88 Eighty Eight-Last concert/Back Home

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The day of the concert arrives and she gets dressed for me to take her to the concert. I get dressed as well and we go ahead to the stage. She gets her hair done and her clothes as well and as everyone gets here she fixes the details herself. When everything's ready she goes to stage as usual and she starts singing with much more energy she's shown before.

 When everything's ready she goes to stage as usual and she starts singing with much more energy she's shown before

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She sings with passion and feeling and she dances to the music while she waves at her fans. She takes three different fans one after the other in the stage with her.

A/N-Songs she sings
1.All I ever wanted
2.Sweet dreams
5.Now you're gone
6.Animal I have become
7.Shape of you
8.Perro fiel
9.Bad reputation

On some songs she calls Isabella to sing with her and they sing and dance together. When the original ten songs get over she takes a step forward addressing them.
N-There are two announcements I want to make. This is not the last song of the night.
They cheer her up and she silences them.
N-Now then, my next song, I don't know which is it. Because I will not choose it because you will.
She makes a sign at me and I give her her tablet and she connects it to the screen behind her and all her songs appear on screen with a column that tells the votes they each get. She turns to explain the game.
N-Here's what we're doing. Take the remote you were given at the entrance and vote for your favorite song. The three songs with the most votes are the ones I'm going to sing and you can feel free to sing with me and dance with me. Ready? Vote
They start voting and she takes a drink refreshing herself. I call out the lucky fan that gets to sing with her and as she explains everything to him the votes finally submit all and they're all about the same height except for one that is much higher than the others by a lot.
N-Sweet dreams, Bad reputation and Miracle. Neat, good songs.
She gives me her tablet and they take their places on stage to dance.

Sweet dreams

Bad reputation, Miracle

When she finishes singing she waves goodbye and she comes back to us and immediately we go to catch our plane to go back home.

