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After a month Max is strong enough to be out of the incubator and we have to ask Karma about everything and if he wants to hold him or anything. I almost have no hope but for the first time in a month he seems alive and hopeful.
Ka-I can't lose him too.
-You won't. Do you want to meet him?
He smiles and nods. The doctor brings the baby and he smiles widely slowly turning back to his old self. He takes the baby and he holds him close, gently and with fierce protectiveness.
Ka-Hey, I won't let anything happen to you. No harm will come to you. You'll grow strong, healthy, safe and be the best of the best.
The baby giggles a bit and his eyes recover the light and he smiles proudly.
-I'm going, call me if you need anything.
He turns to his side to sleep with his son at his side. I go away and I go home with dad.

When they finally are able to go back home Karma gets everything with Max. He doesn't let go of him even a second. I decide I have to go visit him and go and much to my surprise he's better than I expected. He even let's me charge him.
-Hey. Is aunt Nova. How is daddy being with you?
He giggles reaching out for me with his aura. I laugh and hold him tight. I give him back to Karma and is so cute.

I snap a quick picture of them together before going back home

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I snap a quick picture of them together before going back home.

Five years later
Hades POV
I am on my way to get Max and spend some quality time with my family.
He-I'm glad he's opening up at last.
-Yes. Me too, he's been a dedicated father since..........
I stop talking as I recall how bad he got when it happened. We arrive and we see Max with Karma holding hands tight. He waves at us and we wave back at him.
Max-Hey you came.
He-Of course we came. Did you miss us?
M-Lots. I made this for you.
He produces a cupcake from his backpack and he hands it over. Is a good try but she takes it gratefully.
He-Cupcake. Chocolate?
M-Oreo cookies.
I let out a chuckle and she elbows me hard on the stomach. Karma smiles at that and she takes a bite.
He-Delicious. I can teach you another wonderful recipes. Say hi to him yeah?
He turns to me and he's a bit frightened of me. I turn away but he holds me back.
-I think I need it.
M-Too bad, I'm not letting go.
I turn to Karma and he smiles turning to Max.
Ka-If you keep holding to him he'll get angry at you.
He let's me go instantly and I take him up on my back. He wraps his arms around my neck and hangs there.
-Are you comfortable?
He nods and we all get inside. He gets down from me and he goes to the TV and turns to watch a show for children. He repeats the songs playfully.
-Really? He likes those.
Ka-Yes, besides, if I know where he is I can do everything better. He can't help me cook so he watches the show.
-What does he watch?
Ka-The usual, zombies and werewolf and vampires. They fight each other and is child proof.
He-Child proof?
Ka-Yes, that he can watch it no matter what age.
We both turn to each other shrugging.
                    Karma POV
I prepare the food for us to eat and slow but surely the rest of the family arrives. By the time the last one arrives the food is ready and served.
-Max! Come eat.
M-One more minute, is on the best part.
-The movie is over.
M-But I'm waiting for the funny shorts they show afterwards.
I go to him and I take the control from him and put it on recording and turn it off. He sticks to my leg grabbing me tight for a moment before he runs off to the dining room.
-Don't run.
He slows down to a stop and waits for me. While we eat we all chat around when he pulls my hand and he calls me. I get down and he whispers on my ear.
M-Can I get a phone? Or a tablet?
He makes his death glare at me and I have to close my eyes to not look at him. When I can't I just put my hand up covering him.
He pouts and groans and everyone laughs at us.
M-grandma, can you buy me a phone?
He-I will, if Karma let's me.
M-I thought child obeys mother.
Ha-Then you should obey your parent.
M-But he's supposed do do what you say not you what he says.
Ha-As he obeys us you obey him. So no phone.
I lean over to him.
M-What can I get?
-Another movie.
I ruffle his hair already forming a plan. We finish eating and he goes check his movies to see which he has and which he doesn't.
Ha-So, what will you do with him?
-I'm going to get him to school.
Ha-Really? Which one?
-The one were CJ and AJ teach. I wouldn't have considered it if they weren't teachers there.
Suddenly we hear a noise of something breaking on the living room and Max screaming. We both run to where he is and we find him in the middle of some broken glass. He looks confused but I just rush to him and check him for any cuts.
-Max, what happened? Are you hurt? Does anything hurt?
M-Sorry. I broke it.
He gives me the glass where I kept Stella's picture and I smile.
-I can make another frame, another you. Probably not.
I take him up on my arms and take the picture and do another frame with my ice breath. I put it back on its proper place and I comfort him gently.
-Is fine see.
M-Not mad?
-Accidents happen.
Ha-Accidents happen. Here, have a drink.
He negates and dad drinks it instead. They all go to the rooms and we go to sleep as well.
The next morning I wake up to my kid screaming.
M-Wake up! Up, everybody up. Look at this, look look look. Dad! Wake up.
-I'm awake. What is so important you wake me up so early?
He takes my hand and leads me out of the room still in my underwear. He takes me to a window and I see what he means.
M-What is that?
-That, Max, is snow.
M-Can I play with it?
He runs to the door to get out and I stop him.
M-But you said I could play.
-Yes but I won't let you freeze, you need jacket and gloves.
With that I get him ready for the snow playground. In the process everyone else wakes up and dress up. He demands to be the first to get out and when we're all ready we go. Nova records us so we can keep the memory too.
M-I go first.
-Let me open here.
M-Can I jump on it?
He jumps and one moment he's there the next he isn't and we are all laughing dead.
-Oh my, Max, are you ok?
M-This is fun. Is this supposed to happen?
I reach out for him and I see him smiling happily.
N-How deep is that snow?
-You want me to go in first just to see how deep it is?
-I won't.
She groans as I freeze it solid to make a way to walk on. I leave enough snow to play around. The twins go outside and they hurriedly start throwing snowballs at each other. Max follows them and I notice that the snowballs disappear upon contact with him. I pay no mind to it as we all step outside. He steps carefully not to get buried again by the snow.
M-Dad, can we make a snowman?
-Sure. I'll help you out.
M-No, you are the snowman, I put the snow around you.
And so he does. He puts snow on top of me and I use my aura to keep it there helping him a little. After what feels like forever he speaks.
M-Auntie, look what I did.
N-That is so cute, is, is that you Karma?
M-I buried dad in a lot of snow.
N-Do not move, let me take a picture and a video. Move.
Slowly I destroy the snowman limb by limb. After that we go to the lake and I take him on my shoulders and skate with him holding to my shoulders.
M-Can I try?
I stop slowly and I put him down on the ice. He slips and I hold him so he doesn't break. After a while I let go of him and he stays frozen in place afraid that if he moves he'll fall.
-Come on.
M-Daaaad. I can't move.
Just then Nova gives him a push.
M-Ahhh, I can't stop.
I laugh and he grabs to my leg making me fall backwards.

