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I am at my room backstage listening to a stern long lecture from dad about responsibility and duties.
Ka-What happened with you?
-Sorry, I promise I'll be more careful. Put some alarms or something.
I turn to him and I rest my forehead on his shoulder my hands deep in my pockets.
-Truly, I am sorry. I truly thought that today was tomorrow. That I still had a day to prepare.
He hugs me back gently and I feel like a little kid again. A single tear goes down my face and I curse myself for being so weak.
Ka-Is ok, it happens but you do need to focus a bit more.
He gets me up fixing my clothes and he pats me on the head.
Ka-Now go greet your fans. They have already waited long enough.
I nod and I go away to stage. They cheer me on despite being so late. I'm about to start singing when I realize I don't have the microphone. I turn to see dad running to get it to me. I thank him and get it on and he goes away. I start with a fitting song and the crowd goes wild.
Nunca me olvides
After I finish the first song I speak.
-I thank you all for being so patient with me. It happens to everyone. I do hope you forgive my tardiness and enjoy the show.
I put on the next song and sing and dance shaking hands on the front row and getting gifts from them. I give hugs and kisses as well. When I'm on the last song I stop to make a dedication.
-This last song, although I did it while I was single. I think is fitting to sing it with my heart for my sweet girlfriend. Hope you like it.
I wave at the cameras sending a kiss to her and I get into position and start singing. Ay mama I sing and dance with passion and feeling as is for my special someone. I'm sweating and some tears escape my eyes and I smile knowingly. When I finish the song they cheer me on but I have to go to my interview. Don't want to be late for that as well. I go backstage and I flop on a nap for only five minutes before I have to go to the signing. I have a headache but I don't mind it as much getting it blamed on doing everything on a rush today. I slowly get up from the couch.
Ka-Let me help you.
-I'm fine, really. I can do it myself.
I get up but I slip on my own feet and fall on my side. My leg is numb. A strain joint or muscle. Dada dishes at my side.
Ka-Hey, easy, what wrong?
-Maybe a strained muscle or twisted ankle. I really should have done the routine.
Ka-Come here.
He gets me back on the seat and I hang my head back rubbing my hands on my face.
-At least it happened after the concert.
-Can you cancel everything I have next please? I think I need to sleep a bit. I might pass out from exhaustion today. Or two morning.
Ka-I can cancel a week and get you a vacation if you so like.
I sigh considering all my options and I end up with the most dangerous one. Going to the interview. I manage to handle everything fine but once everything is over I fall asleep like a rock in the couch.
                         Hades POV
I am serving as bodyguard at Max's concert for him due to his latest stunt being late. He managed to do everything just fine bit as soon as we arrived home he practically fell asleep standing and he fell on the couch as he was. Karma has a look on his eyes that shows only parental love for him.
Ka-My boy. He plays bad boy and strong but at the end of the day he always sleeps like a baby.
-He is so much like you.
He goes get a blanket and gets him tuck in there. Max visibly feels relieved at that as he gets in a fetal position enrolling the blanket tight around him.
-He will not wake up soon.
Ka-Definitely. But, he does deserves and needs the rest.
I smile as I remember when I had to help him get asleep. Now he helps his own son. He's all grown up and I just enjoy him being such a good father. I get snapped out of my thoughts to a finger snapping in my face.
Ka-You there?
-Yeah. Let's eat something.
He nods and we go to the kitchen to get something to eat. We eat something fast first to calm down a bit while the actual food cooks. We talk about dumb things for a bit before the food is ready and we eat in blissful silence. As we finish eating we hear a scream, laughter and I cry. We both run and we see that Max is awake comforting a crying Yuki on his arms.
M-Oh baby, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean that. Sorry.
Ka-What happened?
He looks at us with a sad face.
M-I might have, by accident, hit her.
Ka-You what!?
He sighs and he puts her down.
M-Are you better?
Y-Aha. It was my fault.
She hugs him tightly before she turns to whispers something on his ear. He smiles and takes her up and to the kitchen.
They bake together for a bit and when the finish he cuts a bite for her to eat. I turn to go to my room with my wife and I find her sleeping. I give her a kiss on the cheek gently and lie down hugging her from behind and turn to sleep.
Ten years later
I am on a date with my girlfriend on a sweet spa to relax all the tension we got from work.
S-Ah, this feels so good.
-So good.
Our bones crack going back in their proper places and after the massage we go to the jacuzzi together. Courtesy of the crew for my singing career. I always was working and doing concerts and or practicing choreography's so they organized to give me a vacation on the best place with everything for me to have a good time with Sora. So far she has tried everything at least a dozen times and I couldn't be more happy. Tomorrow we start heading back but today we are enjoying ourselves to much to bother in thinking about it. I treat her and she treats me and with all we do have a great time and finally did actually managed to relax.

