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When I wake up I realize I'm being carried away and I accommodate to keep sleeping on his arms.
Ch-Just taking you to bed.
I smile as I keep trying to go back to sleep peacefully. I made it as I fall asleep again.
                    Karai POV
I fly across the sky above the clouds and I smile as I do so. I do backflips and I slide. I let myself fall a couple times just to relax.

I find a lot of birds rising to the early morning and I take that as my signal to land

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I find a lot of birds rising to the early morning and I take that as my signal to land. I get myself on a free fall when I hear a commotion at the distance. I turn to help the lady and I take her up and away from danger by an arm. She holds me tightly afraid she would fall but I keep my hold strong. I leave her by a security station and go back to where my family is without a word. Halfway there my wings get tired and they lose strength so I land as best I can. My wings fall to the ground just hanging from my back exhausted. I am not at all exhausted myself but by the time I reach camp I am. Walking that much and the wings being heavy and all. Oh my, they get heavier when tired. I go to my tent and rest.
                        Hera POV
I wake up to a gentle touch on my cheek and I smile and reach out for him lazily not wanting to get up or wake up just yet. He laughs a bit.
Ha-Morning my love.
-Mmm. Morning.
Ha-Did you slept well?
-Very well.
I get up on my side and I look at him.
-You on the other hand, you still look like a train just pass over you.
Ha-Or three.
I laugh as I know what he means.
-Oh you poor thing.
Ha-Those three are torture. Beatrice is just like Karma but a bit more controlled while Darcy is the opposite, she is like Karma but she is worse than him, she doesn't hold back. Zola is calm with her shy demeanor but you can tell she's enjoying herself. They made the trip here torture for me. They were singing and screaming and laughing.
-They are like they are and.......
I'm interrupted by some screams of them.
B-Go away.
I look at him with a knowing look.
Ha-Looks like is going to be an eventful day.
We get out of our tent and we see that the boys are running away from the girls.
B-Come back here.
CJ-No way.
She takes a high jump landing on CJ's back and she hits him in the head.
They look at Hades and stop holding the same positions. Beatrice hits CJ one more time before she gets down from him.
B-He deserves it.
Ha-I don't want to know. Now go to your tent and when you all come back out again you will all get along nice and easy.
The girls look at the boys and the boys at the girls. The boys stick their tongues out at them and the girls turn their heads frowning crossing their arms over their chests. They go away and the boys laugh until Hades smack their heads once.
CJ-What was that for?
Ha-Don't bother them. Never bother a young lady. If they get mad alone, you can survive, together, run like your lifes are in danger.
-What did you do to them?
AJ-Just scare them a bit by holding their feet down and pulling.
Ha-Don't do it again. Come on, come with me for a run.
-Be nice.
                     Karai POV
I wake up by my nieces calling me out.
B-Wake up.
Z-Come on.
-Mmm, I'm tired. What do you want?
Z-Just, we just want to talk.
B-Ask you some things.
D-About us and maybe you too.
D, B & Z-Please.
-Fine. Let me get some snacks and wait here for me.
They enter and I get out and take a bag and get some snacks inside of it. I leave my drink on my hand using my wing to open the tent. I enter with my nieces and give them each their snacks.
-So, what did you want to talk about?
-Why don't you talk with mom or sister about that? I have no lover.
B-Mom is mom and although Aphrodite and Persephone are the best options we feel better with you.
Z-And family sticks together.
-So, one by one, anyone you like?
They all nod and I give them each their turn to speak.
B-He is a really fit guy and smart. He is a jock and plays ball. Baseball. Oh, when he bats I just love the way his body turns after hitting the ball with the bat. His expression.
She sighs happy as she imagines or remembers him.
Z-I like the guy but he has someone else that he likes. I prefer to see him happy and be his friend.
D-Mine is more a crush than real love but he is not such a great boy at all. He goes with one and the other as they were disposable but there is something in him. I can't identify it but I know I like it.
-Better be careful.
Z-Hey, have you ever fallen in love with anyone at all?
B-Yes, you are pretty and nice.
D-There must have been someone you liked a bit.
I think about it for a moment. I remember talking about loving someone in the future but I never did pay any attention to it afterwards. I try to remember harder but there is no one. Suddenly I remember someone I used to love in the past and I smile as I realize I still love him.
-The only person I can really say I felt attracted to was,.......
I check no one is hearing us and I lower my voice and get them close.
-His name is Hydra.
B-The monster?
I nod and they giggle waving their fingers at me. We laugh all together and we keep talking for a while before is dinner time. We get out of the tent and we get with the others around the small circle. I hug dad from the side and I get one of my wings to envelop around his back. He laughs before he gets a strand of hair out of my face.
Ha-You feeling ok?
-I just remembered something and I may have recovered something as well.
Ha-Can I know about it?
-Not now.
I lie down my head on his shoulder and after a bit I am kind of hungry and I turn away from him. He let's go but I can see the question on his expression and I smile.
-Going for something fresh. Spend all this energy I have so I can sleep tonight.
He nods and I take the skies in an instant. I turn to the forests searching for any big animals I can hunt down. I see a bear heading somewhere. I am the goddess of animals but today I am feeling like killing. I need this to calm down. I get down silently on the ground and I follow the bear silently. I see him enter a cave and I smile as I think how easy I can kill it now. I get closer and as I'm about to enter I see a baby bear eats some food with the bear I just saw enter. I feel sad by that and get out of there as fast as I can searching madly for another pray. I am mad and angry at myself.
-The next one, next one I'll kill without hesitation.
With that I travel deeper to the forest and I find a river. A source of water for animals to survive. After a bit of waiting a deer comes out of the woods. I look from where I am and I get closer to it silently. I'm close, I'm almost on top of it.
I jump on top of him and kill it in a single movement as I crash all the bones and organs and I turn to get it away. I tear it apart and I eat every bit of flesh raw. I know I'm being nasty but I can't stop myself. I lick the bones clean and I sigh satisfied. I clean the blood from myself a bit hoping dad won't notice any. I bury the bones and the skin and everything not eaten and fly back to the camp.
                        Nova POV
We laugh as grandpa tells us about when Karai and siblings where younger, all the crazy things they did.
B-Was he really afraid of you?
Z-I never seen you like that.
-And hopefully you never will.
I turn to look at her.

