181-Welcome Robin and Evzen

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Nine years after
I am feeding my baby boy some milk to calm him down as I wait for Sora to arrive with our daughter Robin from her ballet class.
I look at our baby son and he looks back at me with his big pink eyes as he takes the milk.
-So cute.
He finishes the milk and as he starts falling asleep I sing him a lullaby.

By the time I finish the song he's already deep asleep. I give him a kiss before putting him on his crib and he instinctively reaches out to grab. I smile as I give him his blanket and I look at him a bit more when I hear someone speak.
Ka-Isn't he cute?
-Dad! When did you got here?
Ka-Not long, just enough.
He comes to my side and takes a look at Evzen.
Ka-I remember when you were that little. So pure, frail and innocent.
Ka-You almost never made a sound or cause trouble. But you were curious of everything around you.
We laugh and I'm on alert when I hear the car parking and then some laughs. Robin is here. Before I know it she's hugging me and I smile at how fast she got to me.
R-Hi dad, hi grandpa.
Ka-Hi Robin.
-How was ballet today?
R-A professional ballet dancer came to see us. She liked my dancing.
I laugh and I get her up on my arms.
-No surprise there.
Suddenly she pouts a bit sadly.
R-Aw, I wanted to help you.
-Help me? With what?
R-Take care of Ezen with you.
I laugh as she tries to say his name correctly and I give her a kiss.
-Someday, one day you can help me.
She bounces up and down on my arms as she wraps her arms around my neck. I put her down and move to get ourselves to eat dinner. She goes change her clothes and I'm about to cook when Evzen wakes up crying. I take him up in my arms again.
-Aw, I'm here, dad's here.
He calms down somewhat and I smile at him. He gets a confused look before he smiles as wide as he can stretching his little arms to reach me. I let him and he laughs even harder. Feeling a bit sleepy I get on the floor and lwt him do as he wishes with me. I start to doze off a bit but I wake up when my hair is pulled.
I look and is Evzen pulling my hair. I smile as I get him again on my arms. I stand up and after eating with everyone I can't help a yawn from escaping me.
S-Give me. You need to sleep.
I sigh and get Evzen with Sora.
-Fine, bye bye baby.
He laughs and I smile as he turns to mommy happy.
                           Sora POV
I take Evzen from Max so he can go sleep and get some well deserved rest. I watch as he goes but in a turn he stumbles with a couch and he just let's himself fall there. Alarmed I turn to check him but I smile as I find him all spread out on the couch already asleep. I sigh, he must be really tired.
Ka-Hmm, isn't he cute when he sleeps?
-So at peace.
When I turn to see him he has Robin clinging to his leg. I let out a chuckle before I speak.
-Robin, what are you doing?
R-I'm a fierce warrior and I have to take out the dragon and save everyone from evil.
I laugh a bit.
-Is Karma the dragon?
R-Aha, and he's the bad guy that wants to take me away. Little does he knows that I am the best at slaying dragons. Leave evil dragon. Leave.
Ka-Oh no, my strength. Ah.
He mimicks a hurting emotion every time she hits him. They keep playing like that for a bit as I play with Evzen.
-Look. I'm fluffy and I love hugs. And I'm also the bringer of joy.
I poke him a bit and he is a bit confused before he tries to do the same. I keep playing with him until he wants to sleep. I get him on his crib and seeing the time I realize everyone must sleep now, the kids anyways, so I check on Robin and sure enough she is still torturing her grandpa.
R-Bad dragon.
-So you're still playing that.
R-Mom, want to play too?
-No thanks, come on. Is time for bed for you.
R-But I want to play, I'm not tired yet.
-Come on, teeth bed now.
She sighs but she still does as she's told. Karma gets up and he stretches himself.
-Sorry she got to you.
Ka-I don't mind, still, now I know why Max is so tired. She has the energy to beat the entire pantheon. But then again, she is still a kid.
-And kids have lots of energy.
He nods and he gives me a pat before he goes to sleep himself. I follow his example and I too go to sleep.
                      Karma POV
I'm barely falling asleep at last when I hear the baby waking up. I sigh and more out of instinct I go check on him and I find that Max is already making his way there with a milk bottle.
M-Did Evzen woke you up?
-Not really, I was still awake so, not really.
I take the milk from him and help him a bit. I see as he takes baby Evzen from the crib and he calms him down for a moment.
M-There we go.
He gets the bottle from me and as he gives it we are surprised when he takes it and gulps it down hungrily.
-Someone's hungry.
M-Very hungry.
I take a peek and he looks at me calm as he takes his milk. When he finishes he yawns widely and reaching out for me I take him as Max gets the bottle saved and the bed ready for him. I put him down gently and he falls asleep as soon as he feels the bed on him. We both look at him for a bit more before exhaustion takes over and we both turn to sleep.

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