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Ch-There we go, nice and easy.
Ka-Is cold.
He gets into a fetal position shaking and I cover him up with the blankets.
Ch-Use your fire breath. Maybe that'll warm you a little.
He looks at me before he tries to sit up.
Ka-Sitting please.
I help him and he keeps the blanket around him. He gets a breath and let's his mouth open just leaving the fire rest on his mouth not blowing it out.
He smiles and I sit at his side on the bed.
-How do you feel?
Ka-Bit dizzy, bit tired, my head hurts amongst other things.
He sneezes and it comes out as lava spits. I can tell he's shocked to see that as well as I am. The second one is worse because he freezes the entire wall with it.
-Do you want anything?
-Are you sure?
He nods and I get her inside.
B-Dad. I'm sorry. I can.....
He stops her and she stays silent.
Ka-Go to the competition.
B-But I want to stay with you. You need me now, here.
                        Karma POV
I silence Beatrice once more.
-Go, I know you've been waiting a long time for this. You already waited four years, why wait another four? I will be fine. I have your mother, your sister, my mom, my dad, my sister, and many more people that I have enough to recover in a flash.
B-I don't know.
-Come here. I've seen how you look at the competitions and I also heard how you and Zola described him earlier. Tall, dark and handsome.
B-You heard that?
-Not judging. You might think I don't notice but I know you. You're eager to go so go. I have more than enough people here.
B-If I go, can I still call you when I can?
-If that brings you peace, sure. Do call but go. Don't worry.
I give her a hug and she holds my hand tightly before she goes away a bit sad by not being here with me. I nod at her and she smiles before she goes away completely. I notice a mini figure hiding outside the door and I know who it is.
-Darcy. Come, come on.
She gets inside ashamed and I lift her face up by the chain. I can tell she cried because her eyes are red. I clean her face with the sleeve of my shirt. I tuck her hair behind her ears nicely and she finally looks at me.
-Don't cry. I'm fine, just a common cold like everyone does from time to time.
We are left alone and she turns to cry again.
-No, no, no. Don't cry. Come on here baby girl.
D-Can I stay with you? Take care of you? I kind of overheard you saying to Beatrice that she should go so maybe I can take care of you on her place.
-You heard that. I suppose I could, but I still have to talk to you seriously.
D-About earlier?
-That's right. Why do you bother your sister so much?
D-I just want to spend some sister time. She's always with Zola and she doesn't turns to me. She used to play with me.
-Yes she did. I wonder what happened between you two that she doesn't want to be with you anymore as much as before.
D-I love her and I just want to be at least one day each month for us to be together.
-So you don't bother her because you want to get her mad but because you want to get along with her?
She nods silently and I think about some things.
-Go call dad, mine.
She calls dad and I let her stay with us. I speak with him on Greek so Darcy can't understand.
-Δαδ (dad), I think I just realized why the girls don't get along that well. This one right here reminded me that they used to be together, like loving sisters all the time since she was born until she was five. Something must've happened for Tris to reject her sister like she does now after being the loving care type.
Ha-You want me to find out?
-Yes but only after Tris comes back from her competition. Ψομπετιτιον.
He nods and he checks me one more time before he goes away taking Darcy with him so I can rest and sleep.
                       Beatrice POV
I packs my clothes slowly along with Zola and I sob a bit. She hugs me tightly and I take comfort on her.
Z-He just needs to rest. You'll see is just that he's exhausted.
-I love you. You're my best everything in the whole world. He knew about him. He let us go and I'll win and dedicate the first place to him.
Z-Do you mind if I ask you something?
-Go ahead.
Z-Why don't you get along with Darcy? You used to offer to help her in anything but then you just pushed her away. Do you not love her anymore?
-Do you mind if I tell you another time? I don't feel ready to share it just yet.
Z-Don't worry about it. I'll wait.
-And that's why you're the best. Let's finish packing and go on to meet that man. I'm kind of glad is a swimming competition. That way I can show my body off.
                     Hades POV
As I prepare some soup for Karma to get better I hear as the girls leave and I smile knowingly. I get the soup served and get it to him. I nudge him a bit.
-Here. Eat this, should feel better afterwards.
Ka-Are they gone?
-Yes, just now.
Ka-Is Darcy asleep?
-Off like a light. Why?
Ka-I have to ask you something. It is about Darcy's aura.
-Her aura? She doesn't have one.
Ka-She used to. I don't know why but one day when I came back home it just, wasn't there. Like it never existed at all. When I ask her about it she says she never had one so I have no idea how to ask her about it if she supposedly doesn't remember having one in the first place.