I laugh a bit before I get up again.
-Choose a partner.
I pass Max to Darcy and she helps him a bit. I go with mom and I take her from dad and dance with her on the ice. We watch as Max passes himself between everyone when.
I see him on the ice seated and I go towards him. He broke his nose.
M-It hurts.
-Come here. Let me see. Want to know who broke my nose? Way before I got here.
He nods and I point to Nova.
M-How did she reached your nose? If she's way, you are taller than her.
-We weren't always this tall. A long time ago when we were the same tall I asked her to blow something off of me with a kick and she made it the first two times but the third she broke my nose, she fixed it afterwards.
He laughs and I help him up back to his feet.

-Now then, dry those tears and let's get you patched up

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-Now then, dry those tears and let's get you patched up. Then we can skate a bit more.
-Pinky swear.
I pull out my pinky and he does too. I take him back to get him patched up and he gets mom to clean him up.
Ha-He is strong.
-Yeah, considering the state in which he was born he is pretty strong.
Ha-What do you say to him when he asks about her?
-Nothing. I don't know how to tell him.
M-Dad, look, I got a scar.
-Now you have a permanent reminder of what happens if you fall.
M-Grandma says I look like a bad boy, am I a bad boy?
-Are you like me?
-Then yes, you're a bad boy.
M-Is that a bad thing?
Ha-Very bad.
He looks at me afraid and I pat him.
-Don't mind him, being bad boy is good. He too is a bad boy and so are the twins over there. Come on.
I take him to the ice again and this time he wants to go alone. He slips almost falling but keeps his balance. I keep within reach in case he needs help.
AJ-Uncle! Look out!
I turn just to be thrown over by a hit of a hockey stick. I fall seating and I laugh.
CJ-You alright?
-I'm alright.
The twins help me up and I stand rubbing my nose. I feel a slight pull on my pants.
M-Now we're the same.
CJ-You are right baby cousin.
AJ-You both have a broken nose now.
-Who would known.
K-Like father,
N-Like son.
M-Can I heal you?
-Sure, why not?
He does his best to pull me to the side leaving the twins laughing. I tell him what to do and he does. He hugs me by the neck and I get him lower so he doesn't choke me.
M-Want to skate more?
-You go.
And so he does and he almost doesn't fall this time around. I change the ice skates to my boots and wait for him to get tired. He seems happy skating. He stays until they close the place. We go home walking and he wants me to slide down the hill with him.
M-Dad, come on, I want to ride the slide down the hill. I want to keep playing on the snow.
-Is night we have to go home. Tomorrow, the snow will still be here.
Just on cue he yawns tired. I take him up on my arms and we go to our respective homes except for the twins that stay for the school work. When we get home we find the cars buried in snow. They turn to walk instead and I go to the house with the boys.
C-Take care.
AJ & CJ-We'll be fine.
I put Max to bed and go towards them again.
CJ-So, what can we do?
-I want the info for the schools were you work. All of them.
Like that we exchange information and knowledge.

Five years later
I am trying to tie my shoes but I fail so I take out the laces completely and throw them away. I go to the living room and there is dad with my cousins and sisters.
B-Look who's up.
-Sorry. Dumb clothes.
Ka-Problems with the laces again?
-Um, what's for breakfast?
I turn to sit on my place.
B-You're looking good.
D-So handsome.
-Ahh, dad.
Ka-He is cute like me.
-AJ, CJ?
CJ-Are you ready for high school kiddo?
-Yes, you are, gym teacher right?
CJ-And he is.......
-Foreign language?
AJ-Good, γοοδ.
Dad passes my side and goes to my room. He comes back with the laces and as I eat my toast he makes my laces tight.
Ka-There you go. I'll get you some Velcro sneakers if you want.
I nod and go away.

To be continued..........

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