Detective Smith

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Betty and Jughead stared at each other after realizing who was sitting in front of them. "So you're my brother? You're really Charles?"

"And you're my brother too?" Jughead wanted to get that clarified. He still couldn't believe he shared a brother with his girlfriend but he couldn't say that that was the weirdest thing he's encountered the last few years.

"Well this-" Charles pointed to himself. "-is all my mom and your dad." He watched his siblings look back at each other. "Yeah when my mom told me it took me a minute to let it sink down. Maybe you two need another minute to think about that."

"Have you spoken to my dad? Does he know you've been talking to her mom?"

"No, I've been working on getting my hands on the Evernevers and shutting down their butcher shop." Charles shook his head.

"Speaking of mom, where is she? We've got to find her." Betty was very concerned for her mother's well being.

"I'm working on that but I will be needing your help. I've heard you're quite the detective duo." He smiled warmly.

"We can get my dad to help. He's the sheriff after all." Jughead pointed out. "It could also give you the chance to introduce yourself." Jughead reached into his pocket and pulled out his phone. "This is him." He showed him a recent picture of FP with Jellybean and himself. "That little girl is our sister."

"I know my mom told me all about you four: Polly, Jellybean, Betty-" He pointed at her then at him. "-Jughead. I just wondered what you all looked like."

"Chic told us you were dead. That you went on a fender bender and OD'd on Jingle Jangle." Betty still was shocked to have him here in her old house.

"You met Chic?" Betty nodded. "Well it was a dark time in my life but I got through it. I was hurt by what had happened at that door years ago." Charles glanced at the front door. "But I didn't touch any drugs." He clarified for her. "I shouldn't have trusted him. I met him on the streets before moving into some hostel together. I told him about myself, including my orphanage age. I ran away in 2009 when I had found out about the Coopers. I was only just 17. But I guess that's not really the family I was looking for after all. I spoke with mom and found out it's us, the Smiths and Joneses. Anyway I eventually found my way into working with the government as a detective. I studied at a small institute in Virginia. And that's how I ended up back here. Who knew I'd be in the house this time?" Charles looked around from where he sat.

"Actually it's not my mom's house anymore," Betty said.

"It's my dad's now," Jughead added in.

"It's a very long story."

Jughead looked down at his watch. "I was going to say we can go down to the station to see my dad but he should be home any minute now."

As if on cue he heard a car outside. There were two distinct voices approaching the house. FP had picked Jellybean up from school and drove them home. "Hmm, maybe some ice cream. I don't know how I feel about you drinking iced coffee." FP opened the front door.

"It's just coffee, daddy." Jellybean walked in.

"He's here," Jughead got up. He made his way to the foyer. Betty did the same. Charles remained on the couch.

"Dad, we have a guest."

"Do I know them?" FP hung up his coat in the closet. Jellybean stared at the stranger in her living room. Charles awkwardly waved hello.

"I'm certain you do," Betty didn't know how to introduce him. "He's detective Smith."

"Smith, huh?"

"He's here working on shutting down the Farm. We've made twisted discoveries and he's going to help us find my mom."

"Your mom? Is she alright?" FP closed the closet door and turned to face her immediately. He looked behind her and saw the older fellow. Charles sprang up. He stood facing him. He took a good look at him. FP did the same. He felt his knees weaken and his heart wanting to leap out. He brought up a hand and pinched the arch of his nose. He felt the tears forming in his eyes. He shut them. He didn't want to cry. Not now. Not in front of the kids.

"I'm here about Alice Smith. I assume you're the FP Jones she's told me about." Charles slowly approached him. "I happen to be her-"

"Charles?" FP was finally vocal.

"Who is he, dad?" Jellybean asked.

"He's our brother," Jughead answered.

"Brother?" She looked at him like he was crazy.

"I thought..." FP became quiet.

"I know and I'm not," Charles stood arms length away from him. "I finally got the chance to meet you."

FP pulled him into a hug. He held him tightly. Charles returned a hug with a mutual feeling. "I thought I'd never get to meet you, son." He parted the hug and wiped his eye. "God, I wish your mother were here right now." He wanted to share this with her. "Shit, where is she?"

"I'm sure she's fine wherever she is. She seemed pretty bad ass to me."

"That's your mother, alright." FP grew a smile just thinking about her. "We have to bring her home. I'm going to search every inch of town until I find her." FP yanked the door open and saw Alice who was about to knock. "Al," He was happy to see her. He embraced her. He didn't care that the kids were watching. She rested her head on his chest and coiled her arms around him too. "He's the most handsome boy I've ever seen."

Jughead cleared his throat loudly. FP turned to face everyone. Alice saw their son and felt the same spark of joy.

"Mom, I'm so glad to see you. We were so worried about you. We didn't know where you disappeared to." Betty rushed up to her for her hug.

"We were about to rip every inch of town for you."

"I sneaked away from the farmies when the coast was clear. I came straight here."

"How'd you know we were here?" Betty asked curiously.

"I didn't."

"I'm glad to know you're back safe and sound." Charles told his mother. "I guess I'll be on my way now."

"No, stay." FP insisted. "Stay."

"We'd all love to get to know you better. Catch up on everything." Betty added in.

"Yes, she's right. I've never wanted anything more than having you home with us. There's so much that I'd love to have you here for. With me, your father, your siblings. Hell, you'll even get to meet your niece and nephew. We can all finally get to do what we couldn't years ago. I'd love for you to stay. We'll be one big family." Alice assured him.

"I'd love to stay if you'll all have me."

"You're our brother," Betty wrapped an arm around Jughead. "We'd love to."

"No matter how weird it gets." Jughead jested.

"So what do you say?" FP questioned. He truly hoped he would.

"I guess I'm officially home."

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