Hardest Goodbye

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FP held Alice in his arms a little longer. He had to go but he enjoyed being there with her. "I really do have to go, Al." He chuckled. "I've got a training seminar to get to bright and early tomorrow."

"Stay a little longer. I love your company." She pouted, looking up at him.

"I do too," He brought his head down and pecked a kiss on her lips. "But I need to attend that thing if I want to do well with this job. I'll be back in a month. Maybe even earlier with my army experience. But once the course is over, I'm all yours."

"So sheriff huh?" She uncoiled her arms around him and tugged on his jacket. "You trading this bad boy in for a badge?"

FP slipped his Serpent jacket off and draped it over her shoulders. "This could be good for us." He smiled. "I'm finally moving up in the world and I'm going to make you so proud. Just you wait and see."

"I'm already proud of you," She grabbed his face and kissed him. "Go get 'em tiger. Just be careful."

"I will." FP climbed out of her window. He stood on the steps of the ladder. His head was poking in. "Keep my jacket warm, okay? You look so hot in it." He had a twinkle in his eyes that was undeniably full of love. She grabbed a hold of him and gave him one last kiss. "I love you," He eagerly told her.

"I love you, Jonesy."

He didn't wipe the smile off of his face the whole way down. Alice watched him go before shutting her window.


Alice laid in bed, staring out in front of her. She didn't move an inch. Betty came in to check up on her. She brought her breakfast. Her eyes went to the newspaper on the nightstand.

Black Hood Strikes Again:
There's a New Sheriff in Ground

She moved it, placing the tray down. Her mother didn't need that in sight. "I brought you breakfast, mom." She knew she wasn't in a good place right now. She was very concerned. She believed her serial killer of a father's attack traumatized her to a breaking point. It was hard for her too to know her father was capable of such a gruesome act. "Mom?" She still didn't get a response. She sat down next to her. "Talk to me. I want to talk about this. Maybe it could help." She insisted. She peered over her to try to catch a glimpse of her face but to no avail. "Dad is back in prison. Even Mr. Lodge. Investigators found him linked to dad's escape. There was something sketchy about him getting transferred over to the new prison and miraculously escaping." Betty sighed. "Jug is having a hard time without his dad. He's trying very hard to act normal for his little sister but it's hard."

Alice was yet to move. She was clutching tightly to her pillow. She's felt the need to hold onto something for dear life. She loved having something, rather someone, to hold onto but this wasn't the same.

"I'm going to go check up on Jughead," Betty stated plainly. "See how he's holding up. Please eat your toast. I'll be right back." Betty shut the door slowly behind her. Once she heard the door shut the tears came flooding out.

She reached for the picture she kept close to her heart. A teardrop landed on it. She wiped it away, her fingertips gently running across his face. She remembered the day it was taken. She snuck up behind him and wrapped her arm around him. He happily tilted his head back onto her shoulder and she snapped a shot. It was all she had left besides the jacket he left behind. It was stuffed into her nightstand. She wanted it close to her but it also hurt her to see it. She swung her legs off of the bed and popped up. She opened said drawer. She stared at it. She felt so numb but with every bit of energy she had she pulled it out. She slipped it on. It still had his masculine, loving smell. The way it hugged her arms perfectly made her feel like he was there with her. She walked over to the mirror to look at herself. She shut her eyes. It was unbearable to her. She took it off and tossed it onto the bed. She wanted him.

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