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She is truly beautiful and I just look at her.
                   Beatrice POV
We are watching as Max sings his solo happy when he suddenly gets quiet and stays completely still. Both me and Darcy go towards him to check.
-Max? Max!
D-Max, brother.
-Snap out of it!
-Max. Are you fine?
He smiles like an idiot at us.
M-I saw an angel.
-Max, I thought........just keep singing.
I help him tidy up a bit and he takes a deep breath before he resumes the concert. He starts over and he is completely into it as he dances around stage singing and however this time around he doesn't shake hands or anything else.

Diablo, Fantastic Baby

After the concert he kneels in front of one of his fans. He takes her hand and kisses it before he comes back backstage. There is a storm that doesn't let's us get out to our cars and go home. The security keeps everyone calm and they come to Max.
Security-Do you think you can give a few songs to them as we wait for help to come? Or for the storm to pass.
M-Gladly. But first I have to do something.
He goes to stage and he sits crosslegged.
M-I want to apologize for what happened earlier. Will you forgive me?
He smiles.
M-How about we play a few games together?
He stands and goes to them. He shakes hands and he takes two guys with him.
M-What's up?
Guy-Good. What happened that you froze?
Guy2-Were you afraid?
M-No, it was, another thing.
The guys ask him to tell but he doesn't. He instead tells them with a song.

Thousand years

After he finishes every girl is trying to get to him. He goes towards them but he doesn't mind any until he reaches a specific one. He is blushing and she is too. Is so touching and is so noticeable that the love is mutual is adorable. The other fans take pictures before two of them push each of them into each other making them kiss. At first they are surprised but is not long before they turn to kiss again this time on their own.

Everyone cheers at them some of them crying. He takes her with him to stage. He gets her a seat and for a while he turns to make a concert to ease the fans from the storm outside. We are singing together all of us when the lights flash a bit going on and off.
M-Sora, look out!
We turn to see as Max gets Sora out of the way. Explosion and then when everything is clear we see that Max is under the piece of ceiling that fell off and the snow that was on top of it. There is a big hole on the ceiling but we can't see Max so well. Security is holding everyone back calming them down from panicking while Zola, Darcy and me go check on Max. We dig the scrumbles off of him and we try and get him out. We find him under one of the pillars unconscious and a lot of blood.
I turn to see his girlfriend no here and out of her shock.
-Zola, take her home. Darcy, help me get him out of here.
D-Should I call dad?
Before I can answer she's already calling him. As she explains him the situation I get him out of there. I get to check him and I see he hurt his head pretty bad. Just a big cut but no broken bones, just scratches and some cuts but the worst is his head. Before I can get anything else done I hear dad speak.
-Dad? Max, he.........
He takes Max from me and some officers and rescue follow behind. He got help for us. He immediately starts snapping orders around and as everuuone gets to work he turns to Max again.
                     Karma POV
I look at Max on my arms and I take him up and leave. I get him myself to the ambulance. They get him to the hospital to check him completely and they patch him up and they get him calming pills just in case. I get with him and wait for him to awake.
After about five hours, when only we remain there he starts waking up. I call on the nurse and she comes check everything's fine when she's about to leave he speaks.
-Don't worry. You're safe and sound here at the hospital.
M-You cute.
Nurse-Why thanks. You're cute too.
M-Am not, you are. Would you marry me?
She reassures me that is fine and Max keeps babbling.
M-We can marry in the beach at sunset and have our honeymoon at Hawaii.
M-You will, most cute bride ever.
We laugh at that and he keeps talking incoherences. She repeats after him following the flow until he falls asleep tired. She sighs finally going away and she leaves me alone with him. I turn to Max. Despite all the blood he lost is not a grave injury.
The next morning he wakes up crying.
-I'm here. Always.
He takes me in a big hug leaving me stunned for a moment before I hug him back. As soon as I hug him he cries on my shoulder.
-Why do you cry? Does it hurt? It was merely a scratch.
M-I want......
He stops to cry holding me tighter.
-What do you want? I get it for you, anything at all.
M-You can't give it.
He let's go and he fidgets with his fingers and look at his hands as he closes and opens them.
M-Why did she had to die?
I understand his meaning now, he wants his mom.
M-Why can't she be here with us?
-Come here.
I hug him a bit before I turn for him to look at me.
-She is always here, on our hearts.
M-I know but, why?
-She decided that your life was more worth than hers. She decided that you should get a chance to live even if she wasn't around to live it with you.
M-Did she, did she not loved me? Was it so easy leaving me for her?
He finally looks at me and I dry off his tears with a sigh.
-Nonsense, she loved you so very much. Every day, she talked on how she would spoil you and bother you even if you got mad. All the things she wanted to do that she couldn't. She was sad she wouldn't see you grow so she tried her very best to stay with us just enough to see you at least one time. Even that single time gave her the peace she needed to rest easy. You are her beloved child, don't ever doubt about her love for you.
M-I miss her.
-Is ok, I miss her too.
He lies down again crying silently.
M-What would she say if she were here today with us?
-She would be all over you checking if you're alright.
He let's out a laugh.
M-I guess every mother is a worrywart.
-She would give you a spank and then she would fill you with hugs and kisses.
I mime what she would do earning a loud laugh from him.
M-What, what did she work in?
-Same as me. Extreme sports, stunts that defy death. She was fearless.
M-So I had the coolest mom ever. She wouldn't let me go with her would she?
-Probably not.
He laughs and I tell him stories about her keeping a minimum to the details and such.
M-Can you pass me my phone?
-Sure, here. Who are you calling?
M-Texting, I just want to let her know I'm fine.
He blushes visibly taking the phone and texting hurriedly. I laugh as his expression gets even more flustered as he reads her reply.
-What's her name?
M-Sora. I almost ruin the concert when I saw her.
-How so?
M-I saw her and I stopped just looking at her. Sisters snapped me out of it and I got abvk to the concert. Afterwards I got to her and I just looked at her but the fans played a prank on us getting us squashed together. It ended up she accepting being, um, my girlfriend.
-You must really like her.
He smiles touching his lips before speaking again.
M-Her lips tasted like cherry.
I laugh at that and realizing he said that out loud he turns away embarrassed.
-Attaboy. You're a real charmer.
M-I am a demigod. I have to be beautifully charming.
He says it in a way that I know he's just messing around with me.
-Don't break her.
M-Why is it that you always say that? I am very careful with my strength.
-When your fangs and claws grew you couldn't even dress up or eat. You should know, you broke the sink opening it and the fork with your teeth.
M-Don't remind me. It tasted so nasty that time. Remember that I limited myself to drink only?
-Yes, and your skin was as hard as diamond.
He rolls his eyes and we keep chatting about this and that until we both fall asleep.

