Whyte Wyrm 2

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FP woke up in bed with an inevitable hangover. Daylight came in through the bedroom window and bothered his eyes. He groaned and dug his face under a pillow. Alice came in with water and a capsule of aspirin. "Great you're up. Tall Boy dropped off some painkillers."

"My head is killing me." The pillow muffled everything he said. Alice stood by the side of the bed holding a glass of water and one pill. He rolled over and sat up. He accepted the water and popped the pill in. He rubbed his forehead.

"I love you," Alice sat in front of him and surprised him with what she said. He didn't exactly react like she thought he would. He had the same look on his face. He was blanking. "What?" She asked.

"It's just that I always thought I would be able to tell you I love you first." FP was glad to hear her say it but he always pictured himself saying it first. He's the first girl he's ever truly cared about. Alice was relieved to hear him say that. She was starting to get a little worried that he didn't mean it yesterday. She let out a giggle that confused him. "What's so funny?"

"You did tell me first you big goof. You told me yesterday. You just don't remember because you were wasted." She pinched his cheek gently.

"I did?" FP was confused. He scratched his head. She caressed his cheek. She knows he was out of words. His mind was still trying to function straight. He leaned in to kiss her but she put her hand on his lips to stop him.

"Nuh uh you're still in the doghouse for getting drunk," She stuck her tongue out at him.

"Alice," FP sighed loudly.

"I love you but no love from me until you learn to stay sober." She was having fun teasing him. He tried to grab her arm when she moved away. It fell onto the bed and she smiled with mirth. She was enjoying this.

"Baby!" FP watched her exit the room. He wanted her to come back and kiss him. "I love you!"

"Nice try Forsythe but no kisses today!"

FP jumped out of bed, ignoring the headache, and went after Alice. She ran when she saw him. He followed her laughter. "One kiss baby and I'll behave!"

"No!" She ran into the living room. He caught up to her and they fell onto the couch. He was on top of her pouting. She tried hard not to give in. She shoved a throw pillow at him. "No FP. No kiss."

"Pretty please?"

"Not happening."

"I just want a kiss from my favorite girl," He said in a soft voice hoping it would let her cave in. She pulled his head down to her face. They were centimeters away and he thought she was going to kiss him but she turned his head to the side and whispered in his ear. "No kiss for my favorite boy."

"You're mean," FP gasped.

"You shouldn't have drank that much. Now my poor boy wakes up with a migraine and won't get some love."

"One little kiss will make me feel better."

"I'm not giving in babe."

"Not even for a new pair of shoes?" FP had a new tactic, bribing.

"Nope," Alice shook her head. She pushed him off of her and sat up. "But I'm willing to work out a compromise."

"What is it?"

"One kiss if you can catch me," Alice sprang off the couch and ran to the front door. FP smirks and runs after her. She got a head start outside. He caught up to her at the Wyrm. He sprinted out of the trailer park to the bar nearby.

Hog Eye saw Alice running in. He was alarmed until he saw the goofy smile on her face. He wondered why she was so giggly and running. She hid behind the counter where he was. She brought a finger up to her mouth and told him to keep quiet. FP came running in a few seconds later. "Alice I know you ran in here! I deserve my kiss!"

"I'll give you that kiss for her," Mustang jokingly said.

"Where is she hiding?"

"I'm pretty sure you're in the doghouse," Tall Boy joined in. "If you want a kiss you're only getting it from Mustang."

FP looked around the bar. He didn't see her in any of the booths. Alice sensed that he was approaching her hiding spot and was extra quiet. "You're not finding your girl any time soon," Hog Eye chuckles. He was so close but hasn't seen her yet.

"I love when she's like this," FP took a seat on a stool. Mustang bursted out in full laughter.

"What?" FP rose an eyebrow.

"Love. Love sounds funny. Love," Mustang stood on the counter and recited the words to FP. "But I love love love Alice Smith." It all came back to FP. It hit him like a truck. He gawked in response. "Sound familiar?"

"To be fair I do love the woman," FP says. He heard her giggle. He peered over the counter and looked down at her. She popped up and rested her arms on the surface. "I love Alice Susanna Smith."

"And I love you Forsythe Pendleton Jones II," She let him have one kiss. He smiled against her lips. He loved her too much.

"I caught you," FP happily took the kiss as his prize.

"Yes you did," She giggled.

"How come he gets a whole love fest instead of a lecture like we did?" Tall Boy asked. The three boys got lectures last night for letting him drink.

"Because I can't stay mad at him for too long."

"That's my girl," FP says holding onto her hand. She walked around the counter and sat on his lap. He held her close. It always felt amazing to him.

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