At the airport
I look around and as I remember that we're on a private plane I catch up with Nova and everyone else and I excuse myself.
-I'm sorry, I just remembered, I'm going to fly on the economic class.
-I want to.
Ha-You do realize it takes longer?
K-You'll arrive after us by an hour maybe two even.
-I know and that's exactly why I want to travel in economic.
Ha-What flight will you take?
-From here to Spain, then to the Caribbean islands and from there I go to Boston and then New York.
N-Four planes!?
-The longest the better.
They announce flights departing and I hear mine calling and I hug and kiss everybody.
-I'll see you home, don't worry, I'll be fine and don't call me. I will not answer. See you all home.
Before they can protest a bit more I run to my plane and I board it leaving them shocked. I see them board their plane as well.
All the flights I take are commercials but they still offer the bathroom for two people at the same time and I take advantage of that to fuck some hot girls. On the first plane going to Spain I set my eyes on a innocent looking girl that in winter wears shorts with no jacket. After a bit I see her go to the plane's bathroom and I go after her. She looks pleased to see me as she immediately starts practicing a blowjob to me. She goes slowly wrapping her hands around it gently. I grunt and I bump my back into the door and I have to make sure is locked just so I don't fall out. She keeps licking until I decide to do her oral as well and I lift her ass and her privates to my face and I lie on the floor with her on top of me. I bump my head a couple times on the door but I honestly don't care about it that much as I'm enjoying myself big time. When we're done I clean myself and I go back to my seat and sleep. We land and I have sex with the flight attendant, the receptionist and the security guard before I take my second plane where I fuck a Hispanic woman by her privates hard and roughly as I kiss her deeply. Then when that plane lands I have sex with at least a dozen women before is time to board my third plane and there I have another blowjob but this time she rubs her tits against my privates and I make her eat it all. I fuck the pilot of that plane before I go and fuck the pilot and copilot of the next and last flight. As the plane takes flight I go have my last fuk and I fuck her mouth, her tits, her front and lastly her ass more harder and deeper than the ones before her. I lift her up and I turn her around and I kiss her and everything else until I come all over her as the plane starts to descend. I go back to my seat and when it finally lands I get out hurriedly as I want to get home to rest. I get my hands on my pockets and I'm glad to have sent my bags ahead of time because now I don't have to charge them. I get out of the airport and I walk home. I get to the closest one which is mom's old house. Is very old and it needs maintenance but it will do. I take a shower and I sleep named as there are no clothes here for me.
The next morning I search the closet for something to wear and I'm about to give up when I find a bag under the bed. It looks familiar but I can't remember from where. I take it out and I open it and I find a suit with the tie and everything and I recognize it as one of dad's suits. I try it out and much to my surprise it does fit me. Is a bit adjusted but it will do while I get my own clothes. I get the dirty clothes of yesterday inside the bag where the suit was and I go out towards Cerberus's place. When I get there I ask him.
C-Karma, what are you wearing? Is that Hades's? Are those his clothes?
-Just tell me if he's on the condo or on Olympus.
Pe-He's at Olympus. Everyone is there waiting for you and working.
I thank her and go towards Olympus. I notice everyone looking at me kind of amazed and I think that I must look ridiculous to them. When I get to the elevators of the agency I almost don't catch the elevators to Olympus.
-Wait, hold it. Thanks.
Ac-It's been so long since I saw you last. How are you? What are you doing? Racing? Godly duties? You've grown pretty tall for your age, maybe even taller than your dad or the same more or less.
-Thanks, I'm good. Have a race on February, I'm the god of nature and yes I think I might be able to surpass dad's height.
They laugh as I answer all their questions in order and precisely. I give them a hug.
AC-Why are you not with Nova? You're never apart from each other.
-Oh, we were in Japan for four concerts of her and everyone came along. Mom, dad, Karai, Isabella, Cerberus, Persephone, Nemean and Orthrus. They all tagged along and yesterday we came back but they took a private plane and I came on four commercial flights. I tried to last it as long as possible. I didn't gave Nova time to do anything and is we got separated but I'm sure she knows what I did.
AC-What about those clothes? Their Hades clothes aren't they?
-They get me a bit too tight for my comfort.
I pull the neck of the shirt.
-Where are you going? I'm going home at Olympus.
AC-I have some matters to attend with my mother. We're helping her with paperwork as she's all buried in those things.
We reach Olympus and we go our separate ways waving good bye at each other. I go home and as I go inside I go directly to the bathroom and I groan as is occupied. I go to the kitchen and I start to make myself lunch when I hear dad's voice behind me.
-What's up?
Ha-Is that one of my suits?
-Is not my style. Only male clean clothes I could find. Honestly, this suit is a bit tight.
Ha-Tight you say? I have them all measured for myself, my exact body proportions and length.
-Then maybe I'm bigger than you are.
Ha-That's easy to find out.
We check ourselves and I'm just a bit taller than dad is.
Ha-You're taller than me, your mom is not going to like that. She barely likes that I'm tall as it is. Anyways, when did you got here?
-Yesterday, I slept at mom's old place before she met you. Yesterday night, slept a bit and I came here when I found some clothes at last. Everything there is women's clothes and I won't come wearing a dress.
Ha-Certainly. Oh nice combination.
-What do you mean?
He points at my sneakers and I laugh at that.
Ha-Sneakers with suit? Nice going.
-Lots of people do it. Where are the ladies of the house?
Ha-Your sisters are shopping together and your mother is with the agency solving a problem within her godly duties.
-Then I'll go to my room and sleep a bit more. After I make sure I don't have any godly duty to attend to that is urgent.
He nods and he gives me a pat on the head before he goes away to work again.
                       Hera POV
I'm on earth solving a family problem with a pair of humans that can't get settled on anything. After I solve their problem as I'm going to go down the elevators I find that is broken so I use the stairs. When I get down I find Alex on security.
-Alex! Where have you been? Is so good to see you.
We give each other a hug and make small chitchat.
AC-Likewise, I saw Karma earlier. He was heading towards Olympus. Now then, what are you doing here? How are things going?
-You have no idea. Everything was good until we got back. I got called to work and he got called as well but now he has to work up there at Olympus and I have to stay down here on earth for a while. I have to arrange some family problems of god solution category but is not that is lots of different problems. Is one couple that can't seem to agree on anything. Is exhausting to say the least. What about you? Is everything good on your end?
AC-Oh, there's the usual problems. Nothing we can't handle ourselves or nothing we have to intervene in person if we are to get specific with the details.
-Well, it was nice chatting with you, I have to go fix this problems.
AC-Go, don't let us keep you.

To be continued..............

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