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FP leaned on the doorframe to his room. He just stared at Alice in awe. She was sitting on his bed, under the covers. She had just woken up. Her eyes perked up when she saw him. The twinkle in her eye made his quake. Her hair hung down onto her shoulders. She moved the few strands hovering over her eyes so she could take a better look at him. His body was exposed for the most part. He stepped into a pair of boxers before he had taken a trip to the kitchen to make them coffee. "Morning Al," His voice was still a little raspy from waking up.

"Good morning handsome," Alice was happy to wake up to his chiseled face. She never got tired of adoring it. Her eyes drifted down to his torso. The Serpent tattoo on his ribcage was huge but her attention always went to the smaller tattoo on his chest. It was a simple jellybean and she thought it was the cutest thing. Whenever she saw it it reminded her of the kind of man he was. In other people's eyes he would be a bold, feared human being but to her he was a man full of love.

"I didn't want to wake you," FP approached the bed. She moved to the edge of the bed. She let her legs dangle and pointed her naked body towards him. He pressed his hands down on the bed, to her sides. His body consciously leaned closer to her. "You know what they say about beauty sleep."

"Yeah that you need more of it."

FP laughed and kissed her. Alice smiled against his lips. The spark from their lips connecting spread joy all over her body. He felt the same energy. FP longingly looked into her eyes. "I made us come coffee."

"I'll be right out," Alice said. He nodded giddily. He was so in love with her. He pushed himself back to stand up straight. He picked his shirt up from the floor and shoved his head and arms in through the holes. Alice tilted her head and watched him as he did. "I think-" He was reaching for his jeans but grabbed his leather jacket instead when he saw it. "-it's only right if you feel at home." He draped his jacket over her shoulders. "It's like it never came off."

"I always did feel like myself in this," Alice was glad to be wearing his jacket. It was homey. The idea of this being the only piece of clothing on her right now also aroused her knowing he was loving the sight.

"Why's that?" He asked.

"Because your open arms always made me feel safe," Alice said. She hugged herself with the leather pressing against her body. "And you brought out the best in me. This jacket is a piece of you. I wear this proudly. For this jacket contains all the years that were lost but also all of the times we were happy together."

"Don't go all philosophical on me," FP chuckled. He took what she said to heart. He was happy to hear those words.

"The double headed snake on the back I would like to say is me. The one above is the southside no one can take out of me and the other is the part of me that found her way back."

"I'm glad you did because my Serpent tattoo was getting lonely with my other half," FP smiled. "I've missed you for far too long."

"I love you, Forsythe." Alice pressed her forehead against his.

"I love you too, Alice." FP pressed a kiss on the crown of her head. He helped her up and had her lead the way out. He wrapped his arms around her waist from behind as they walked to the kitchen for that coffee. His chin snuck into the crook on her neck. He, himself, snuck kisses in by leaving a trail down her neck. She grabbed a hold of his arms and smiled. This was home. He was home.

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