84 Eighty Four-The concerts II

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We are on our way to the third concert and we left earlier than everybody else. Is only going there but I have done a lot already for her. She is torturing me with each order she gives me.
When we reach the place we see that a lot of her fans are camping outside the stage waiting so they can be on the best seats to see her sing and dance. We laugh and we get out on the entrance to the backstage and immediately they come to see her but they don't shout too much thankfully. They mostly say that they love her and to shake her hands. I have to charge her to the room and charge her clothes as well. When we get inside as I put her down she starts to change and I help her with her clothes and her hair.
Ka-There you go.
-Did you called to make sure Isabella doesn't watch this concert on TV?
Ka-Yes, they took her to an amusement park for all the duration of the concert.
-Good, this concert is only for adults, no underage.
Ka-What age limit did you put for entry?
-Twenty one. I have the professional dancers and we're going to dance very sensual dances.
I go to the stage and do a couple sound testing before I get backstage again and give the order to open up for the fans to enter.
I watch as the fans enter and the stadium fills up with my expecting fans. They prepare the stage for me so I can dance and then everyone gets there with me. And so the concert starts.

Bailando dos Corazones, Mala conducta

After two songs I take a break to get a drink and for the stylists to change my outfit slightly. Each time more revealing than before.

Felices los 4, La mordidita

After these two songs we decide is time for a break and I disappear backstage with a promise.
-Now a quick break before the second part of the concert.
I go backstage and I throw myself on Karma's arms and he lifts me up in the air before he puts me down and shows his phone.
Ka-Dad called.
-I'm dead. Turn off the phones and I'll think of something before we get home.
He nods and I give him a kiss and another hug.
-I forgive you. Now, seriously, why didn't you make it to take us to the last concert?
Ka-I was, with a chick?
-I thought you didn't do that anymore. I mean, have sex like a sexmachine.
Ka-I have my own private hobby. You paint and I have sex with whores.
-Painting is not my hobby. Dancing is, well, I have lots of hobbies but the ones I like the most reach your level as they're erotic and sexy and sensual.
Ka-Nova wants to.
He wiggles his fingers at me menacingly and I stop him.
Ka-It looks like we're similar in lots of ways.
-We are always similar, we're twins.
Ka-I mean that our erotic thoughts are similar. I do this because I want to forget and I assume you do as well, forget I mean.
I nod and he smiles triumphantly.
Ka-I'm going to make you a gift for when you finish your concert. Now go back out and show them how erotic and sensual you can be.
I nod and I go back on stage and my fans receive me with a big wave. I changed my outfit once again and this time is a miniskirt with shorts under and a short shirt that only covers my chest and my neck and I have golden bracelets and boots that reach my knees meeting the end of my ponytail there.
-Are you ready for more?
They scream loud and I smile.
-I can't hear you. What was that?
I hear them cry even harder and louder and I nod approvingly.
-Ok, I heard you now. These next two songs are dancing couple so, you hold this for a moment.
I give the big microphone to one of the fans and I pit the one that is hands free while I step back. My dance partner comes and we get into position.

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