23 Twenty Three

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When we get home Hades puts Karai down on her bed and as he turns to leave Karai takes his sleeve and he turns to her.
K-Can you stay?
Hades nods and sits on the bed by her side. I leave to go to bed as I feel like I'm going to fall asleep while standing.
                          Karai POV
I play a bit with my hair as dad sits at my side.
Ha-How are you feeling?
-A bit tired, he was stronger than I thought but still his attacks were easy to predict. Remember the first day we train last month? That you asked me to attack you with killing intention and I ended up backwards on the floor.
Ha-Yes, that I told you that was half a good attack because if you fail you let your back open.
-I remembered that and I used that vulnerability or weakness to make another attack. Even more powerful.
Ha-Yes, I saw that. You are good at adaptating to sudden changes in the middle of a fight.
-Is that bad?
Ha-The opposite, that's the best thing to have while fighting, especially older opponents.
-Dad, can I ask you a question?
Ha-Sure, ask.
-Do you believe in love at first sight?
He looks at me as if I asked him if I could be intimate with my boyfriend.
Ha-Um, yes, you?
-I do, want to know how I can tell?
I sit up on the bed and rest against him.
-Because I loved you and mom since the moment I first saw you.
I feel as he hugs me tighter.
-I love you daddy.
Ha-I love you princess. Now go on, sleep. Tomorrow I can take you anywhere you please.
-Can I sleep on it?
Ha-As long as you need. Do you want anything before you go to sleep?
-Maybe, no too silly.
Ha-Tell me.
-You'll say I'm being too childish.
Ha-I won't say that.
Ha-I promise, now tell me.
-I would like a lullaby or a bedtime story.
Ha-Karai, you will never be too old for a bedtime story or a lullaby and neither will I.
I listen as he starts singing.

He kisses me good night and I go to sleep.
-Good night dad.
Ha-Good night Karai.
He goes away and I go to sleep finally for real.
                          Hera POV
The next morning I wake up with my alarm and I groan as I pull a pillow over my head.
-Hades can you silence that annoying thing?
I hear him chuckle sleepily and then the alarm stops and I feel his arms surround me on the bed. He kisses my arm and bites my shoulder making me shiver and I throw the pillow to my feet and still with my eyes closed and smiling greedily.
-Now that I can get used to.
Ha-You awake now?
-Is hard to go back to sleep when your husband is being so good with you.
He laughs before he kisses me again with short kisses. We go prepare for our day and go to work together.

Five years later
I finish up some things of my baking list for the ingredients I need to bake.
-And done, I have everything.
I go to my old home and start to bake a couple of cupcakes for Karai's birthday. She might be turning twenty one tomorrow and not want a big party or goofy presents or songs but I will still give her the cupcake at least. I get a little box from the cabinet and I put the cupcakes inside. I take the box and I go out towards the condo. When I open the door I hear that Karai is begging her father for something.
-What is she asking for now?
Ha-She wants to go to a party for three days and I said no.
K-Oh, please dad, the party is going to be a week long and I'm just asking for three days, please, please, let me go, you go to parties.
Ha-They're social events and they're for work.
K-But you go please let me go.
I look as Hades crosses his arms sitting back on his chair. I watch as Karai groans silently before she gets up and goes to his side. She begs for permission and she hugs him and kisses his cheeks and then she pokes him all around. I hold back a laugh as I watch her attack him until he agrees to let her go.
Ha-Fine, you can go.
K-Ah, you're the best, thank you, thank you, thank you. I love you so much. Thank you.
I watch as she walks away singing happily.
K-I'm going to the pa~ar~tyy, ahh, singing and dancing.
Ha-What you got there?
-I baked some cupcakes for her. Her favorite flavor. What did you got her?
Ha-I got her a puppy. She'll pick it up later, after I tell her.
-She will like it, remember how she was at the zoo when she was five? She petted all of them there.
Ha-Yes, she was so cute and her little face beaming with happiness. That time she liked me to charge her around and now, now she prefers boys and her phone. Maybe she won't need me anymore after tomorrow.
-Oh Hades, she's still your little girl and she will always need you. She might not say it as much as she did before but I promise, despite fights or the growing up or anything else, her love for you is the one thing that will never ever change.
A moment later Karai comes out with a backpack and with her clothes changed. She kisses her dad and me and waves goodbye as she leaves for the party. I remember her gift and get it for her.
-Here, I made this for you. It was supposed to be tomorrow but you'll be away tomorrow so, here. Is your favorite flavor.
K-Aww, thanks so much. I'll eat them on the way there. Bye, if not I won't catch the ride. Love you mom love you dad, see you both when I get back.
She goes away and I close the door behind me. I turn to Hades and I give him a big hug.
-She'll be fine, she's our daughter.
Ha-I know, she'll be back in three days.

