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Alice threw the suitcase onto the bed and huffed. She moved the dangling piece of hair hovering over her face and tucked it behind her ear. It was hard for her to send her daughter to that home for troubled youth. She didn't know how else to protect her. This town was growing more dangerous by the hour. Her job was to protect her and she truly believed this was the way to do it. At least that's what Edgar told her. She had to believe a health guru, right? He was helping her heal after all. He must know what he's saying.

Alice shoved her clothes into the suitcase. The suitcase was getting fragile. She hasn't used it in a while. When she was still married to Hal they didn't go out on vacations. It was a rare occasion. It felt useless to have the suitcase out so they all put their suitcases in the attic. It had been sitting up there for years. Alice is almost certain she didn't wipe all of the dust off yet.

She heard her phone ring. It was on her nightstand. She peered her head over to catch a glimpse of the the name on the screen. It was the one and only, FP Jones. She wasn't in the place to talk so she clicked declined. She had to finish packing and she knew if she talked to him she would never finish. She however also felt guilty to leave without him knowing. FP attempted to call again but went straight to voicemail. "Al, hey. I wanted to talk but I guess you can't come to the phone right now. Give me a call later, yeah?" There was a sigh at the end. Alice listened to it but still didn't reach out to him. She had an unread text message to ignore too.

I don't know what's going on lately in this town but I really want to know how you're doing. I still can't find my boy anywhere and well I could really use your help. Please answer me, before I get worried sick about you too.

Alice shut her suitcase with everything she needed. She looked at her phone again and still fought the urge to talk to him. She had to stop herself from doing it but she couldn't resist. It would hurt her to make him worry about her. She dialed his number and waited for him to pick up. It didn't take long on his end. "Alice?" His smile was pressed against the phone.

"FP," She put on a sad smile. She loved to hear his voice.

"Feels great to finally hear your voice. Makes me feel less...alone."

"About that," Alice grew quiet.

"About what?"

"I'm leaving," She broke the news faster than she thought she would be able to.

"You're leaving?" There was a hint of sadness in his voice. His heart broke hearing those words come out her mouth. She felt her own heart quake. "Why? Don't leave too." He partially begged her to stay.

"I have to. I already made up my mind on this. I'm sorry. It's something I have to do. I have to leave this town for a while. I'll be going to the farm." She both informed and apologized to him. He was silent. He let it sink in that she was choosing to leave. "FP?"

"Stay," He pleaded. Alice heard a cab honk outside. She was expecting it. Edgar did tell he would send one her way at noon. "You don't have to abandon me too. Everyone leaves. Don't leave too."

"Everyone does leave," Alice could agree with him on that. She grabbed a hold of her suitcase and carried it out of her room. "I can't stay. My cab is already here waiting for me. Bye FP."

FP was shuffling around the trailer looking for his helmet. His motorcycle keys were already in his hand. He had to catch up to her before it was too late. "No, don't say bye. Don't you go."

"I'm leaving FP. Don't worry about me. I'll be just fine. That's what Edgar and the rest of the farmies say."

"You don't need to run away. You're fine here. I wouldn't let anything happen to you. Please don't go, Alice." FP hopped on his motorcycle. He kick started it. "Don't be like the others."

"I'm sorry," She fought the tears forming in her eyes. "I love you." She hung up before he could say anything. He heard the line get cut and he yelled out of frustration. He put his phone in his pocket and his helmet on. He had to get to her and quick.

The cab driver helped Alice with her bag. It was stuffed into the truck while she climbed into the back seat. She shut the door and gave a quick glance at the house. On the other side of town FP was speeding down the streets to get to her. He couldn't let her go again. He couldn't let himself lose her so easily again. He ignored stop signs and red lights along the way. He just had to be quick and he didn't care how.

"All set?" The cab driver asked Alice.

"Yes," Alice nodded. "I believe Edgar gave you the directions."

"He did," The driver began to drive. They drove four blocks down but stopped when a man wouldn't move out of the street. The driver honked but FP didn't move. He ran towards the still cab instead.

"FP?" Alice mumbled to herself as she watched him approach the vehicle.

"I'm not letting you go, Al." FP stood outside her side of the cab. Alice rolled down the window. "Not this time."


"Listen to me, Alice. I'll do anything. Anything to convince you to stay." His eyes were begging her to stay. He reached in for her hand.

"Sir, I have to get her to her destination." The cab driver interrupted their moment. FP ignored his comment.

"Aren't you happy here? With me?" He added in the last part cautiously. He didn't want to scare her away in the process. "I love you."

"You know I love you too," Alice reached for his face. Her thumb stroked across her cheekbones. "I just had to escape this town for a while."

"I thought I was your escape," FP gave her a glum face that made her heart yearn for him even more. "I want to be your happiness and safety. Not some farm."

"FP," Alice simply said.

"Please don't go," FP asked of her. "Stay...with me. I'll make it all better. I promise."

Alice couldn't find the urge to leave anymore. She wanted him. She didn't want to leave him behind. "You'll stay, right? You'll stay?"

"I'll stay," Alice pushed the door open and ran into his open arms. He held her for dear life. "You're right. You're the one who makes things all better."

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