41 Forty One

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I wake up because of a nightmare. I cry again and I wish I could see him again at least one more time. Suddenly an idea occurs to me and I search for my phone and much to my dismay, the battery's dead. I growl frustrated but I go out the door back home. I go to my old apartment from before I met Hades and I take a hot bath and put my phone to charge with my emergency charger. I call Hades to come and about fifteen minutes later he arrives. I open the door for him and he enters.
-You have a key too you know.
Ha-I wasn't sure if I should use it due to the circumstances. You said you wanted me to do something for you.
-Well, I was wondering if you could take me and see my brother one last time, down in the Underworld?
Ha-I could but are you completely sure you want to do that?
-I want to talk to him even if is the last time. Can you take me?
He nods and he gives me a hug.
Ha-If that's what you wish for, yes. But first, you might need something a bit warmer. It is pretty cold down there.
I hug him tightly and I go change clothes to something warmer.
-Thank you.
I show him my clothes until he nods approvingly. As we go to the gate of the underworld I get a bit more nervous as we get closer to the gate. I see Cerberus standing guard at the gate as usual and we stop there and Hades says something in a tongue I don't understand but Cerberus does and nods. He turns and opens the gate for us and we enter. The gate closes behind us and Hades leads me through the dark. As I keep moving forward I hear some creepy noises and then I see a purple light growing and I turn to Hades.
-Is that?
Ha-Yes, the Styx, the river where the dead enter and travel towards the underworld to rest in peace or receive their punishment. Depends.
-Is Josh here?
Ha-No, I figured you'd ask for this sooner or later so yesterday I came and searched for him and well, you'll see when we get there. Here, up.
He gets me on a boat and he steps in as well. He stands at the front deep in thought and I look at the dead spirits as they pass by.
Ha-We're here. Come on.
He helps me out of the boat and we walk a bit more and my feet start to hurt a bit.
-Is it much farther? How big is this place anyways?
Ha-Um, it is pretty big, sorry.
He leads me through corridors and hallways and multiple doors until we reach a door where he stops and turns to me.
I nod and he opens the door and I see Josh's soul floating midair. I call to him and he turns and smiles at me. I reach to touch him but my hand only passes through him and I feel tears rolling down my face.
Josh-Don't cry, everything's fine.
-I'm not crying. See?
I clean up my face and smile at him.
-Why? I will miss you.
Josh-Me too little sister, me too. But don't forget, I am always in here, in your heart. Now, promise me you won't close in yourself, don't push people away and don't hide how you really feel.
-I don't know if I can do it. I will need you. You have been always there for me even when I didn't know I needed you. I love you.
Josh-I love you too little sis. Live happily, for me. Can you at least try?
-I can promise to try.
He nods and he turns to Hades.
Josh-Mr. H? Can I count on you to keep my sister happy? Don't let her consume herself in sadness, I wouldn't forgive myself for that.
Ha-You can count on me.
Josh-Sister, I'm afraid my time with you is over. Take care and live happy, say hi to the kids for me. Goodbye.
He disappears into thin air leaving me staring at the wall in front of me. I take a couple steps back until I bump into Hades.
Ha-How do you feel?
-A bit better. Thank you.
Ha-This was all the time I could keep him here without any bad happening to you or him.
-It was enough, thanks. It means a lot for me.
Ha-I'm glad I could do something for you. Let's go home.
-Too tired to walk again.
Ha-I can carry you.
-Won't you get tired that way?
Ha-Not here, the underworld gives me strength and I'm stronger here.
Without warning he picks me up and he walks away. We made it back to the gate in half the time we took entering and I ruborize as I realize how much I slowed him down earlier.
He takes me back home and I fall asleep as soon as I lie down on the bed.
The next morning when I wake up it takes me a moment before I remember everything that happened the day before. Trying to keep my promise to Josh I take a deep breath and welcome the new day with a smile. I'm about to get up I see Nova and Karma entering the room each holding a part of my breakfast. Karai comes after them holding the tray and I laugh a bit.
N & Ka-Good morning. We have breakfast for you.
-It looks delicious. Thank you, I love you all. Come here, give me a hug.
They get the food aside and they both give me a hug and a kiss. Then they get me eating and it tastes divine.
-I wonder, who do I have to thank for the food, who cooked.
N-We gave the things to dad and he cuts them and all that and then he passed them to Karai and she cooked them. And now you eat it.
-Where is your father?
K-He said he wanted to do something that he would be back by late evening.
Ka-But we're here to cheer you up so you don't get sad.
-Oh, my little knight. So what do you want to do?
N-We can go to the park.
