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Alice didn't feel well most mornings. She felt nauseous. She knew her body very well and she had a hunch that something wasn't right. She was just afraid to find out if her suspicions were correct. With the aching thought afloat in her mind she knew she had to talk to him.

Her hands were trembling as she shut her locker. She tugged on her leather jacket, fixing its alignment. She took a deep breath and went to go find him. She turned the corner and saw the Bulldog going to his locker.

He shoved a notebook into his locker. A pamphlet managed to fall out. Alice bent down and picked it up for him. She caught a glimpse of the header.

Serve with Honor

He yanked it from her hands and tossed it back into his locker. Their eyes met, heavily locked to each other.

"Serve with honor?" She questioned.

"It's nothing. Tom was just passing them out with the rest of the ROTC geeks." FP pushed the topic aside. He shut his locker with the cast on his arm.

"FP, listen, I thought we could talk."

"Now's not a good time, Alice." FP stepped to the side and walked around her.

"It'll be quick." She turned to look at him, trying to get him to listen. "It's important."

She had his attention for a slight second before a river vixen came up to him and linked an arm around his. "Hi, FP." She perkily said. "Walk me to class?"

"Uh, sure." FP glanced over at Alice. "See ya around?"

Alice nodded and watched them walk away together. She looked away. She spun around on her heels and walked in the opposite direction. Her head hung low as she rushed away. She pushed the bathroom door open and locked herself in one of the stalls.

She reached into her pocket and pulled out a test. If she couldn't talk to him then the least she could do is find out herself.

The anticipation felt heavy weighing down on her shoulders. She patiently waited for the results. Every second going by made her heart thump faster. It was begging to jump out of her.

She shut her eyes tight and brought the test up to her eyes. She was afraid to look. She slowly opened her eyes and saw it. Two bright pink lines. It was positive. She slammed her fist against the stall and let the tears roll down her cheeks.

There was a knock on the stall door. "Hello?" Hermione gently said.

"Go away, Hermione." Alice yelled back at her. She recognized her voice.

"No," Hermione knew she shouldn't be alone right now. "Are you okay?" She got no answer. "Can you come out?" Alice opened the door and stepped out. "Oh my, girl are you?" Hermione could see the test in her hands. Alice pocketed the evidence. She didn't want to look at it any longer. It would only drain her. She walked over to the mirror to wipe her tears away. "I tried talking to him but he just blew me off for a stupid vixen." She was hysterical. She felt a mixture of anger and frustration. "Classic FP Jones," Alice scoffed.

"FP Jones?" Hermione gasped.

"Doesn't even matter anymore. It was just a stupid fling to him," Alice bitterly mocked. She was hurt. "This stays between us." It was the only thing she asked of her.

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