A month later
Hydra POV
I am just planning a nice romantic dinner for Karai since I want to ask her to marry me so everything has to be perfect. Slowly I check everything on the list.
-Dinner, check, candle light by the moonlight, done, she's not here, check, me, check, diamond ring to propose, check. Be her favorite food and side dish, check and check. Now then, let's call her.
I call her and she answers.
K-Babe, I'm on my way. On foot, should be there in fifteen minutes.
-You really know me. Knock when you get here please.
We hang up and I wait for her nervously and anxiously.
                       Karai POV
I mentally weight the possibilities of what Hydra is up to. His behavior for the last month has been awfully weird even for him. Is he going to break up with me because I want to live with him? I reach home and I knock on his door.
Hy-Come in.
I do and I see him dressed elegantly at the side of a table by the window only illuminated by the light of the moon and some candles. He smiles reaching his hand out to me. I take it and he pulls me close for a kiss. He gets my seat for me and I sit. He kisses my cheek before he sits down himself.
-Hydra, this is......
Hy-Did I met your expectations?
I laugh.
-Met them? You exceeded them. How, when did you got the time to do this?
Hy-I asked your family how I could do something nice for a change.
He nods and I can see him doubt but I take a bite of the sushi he made and I sigh happy as is delicious. I give him a bite that he takes happy before he takes my hand kissing the inside of my wrist before he blows on it. It gives me the shivers when he does that. He knows I love that. He growls getting closer to me and I try to turn away my gaze but it always ends up on his icy blue eyes that make me melt as he stares at me. I can tell he's imagining me naked by the way his hand roams on my leg. I turn to eat again and he becomes more fervent demanding my attention on every touch. He knows I won't look at him just yet or give in to him so easily and that's what makes this so exciting to do. By the time I finish eating he is already on me again and I melt as his touch becomes more intense. This time however he does have my attention as I take him by his tie and pull him to a forceful kiss. He responds equally excited letting our carnal desires go free. I hear lots of falling noises before he picks me up grabbing me by the ass and he settles me down on the table. He takes his sweet time kissing each part of my body with his lips and his fingers.
-Hydra, mmm, the bed.......
He shushes me with a finger.
Hy-We'll get there, don't worry. Just, enjoy the moment.
Just like that he turns to kiss my neck again making me melt.

To be continued..............

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