90 Ninety-Welcome Calix

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The next morning I wake up to my lovely wife waking me up.
He-Hades, Hades, wake up.
Suddenly remembering the situation we're in I wake up instantly.
-What? Anything hurts? Do you want me to call the doctor?
He-Woah easy now. I'm fine but you on the other hand, you need to rest.
-I'm fine. Just, not the best position to sleep in.
He-Hades, you haven't slept properly for almost a week now.
She makes puppy eyes at me and I let out a sigh as I take my phone out and I ask Persephone to bring me a fresh clean set of clothes and my personal hygiene things. After about an hour she arrives with a bag and she hands it to me.
Pe-Hey uncle, here are your clo-oh my, you look, not good.
-Thank you.
I give Hera a kiss before I go to the bathroom to shower and change.
Hera POV
I watch as Hades leaves for the bathroom to go change and I'm left with Persephone.
Pe-So, how are you doing?
-I'm happy.
Pe-Even at the hospital you glow like the goddess that you are.
-What happened to you?
-Something good then bad and then worse before it got good again. How's Isabella doing?
Pe-Energetic as ever. She sings Nova's songs all day long and she dances them all around the house and when she eats she shakes her head rhythmically. She resembles a music box. I still love her.
-She likes everything. Her aura grows by the day and she gets stronger like her father and she has an amazing control of it despite her young age.
We laugh and chat for a bit longer until Hades comes out of the bathroom fresh clean and shaved and with his hair done neatly again and he fixes his sleeves and I swear he shines more than he usually does. I lean back on the bed as Persephone leaves again and Hades sits at my side.
-See? Now you look so much better and I'm still fine.
Ha-Refreshing, as always, you were right. How do you feel?
-Great. But there's nothing to do here. I want to get out of here.
Ha-You really are something.
-I don't like being inside in the sense that I have to stay put.
Ha-I know but, you heard what the doctor said. Is just a few days and then we can go home.
I make a face and we laugh together for a while before we both fall asleep as night comes.

Four months later
I'm at the end of my second trimester and Hades doesn't let me do anything. Since the baby is at risk if something happens then he just takes me for a walk.

 Since the baby is at risk if something happens then he just takes me for a walk

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We link arms and Hades's grip is strong and firm and gentle around me. From time to time he would give me a kiss and rub my belly. He talks to the baby as if it were already been born. By this times the only thing he allows me to do is walk around and eat and watch TV or movies or any kind of show.

Three months later
I wake up on the bed at the condo. I wake up by a familiar yet strange feeling of the painful contractions you have when you go into labour. I wake Hades up and as he turns to me I look at him and just then he wakes up completely and he puts some pants on and slides a shirt over before he charges me to the car.

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