Grocery Store

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Charles sits in the living room next to the family dog. The one year old loved petting the puppy. He's had his arm around Hot Dog for the past few minutes. Hot Dog wagged his tail happily. It kept his head in the child's lap.

"Yes I already checked under the bed." FP was on the phone with Alice. He sheepishly called her to ask where all his shoes were. He couldn't find them in the closet where they always kept them. "Well I don't know where they are. I've been looking all over for a single pair."

He walked into the living room. He ruffles the child's hair as he walks past him. FP pressed the phone against his ear and lifts the couch. There was still no sight of his shoes. "He's with the dog. Say hi to mama," FP put the couch back down and brought the phone closer to the child.

"Mama!" Charles squealed. Hot Dog got up and wandered off. The puppy went out the doggy door.

"Hi pumpkin," Alice says through the phone. "Your father didn't lose you like those shoes did he?"

"Hey," FP says bringing the phone back to his ear. "I didn't lose my shoes and I definitely wouldn't lose our son."

"Relax honey. It was a joke," Alice chuckles.

"I know baby. It's just I need my shoes to go to the grocery store," FP kept looking around. He tried looking behind the television set. "I can't go without-" FP turned around and saw Hot Dog come back into the trailer with a shoe in his mouth. "-my shoe. I'll call you back."

"Alright Forsythe I'll be home from work by the time you come with the groceries."

FP hung up the phone and picked Charles up. He snatched the shoe away from the puppy. "Where are my shoes?" Hot Dog ran out again. FP followed it. Hot Dog walked into its dog house where FP found all his shoes. "Why didn't you take any of Alice's shoes?" FP didn't have time to take all the shoes back inside. He just grabbed the other shoe that builds a pair to the one the puppy brought to him. He slipped his shoes on and took Charles to the car. He gave him his pacifier to keep him occupied.

"Back to the trailer. I'll deal with you later," FP sent the puppy back.


At the store FP let Charles walk by his side. He held his hand as he went to go grab a shopping cart. He placed him on the child seat and pushed the cart in. He went to the fruit section to pick out a nice variety of apples, oranges, bananas, etc. He placed the bags in the cart.

He went over to the first aisle. He was going to work down the aisles from there. Alice told him they needed to grab tomato sauce and a box of noodles if he was going to want pasta sometime this week. The next aisle was dedicated to Charles. He grabbed a box of diapers from the shelves. Charles looked at the shelves of snacks. He tried to reach for the soft chips he liked.

"You want some?" FP noticed his little arms try to reach downwards. "Alright come on grab the ones you want." FP let him down. Charles went straight to what he wanted. FP chuckles at how adorable he was.

"FP," Fred was coming down the aisle to say hello.

"Fred hey, how are you?"

"Good. I see you're here with the little munchkin."

"Sure am," FP looked back at Charles. He was looking at the boxes on the shelves. "Running errands before Alice gets home."

"I'm getting a few things too. Hermione invited her parents over for dinner tonight and we needed more potatoes."

"We're probably going to eat out tonight. She took a longer shift today and I'm working tonight. Charles already burnt me out for the day so a home cooked meal sounds impossible today."

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