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Fred carried the grill to his truck. Hermione was busy putting the meat into the cooler. She poured the ice on top of everything inside to keep it refrigerated. Fred carried shoved the cooler into the tailgate. FP was coming down the street in their car to meet up with them before they were off. Hermione came out the house with her bag.

FP honked and pulled over by their truck. He rolled down Alice's window. "All set?" He asked.

"Yep," Fred shut the tailgate after Hermione put the last of their things inside. "We've got everything. Let us just lock up."

Charles was yelling from the backseat to talk to his aunt and uncle. FP and Alice chuckled. "Okay, you can talk to them." FP rolled down the window for him. "Fred! The kid wants to talk to you!"

Fred turned around and waved at Charles. Charles waved back. "Uncle Fred! I have my buckets! We can build sand castles together!"

"I have been in the need for a new foreman. Do you have any experience in the construction business, kiddo?"

"Fred, english please." FP points at his son. "He can barely climb into the car on his own.

"We're going to build lots and lots of castles."

"Yay!" Charles clapped excitedly.

"We're all set honey!" Hermione says walking towards the truck. She locked the house and was ready to go.

"Great! Follow us," FP said. "Say bye Charles."

"Bye!" Charles waved. FP rolled his window up and drove forward. Fred tailed them all the way to the beach.


The whole lot chose a nice spot by a picnic table. Fred set up the grill to use after they had a swim. "Daddy! I'm thirsty!" Charles dramatically said.

"Thirsty huh? I think someone needs to refill on a juice box." FP snatched him and tickled him. He walked him over to the cooler. "You're in luck. We have fruit punch." FP pulled it out. He poked the straw in and handed it to the boy in his arms.

"The water looks nice," Alice looked at the waves coming in. She was applying sunblock. She put the bottle back in her bag and grabbed Charles' sunblock. FP handed him to her. Charles sat in her lap and drank his juice. Alice rubbed his sunblock all over him to make sure he doesn't get a tan.

"Can I play?" Charles asked her.

"Of course baby. Let's just finish getting this on you," Alice rubbed the last part of the cream on his face. She sets him down and he runs to get his bucket and shovel.

FP tackled Fred over when he wasn't looking and laughed. "I'll kill you for that," Fred said getting up. FP gave him a hand. "I don't think so Freddie." Fred grabbed his hand and pulled him down. FP fell over and landed beside him. They wrestled and Fred was able to pin him down in the sand.

"Cut it out boys," Hermione stood at their feet and tsked. "Will you ever stop being high school boys?"

"No," Fred and FP said in unison. "We played football for a reason," Fred added. "I was BMOC for a reason," FP flipped Fred over and stood up.

"Well then Alice and I are going to take Charles to play in the ocean. Do not hurt yourselves before lunch." Hermione went over to Alice and the women were off to the water.

The men panted from the running and tackling they did. They went over to the cooler and took out cold waters. FP chugged down half by the time Fred got his. "Calm down," Fred laughed. "Take a breather."

"Now that was good," FP gasped for air.

"How long can you hold your breath?" Fred asked.

"Very long. Why?"

"No reason," Fred choked on his water. It went down the wrong pipe because of his laughing.

"The girls look like they're having fun," FP ignored him and looked over at the ocean. Alice was sitting on the sand holding Charles. He was clapping his hands on the waves hitting them.

"Let's go join them." Fred took his shirt off and threw it on the table.

"Let me put sunblock on first. I burn easily," FP looked for the sunblock but couldn't find it. "Al! Where's the sunblock?"

"It's on the table," Alice yells.

FP searched the table and picked up Charles' sunblock. "This sunblock is for kids!"

"It's still sunblock! You can still use it!"

Alice went back to playing with Charles in the water. Fred and FP ran to the water with blotches of white all over their faces. They smeared too much on.

"FP, what did you boys do?"

"You said it was for kids."

Alice stood up and wiped the sunblock on his face. Hermione sighed and rubbed Fred's face similarly. "Charles is more mature than you two," Alice shook her head disapprovingly.

"Daddy you look silly," He giggled.

"Some of us don't want to get a sunburn, son."

"You need to do it like this." Charles brought his hands to his face and rubbed.

"See, you should listen to Charles." Hermione tells Fred.

"Okay but we're the big boys," Fred puts his hands on his hips.

"No. I'm the big boy!" Charles challenged him.

"Oh really?" FP smirked. He splashed a little bit of water at him. Charles gaped and splashed some back. Alice teamed up with him and took FP down. "Okay okay you win. You win!"

"Good. I want a kiss," Alice walked over to him. He splashed water at her and she gasped. She turned her back to him.

"I'm just playing. Please kiss me." FP apologized. He wanted his kiss. "Al," He whined. She turned around and they locked lips. Fred and Hermione splashed water on them to stop.

"Hey, just because I get some action doesn't mean you two have to grow into green-eyed monsters." FP blocked the water thrown at them with his hands.

Alice picked up Charles and sat him on FP's shoulders. Charles tapped his head like a drum. FP laughed and tickled his tiny feet. "My babies," Alice smiled and kissed her man again.

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