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Edgar handed Alice one of the oolong teas specialized for the farm and took a seat in his chair. Alice was patiently waiting for him to come back. "As we believe here on the farm, we need to get rid of all the negative energy we embodied over the course of the years." Edgar grabbed her hands. "Close your eyes and take a deep breath. This may be hard to do but think about all the trauma you've endured. All the bad things that have made your skin crawl."

Alice nodded and closed her eyes. She took a deep breath in and exhaled. She pictured Hal in her head. The terrible things he did as the Black Hood. She felt her eyes shut tighter. "Erase that those terrible memories from your head." Edgar said. "Are they gone?" He released her hands.

"I think so," Alice tried her best to no longer think about her ex husband.

"Drink some tea to get you all relaxed," Edgar looked down at the cup in her hand. Alice took a sip and placed it on the desk. "Now on a lighter note let's get positive thoughts to replace those negative ones. Can you think about something you love? Anything your heart desires."

Alice fiddled with her thumbs. She stared at him. His face morphed into another. He was no longer Edgar Evernever to her. She saw FP Jones. FP's face. "Do you see what you love?" Edgar asked but she heard FP's voice instead. She heard him talking to her, "You're still hot Alice." FP's voice echoed in her head. "I don't care what you think of me, Alice." Alice shut her eyes. "No, what do they say?" Alice could picture his face clearly. "Then leave him...at home." She realized what she had. He was what she loved the most. "We take care of our own." She felt his touch on her hands. She opened her eyes to see but it wasn't FP.

"Did you get it in your head?" Edgar asked but Alice was still lost in her thoughts.

"Yes, I remember, Alice." Alice felt FP's strong arms wrapped around her. She felt it in her heart at least. "This feels right, doesn't it?"

"Yes," Alice said with a nod.

"Great," Edgar smiled. "Now, I want you to think about that every time you want to think about those negative things. Replace those thoughts with what you're thinking about right now." Edgar grabbed the pendant around his neck. He held it tightly in his hand. "The trauma should have left you. You should only think about the good things."

"What if I can't?" Alice asked concerned.

"What do you mean?"

"What if I can't have the thing I love? What if I can't think about it when I need to?"

"Are you afraid not to?" Edgar thought of a different question. "What do you fear, Alice?"


"What are you most afraid of?" Edgar stood up and walked around his desk. He placed his hands on her shoulders. "I want you to think about that real quick." He said. He then pointed to a pot in front of them. "Look at that plant right there. It's without a worry. I provide what it needs. I give it water, let sunlight in for it, and even moved it into a bigger pot. It wouldn't have a worry in the world. No fear, I'd say." Edgar started to get to what he was trying to tell her. "Does this thing you love that you think about worry you? Will it make you afraid to be without it? What do you fear, Alice?"

Alice still had FP on her mind. She remembered the last time she saw him. It was in his office. In his new get up. Once the Serpent King and now the sheriff. A change in power she'd agree.

She stood outside his office. She turned the knob on the door and let herself in. "Hey, FP." She said with pure joy. The widest smile planted on her face. She looked all around the room for him. Scanning every corner except the floor. She noticed his legs sticking out from behind his desk. Her heart fastened before it dropped. She didn't hesitate to go to his side. "FP!" She kneeled down to clutch him close to her. She held a hand over his heart and used the other to bring his head up to her. "FP, please!" She didn't get a response. She felt the tears forming in her eyes, already fighting to fall out. She ignored the blood on her hands that seeped through his shirt. She held him tightly, not wanting to let go. "Please, please, please. Don't do this. Don't leave me like this." She tried to shake him awake. She hoped he would open his eyes. "I can't lose you too." Alice croaked out. She kissed his forehead. She didn't want to admit it to herself that he was truly gone. She didn't want to see the hole on his chest. "I love you, Forsythe. I love you too much to let you go." He disappeared from her arms and her hands fell to the ground. She kept her head down and wept to herself.

"Alice?" Edgar tried to snap her out of her daze. She stood up and started to make her way to the door. "Alice, what are you doing?"

"I'm going home," Alice announced as she walked out the door.


Alice arrived at the sheriff's station. She stood at his door and took a deep breath in. She opened the door and looked for FP. Their eyes locked immediately. "Alice?" FP pushed himself up from his door. "What's wrong?"

She ran up to him and placed a hand over his heart. She looked into his eyes again. She wrapped her arms tightly around him. He moved his arms to hold her and placed a kiss on her forehead. "I'm home." His arms were her home. She dug her head into the crook of his neck. "Don't ever leave me."

"I could never," He assured her.

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