She has a sad, thoughtful look on her face

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She has a sad, thoughtful look on her face. Deep in thought. I turn away when I hear Karai as she lands a bit away from us. She folds her wings and she comes and joins us. Dad, as usual, massages her wings. We talk a lot and after a bit we go to sleep.
                    Karma POV
I sigh on the bed as I look at my phone. Stella wakes up and she sighs noticing my stress.
S-Worried about the girls?
-They promised they would call and they haven't called yet.
S-They must be having fun. Besides, what can go wrong if they have Hades, Hera, Karai and all the other family with them protecting them.
-Just one text.
S-We promised we wouldn't call them until we finish our competition.
I kiss her before we cuddle together going back to sleep.
The next morning we dress up for our first competition and we eat our breakfast together. We go downstairs using the stairs to stretch a bit and we go there running. When we get there we get inside the boat and as the boat drives away we get changed to the uniforms to freedive. We practiced together for this competition. One of the deepest we have yet to do.
-Yes, you?
She nods and we share a kiss before she has to jump for the first dive. I smile as I see the marks appear on the surface. After a while she comes back up last and I smile. The last one to come back up is the winner and she is obviously the winner. I help her up and I get ready for mine as well. I go down and I see some of the other divers retire unable to keep going down. When I'm left alone underwater I enjoy the beauty of the deep blue and stay there until I feel something pass by my foot. I freeze for a moment and when I look up I see two white sharks swimming above me. I swim a bit away from them and I work on going up keeping a close eye on them. I turn and when I deem is safe I look away and I go to the surface. I get out and take a deep breath. I swim back to the boat and get on it. Stella kneels at my side.
S-You won baby.
-I did.
She gives me a gentle kiss before she helps me up to my feet. We all drive back to the shore and they announce the first three places.
Staff-Now, on third place is Delavina from Australia with two and a half minutes time.
She steps up and they give her her medal.
Staff-Now in second place we have Stella from New York with six minutes and thirteen seconds.
She steps up and she is rewarded with her own medal.
Staff-And in first place with nearly thirty minutes underwater. We have Karma from New York.
I am about to step on the stage but instead I smile and I turn to sit. He whispers on my ear.
Staff-Why do you sit?
I sigh and stand up tall making my point as he can't reach as tall as my neck even. I sit back down and he gets my medal around my neck. I keep seated and prepare for the picture. He asks for a funny pose and I look at Stella and she sticks her tongue out and I make horns with my fingers giving a childish smile. After the pictures we go to an after party and interviews and social events.

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