The next day as we go to her home we find ourselves relaxing our own way before I go to my own home. Meaning sex before goodbye. We are so happy together that I end up staying the night with her.
The next day I wake up to her soft kisses on my forehead. I cuddle closer to her smiling.
S-Morning sleepyhead. How was your sleep?
-I think I'm still dreaming. How about you?
S-Me too, wonderful. Is a shame we have to work again today.
I smile sadly at the idea and I groan.
-Ugh, work. I very much prefer staying on bed with you.
S-Yeah me too but, we do have to work.
We get up from bed and I wait for her to be ready. I drive her to work and go home to get ready myself. I am a god with duties so I have to work diligently. I work with dad since he doesn't want to let me be a full god. The initiation is a fight and since he can't be my opponent he refused letting me fight. I don't use my aura so much but I still use it for daily things, cooking, cleaning and such. I am organizing dad's paperwork as he is with my sisters giving life to some forests. I like it that way because I can go my own pace and as I like.
                        Yuki POV
I am at home dancing to my favorite singer's song that is not family. My favorite singers are my aunt Nova, cousin Zola and cousin Max. They are my favorite singers on my family but when I feel very sad or depressed I put another song not from either of them. I look at the clock. Is lunchtime. I get out and I go to the coffee to have lunch with my parents. Is private, secluded and just for us. Dad arrives first like always and mom arrives right on point. Neither late or early just, on point. He takes her seat for her and they share a kiss. I make a disgusted face. I don't like when they kiss that sweetly. I am more a savage than a sugar cube when is about love. Probably that's why I don't have a boyfriend yet, followers are in bunches but dad gets them away from me. I like when he tries to be protective of me. He looks so serious, scary and adorable at the same time.
-Would you stop that?
-No, being so sweet makes me all gross out.
K-What is wrong with sweetness?
-I don't know, I just don't want to be all that cuddle thing.
Hy-Well, then let's eat now.
-Uh, yes, what are we having today?
-Ah, my favorite. No wasabi right?
Hy-No wasabi.
He hands me my sushi and gets mom hers and we eat. They talk about work but I just look as they talk. I prefer to stay silent and listen to their stories. I remember something I wanted before our anual family meeting.
-Mom, can I go with you to Olympus? I want to speak to someone there.
I shrug uncomfortably and she smiles knowingly.
K-Hydra, what do you think? Should I take her with me?
I look at dad with my puppy eyes at him. I know I can't use my hypnosis on him but my most powerful weapons are that I'm his princess and I am too adorable when I use my puppy eyes at him. He sighs in defeat and nods.
Hy-You can go. I just hope is not a god over there.
-Of course not, you know I would never go with any of them. As long as I have you and mom with me.
I hug him tightly and we finish eating. Before going I give dad a sweet kiss before I go away with mom. She takes me through the gates of the agency. I see as her wings get around and behind her like a feather cape. Mine are a bit smaller so I don't have to fold them as much. They are growing and it hurts incredibly, probably they Ned it but I have long since get accostumed to the pain. It has been there since I turned thirteen, now I'm about to turn sixteen and it didn't went away. I hope it does soon. I go with mom through Olympus and she leaves me at home as she goes back to work.
K-I'll be right down the hall if you need me.
I nod and she goes away leaving me there. I go to the infinity pool and I find myself with Poseidon talking with my grandparents. I doubt a bit in getting close since I'm a bit afraid of Poseidon, god of sea and deep waters, I get shivers. I use my aura to get grandma and she turns.
He-Yuki, come on here.
I point to Poseidon and she understands my meaning quickly. She comes over to me and I turn to her.
-Where is Aphrodite? I want to ask her something.
He-You want me to take you with her?
-Just tell me I can find her.
She tells me and I give her a hug before I go away towards the dinner room. I find her eating with her child, Alex. I wait for her to be done and approach slowly.

To be continued.............

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