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FP sat up on his bed unable to sleep. He had been twisting and turning for hours but couldn't find a comfortable position. He looked over at his clock on the nightstand. It wasn't that late. He missed Alice. He wanted to kiss her. He wanted to hold her or just have her by his side. He made up his mind and decided to go see her. He thought maybe by going to go see her they could find a way to tire him out. He put on a shirt and a pair of jeans. He quietly grabbed his keys from the hook and made his way out. He did not want to wake Jughead up and be bombarded with questions in regards to where he was going.

FP drove to Alice's house without calling first. He was very tempted to sneak in and cuddle with her in bed. She gave him a spare key to use a while back. He checked the window first to see if Betty was up. He did not want to get caught walking into the house in the middle of the night. He saw that the lights were on in the kitchen. FP had a feeling it was Alice. He unlocked the door and let himself in. He tried to be as quiet as he could. He checked to see if it was Alice before anything else. It indeed was. She was sitting at the table in her robe and a glass of wine in her hand. "FP?" She questioned. She wasn't expecting him.

"Alice, what are you doing?" He approached her and took a seat in front of her.

"What are you doing here?"

"What are you doing up?" FP took the glass out of her hand and set it aside.

"I needed a drink," Alice shrugged her shoulders. She didn't have an excuse to use to lie to him. "But why are you here?"

"I wanted to see you," FP extended his arm on the table. He left his hand open so she could drop hers in his. She sighed and held his hand. He rubbed his thumb across her knuckles. "Do you want to talk?"

"No," She looked over at her glass of wine.

"Are you sure? You don't look like you're okay."

"What makes you say that?"

"It's three in the morning and you're in the kitchen drinking wine."

"Girls night out...with myself."

"Nice try, Al." FP got up and went around the table to her side. He pulled the chair beside her out and took a seat. "What's wrong?"

"Everything," She tilted her head towards him and rested it on his shoulder. He put a hand over her shoulder and pulled her closer. His thumb still rubbed against her arm to comfort her. "I can never catch a break. I feel like something always comes in the way whenever I look for happiness."

"The whole doesn't deserve you, Al. You're too precious. The world is just jealous of how amazing you are."

"Will my life just stop crumbling down?" Alice teared up a little thinking about all of her worries. "I just want one day, one day, where I can have some peace. A world where both my daughters are home. A world where I can be in my grandchildren's lives. A world where I am loved."

"But you are loved, Alice. Your girls love you. I love you-"

"Can you just hold me?" She cut him off. FP nodded and wrapped his other arm around her. He kissed the crown of her head then laid his head on top of hers. "Do you want to go back to bed? I'll take you back up. You should get some sleep."

"Will you stay?"

"Of course," He smiled. They got up and went towards the stairs. FP switched the lights in the kitchen off before they left. Alice got back into bed and FP tucked her in before joining her on the other side. He pulled the covers over them and they snuggled up real close. Alice was able to fall asleep with FP by her side. FP adored her. She was sleeping so soundly. He was able to get some sleep too. All he needed was her there.

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