and he starts cleaning up getting everything into place.
We all go away and wait until he's done.

To be continued...........

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