-Then that's what we're going to do. Let me get ready and we can go.
They nod and then they take the dishes away and I go to the bathroom to get ready. When I'm ready I look for them in their room but I find them instead on the kitchen helping Karai with the dishes. I laugh and they turn to me smiling. They finish and they take one hand of mine each and they pull me out the door to the park.
-Kids, slow down, you're going to fall.
They slow down a bit and I laugh at them as they put their hands on their pockets.
N-Tag, you're it. Catch me if you can.
Ka-Oh, I will.
They start running after each other and as we cross one street Karma falls in the middle of the road and when I notice a car heading straight for him and I jump in front of the car while pushing him out of the way. He lands with his sister on the sidewalks and I smile as I see he's safe before I'm hit by the car on his place.
                        Hades POV
I look through the store looking for something really special to cheer her up when my phone rings. I answer as I see is Karai and I have to tell her to calm down as she's speaking too fast.
-Karai, calm down. Take deep breaths and then talk slowly.
K-<Deep breaths, okay, there has been an accident. With mom>
-Where are you?
K-<We are on the hospital right now. The one that is close to Astoria Park>
-I know where you are, wait for me.
I hang up the phone and I run to the hospital. As I'm about to ask the staff where she is I hear Karma calling me.
Ka-Dad, mom, she, is my fault.
-What do you mean? It was an accident.
Ka-She was hit because I was going to get hit and and....
I take him on my arms and I shush him reassuringly. I turn to Karai and she explains everything clearly.
-Have the doctors said anything?
K-No. Oh, here he comes.
She points to one doctor and I go ask him about Hera and he looks to he papers.
Doctor-She was hit hard on the head and along with her right arm and her torso. A few broken bones there and let's see, because of the impact on the head she will need to take some pills and perhaps she'll suffer strong headaches on the next few days. She have to do bed rest while she heals. No strong emotions or anything that can trouble her at all.
He hands me a paper with the medicine she has to take and I save it in my pocket.
Ka-Can we see her?
I turn to the doctor and ask.
-Can we see her?
Doctor-She is being treated right now so no, sorry but, on the good side, as soon as that done you can take her home.
I nod and the doctor goes away to other things and I turn to see Karma.
-Hear that? Mommy will come home with us. We just have to wait.
He nods sadly and I let out a sigh. I go with Karai and Nova and I get Karma with Nova as I talk with Karai. At one point we divert our attention back to see as Nova tries to cheer Karma up.
N-Come on, smile, even a little smile or a sad smile. No? Then how about a hug? You like hugs.
I see as he rests his head on her shoulder and he sniffs as Nova hugs him tightly. They stay like that for a while until Karma jumps out of the hug.
He runs to her and stops in front of her looking at her closely.
                        Hera POV
I get my right arm and torso casted and bandaged tigthly so my bones heal and also my head. When I get out Karma comes towards me with an expectant look.
-Hey. Are you hurt?
Ka-No, but you are.
-I'll live, besides, it doesn't hurt that much anymore.
Ka-But you wouldn't wake up.
-There, there now. I'm sorry if I scared you. But I'm glad everything turned out okay.
He looks at me a bit confused and I laugh softly. Hades picks him up and he explains it to him.
Ha-She means that she's happy because you're not hurt.
Ka-But why?
Ha-Because she's your mother and that's what she does. She protects you.
Ka-Can I take care of her while she recovers?
Ha-If she let's you.
He turns to see me and he makes a begging face at me.
-Fine, you can take care of me.
He smiles and he asked to be put down, Hades does and he takes my hand on his and he makes a small bow.
Ka-I'll escort you home.
Ha-This is going to be fun.
-Yes it will be.
With that we go back home but this time Karma is super careful when he helps me cross the street or get the stairs and such. Hades is carrying a sleeping Nova with Karai at his side on her phone. When we get home I sit on the couch and he asks.
Ka-Is there anything I can do for you to feel better?
-Actually, I do need something.
Ka-Yes? Anything you want.
-Come, sit at my side.
He looks surprised but he does as I ask. He gets on my good side and I hug him tightly. Not long afterwards I fall asleep with him on my side. When I start to wake up is because I feel someone pulling a blanket over me.
-What? Who?
Ka-Is me, you were shaking. I thought maybe you were cold so, blanket.
I sit up a bit and look at him lovingly.
Ka-Is it better?
-Yes. Thank you.
Ka-Dad went to get some medicines, should be back later. Is there anything you want?
I get up and get him to the kitchen with me. I smile at him and as I get the things he gets them together on the table. When everything is out I instruct him on how to do it and he does always smiling as he does. Then we put them to cook and we wait for them to be done.

To be continued.......

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