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Alice stood in front of the mirror staring at herself in the long, white bridal dress. Her maid of honor accompanied her to the bridal shop. Their daughters tagged along too. It was a step towards a special occasion and they wanted to be part of everything along the way. "It looks beautiful mom," Betty smiled widely. She was in love with the dress.

"It really does," Veronica agreed.

"Really?" Alice twist and turned to look at the dress from different angles. "What do you think?" Alice asked Hermione.

"I think you'll look beautiful in any wedding dress."

"I'm not really feeling this one." Alice wasn't convinced with the dress. "I want something that says I'm marrying FP Jones."

"You said that three dresses ago," Betty chuckled.

"Because they didn't say I'm marrying FP Jones," Alice sighed. The owner came out from the back with another dress. She handed it to Alice. "I'm marrying FP Jones." She informed her. The owner chuckled. It was a pleasure to see an excited customer.

"Alice, honey. I'm pretty sure everyone knows." Hermione watched her step off the stoop. "You wrote an article about it."

"And the groom keeps a copy pinned to our board in the speakeasy for everyone to see," Veronica smirked.

"Well I am marrying FP Jones."

"Yes you are," Hermione gave Alice a little push towards the fitting room. "Which is why you need to decide on a dress."

"It's not that easy," Alice walked into the dressing room. She shut the door behind her. "I want to look good for my man."

"Alice, you could show up to your own wedding in pajamas and FP would be drooling."

"She's not wrong," Betty backed her up. "There was one time he showed up unexpectedly and caught us in our facial masks. He just had this look in his eye when he saw you. If that doesn't tell you something well then you're missing out."

"He's been the one for years, Alice. He'll love you in anything." Hermione assured her.

"Or nothing," Alice joked.

"Mom, please." Betty grimaced. "At least not when I'm listening."

"How's it going in there?" Hermione knocked on the door.

"I love it."

"Let us see."

Alice opened the door to reveal herself. The other women all dropped their jaws. She was stunning. "It's wow," Veronica said. "It's so just...I'm speechless."

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