A week later
I'm at home trying to calm down an angry Hades when we hear the door opening. Karai enters with a sleepy face and I go and hug her tightly.
-By the heavens you're fine. I was worried about you.
K-Sure, whatever you say. Let me sleep a little and get my energy back to the fullest. Hmm, we'll talk tomorrow.
Ha-We'll talk now.
She rolls her eyes at me and I look at Hades who grows more furious.
Ha-You asked for three days and you spent a week out.
K-I told you the party would last a week. I'm here now, you can't change what has been done.
Ha-I can't change what has been done but I can forbid you from going to any parties anytime soon.
K-You can't keep me locked up.
Ha-You didn't even called to ask if you could stay a bit more because you were having a good time.
K-I tried, no reception and dead battery afterwards.
Ha-You could called from another phone.
K-I was the only one with a phone.
Ha-Then why did you not send someone to at least let us know?
K-I was enjoying a party, I was distracted.
Hades gives her a look and she confess everything.
K-Fine, you gave me permission to go for three days but I kind of lost track of time and when I got to check it was five days already so I decided to stay the other two days as well. Got a problem with me having fun without you? Or can't you resist not being the only thing that I like to have in my life? Or perhaps you're mad because I didn't came so could celebrate my birthday? Woo, happy birthday Karai. Tell me, which is it? I got to a party without your permission and I would do it again if I can and there's nothing you can do to stop me.
They look at each other practically radiating anger.
K-Answer me, what hurts you more? That I disobeyed you or that I had fun without you?
I see as Hades raises her hand to hit her but stops when he sees her scared face looking at him. He lowers his hand a bit before he punches the wall breaking it as he bows down his head covering his face with his other hand.
Ha-We'll talk later.
K-You almost hit me, you never raised your hand to me before. I HATE YOU!!!
She goes out of the condo and runs downstairs and I see as Hades falls to his knees crying. I go down to my knees and I hug him tightly. He leans on me and I rub his back gently when I hear him speak.
Ha-Go get her. I'll be fine here.
-I'll call Persephone to come keep you company while I look for her with Cerberus.
He nods approvingly and I get him to the couch before I go out to look for Karai as I call Persephone to stay with Hades.
                          Hades POV
I brush my hands back and forth over my hair over and over again until I hear the door opening.
I stand and go towards the balcony not wanting her to see me as I am. I feel her hand on my back and I have to do everything in my power to not start crying again. When I can't hold it in anymore I get her into a tight hug and I cry on her shoulder.
-She hates me, Karai hates me and is my own fault she now hates me.
Pe-What happened? I don't understand, why does she hates you?
-I, I did something unforgivable.
Pe-Uncle, I'm here, shush now, calm down, what is so bad that you say is unforgivable?
I step back from her and turn away from her. I take a deep breath before speaking.
-I raised my hand at her.
Pe-You hit her?
-No, I only raised my hand to hit her but before I could hit her I stopped as I realized what I was doing and I hitted the wall instead.
Pe-Oh uncle. She'll get past this, she'll forgive you. Maybe give you the cold shoulder for a bit but she'll be smiling and shining with you again before you know it.
Ha-You say that because you didn't saw the fear on her eyes, she was terrified and afraid of me.
Pe-She might be afraid now but she will come back to you, you're her idol, father, hero, she idolizes you.
I start crying again and we go sit on the couch. She tries to calm me down but the tears just keep coming. After a couple hours we hear the door opening again and when I look up and I see Karai there crying as well I realize how much I must've scared her. When she looks at me I can tell she's forgiven me and somehow that relieves me of some of the tension. I try to smile at her cheerfully but she walks away. I see her taking a piece of the broken wall and she comes towards me. I look at her confused as she takes my hand and she puts the piece on my hand closing it into a fist before she puts it on her face softly.
K-I deserve that. I'm sorry for disrespecting you. I love you.
I watch her as she cries in front of me with my fist on her face and I get it away opening it to touch her gently. I watch as we are left alone and I feel a single tear drop down my face. I take her hand and give it a soft kiss before I fall to my knees and give her a big hug.
-I'm really, really sorry I raised my hand at you. Do you think you can forgive me because I can't. I almost hurt what is more precious to me and I couldn't bear even the thought that I'm the one that made you suffer or hurt you. Will you ever forgive me?
K-I already did. You were right, I could have called before, I could have taken five minutes to call you and ask but I guess I just assumed.
I take her on my arms and get her to her room. I tuck her in her bed and she asks me to stay and sleep with her and I do.
K-Is it going to be expensive to fix the wall you broke?
I laugh at her comment but still answer her.
She laughs and hugs me before we both fall asleep having made peace with each other and gotten the fight on the past and forgotten.

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