-Maybe Beatrice knows something.
Ka-Maybe. I can ask her when she comes back.
He finishes his soup and I take the bowl from him. I ruffle his hair.
-Sleep well. You'll be like new by tomorrow. Like nothing ever happened.
Ka-The soup was good. Thanks.
-You're welcome. Call me if you need anything.
He nods and he turns to sleep easier. I go away and I get a snack for myself before I go to bed.
                        Zola POV
Beatrice and I dress up for practice for the competition she is going to do with the first place. I time her as she swims and she is fast as always. She has practiced hard to be the top swimmer always and she's doing records. When she finishes I help her up and give her a towel.
-You are amazing.
-Oh my, look who's here.
She looks and we see as the guy walks towards us looking at the pool.
Guy-Are you Beatrice?
B-In the flesh. Zack?
Zack-Yes, I saw how you swim. Is beautiful and how do you not come out to breathe.
B-I swim with my dad a lot and we are used to holding our breath for long periods of time.
Zack-Hope we make a great team at the main event.
With that he goes away and we keep practicing until they close. It works because she ends up winning and they award her with a medal. We hug together.
B-I won! I actually won.
-I told you so.
B-Let's go back home. I want to be with dad as soon as possible.
I nod and we go away.
                   Nova POV
-So they're coming back today?
Ka-That's what they said.
Ha-And you want to talk with Beatrice about the thing.
Ka-Yeah. Anyhow, how about we prepare a special dinner for them? I bet they must come hungry.
I smile at dad as we know he's stressed. Karma loves both of his daughters and he feels frustrated if he can't solve a problem just like dad and he takes out the stress by baking just like mom.
-He is just like both of you.
Ha-With a personal touch.
-Yeah, where is Karai?
Ha-Flying around. That's the exercise she likes the most.
We smile and laugh together.
                    Karma POV
I make a light lunch for both Beatrice and Zola. I'm doing the best I can when I hear Darcy calling for me.
-Hey baby girl.
D-What is that?
-I'm doing a snack for your sister and cousin. Want to check if is going good?
D-Can I?
I lift her up to the counter and she takes a bite. She smiles as she likes it.
D-Can I help?
-Sure, break this.
I give her the lettuce and she breaks it gently. I turn serious and speak.
-Darcy, I have to ask you something. Do you remember when you were four or five years?
D-I remember five only a little.
-Do you remember anything getting different on you? Did something changes or happened?
D-The only thing that changed was Beatrice's attitude towards me.
-Do you remember having an aura?
D-Why would I? I never had one. I'm not like you that can control a divine power. I'm more like mom, she doesn't have any power and she still good. Can I go now?
-Go play around.
I get her down from the counter and she runs away fast. Maybe I made a mistake asking her this again. I finish up just in time as both girl walk inside.
Z-Hi uncle.
B-Hi dad.
-Hi girls. Beatrice, I need to speak with you. Zola, can you leave us alone for a moment?
She nods and goes away and Beatrice sits down. I turn off the kitchen and everything and sit across from her.
B-Just, say it right to the point and straight forward.
She smiles and squeezes my hand and I blurt it out as I think best to understand.
-What do you know about Darcy's aura?
She frowns visibly and she let's go of my hands.
B-Really dad? Really. Is her not mine. I don't want to talk about it.
She stands and as she goes away I follow her.
-Tris wait up.
B-I don't want to hear anything. I can't hear you. I know nothing.
-She is your sister.
B-So what?
-You were always together. Why did you turned away from her?
B-You wouldn't understand.
-Then you know something.
B-I didn't say that.
-But you insinuated it.
B-I don't want to talk about it.
-Why not?
I hold her by the wrist and she stops obviously sad.
-Look at me.
She doesn't and I turn her around pulling hard enough. I soften when I see she's crying.
B-It hurts.
I soften my tone of voice turning to hug her.
-Is fine. Just tell me what hurts and I'll do anything to take it away. Tell me, what hurts?
B-I can't. You'll hate me if I tell you.
-I can get mad but I would never.
I hold her face to look at her straight to the eyes.
-Listen well, I would never ever hate you. You're my princess. I'll always be here for you.
B-Well then, I'll tell you. Just one thing, with all the family here. Even Darcy.
-A family meeting?
She nods and I take her in another hug.
-Let me talk with dad and see when we can be all together. Go rest, I'll let you know.
She nods and goes away to her room. I turn to speak with dad to get a family meeting.

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