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"Well I wasn't a monkey," FP chuckled. The couple was laughing about the night FP broke his arm in high school. "I wasn't the greatest at climbing up the tree to your room, okay?"

"Which is exactly why you should have waited for me to sneak you in through the back door."

"Where's the thrill in that?"

"You had to sit out the rest of the season because of your inability to wait."

"Hey, the Bulldogs could go a few games without me." FP brought his hand over to her face. He tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. He simply just watched her lay there beside him and look beautiful. "Besides didn't you prefer visiting me at home instead of going to those damn games."

"Maybe a little," Alice admitted. She would use it as an excuse to go with him to his trailer every day. "You were a damsel in distress."

"That's not how that phrase works, Al."

"I said what I said," She let out a sweet laugh.

"I'll let it slide," FP wrapped his arms around her. "Only because you're beautiful."

"I know," She batted her eyes. "Right back at cha, handsome." She bit her lower lip and he couldn't help himself. She was too beautiful for his eyes to take in. He kissed her and savored every moment of it.

"I think next time I would be able to climb in just fine."

"Honey, I'm going to lay it out for you straight. You would somehow manage to mess up."

"Would not," He gaped.

"I bet you would try to sneak in through the wrong window."

"Would not."

"Would to." She moved her hand to rest on his bare chest. "And I'll be watching you fail from my correct window."

"Whatever I still made it in," He rolled his eyes.

"Into the emergency room yes." Alice loved to tease him. "Where the doctors would be ready to put a cast around your arm."

"Actually, do you know what's funny?"

"What?" FP kissed her once again. "How's that funny?"

"It's not. I just needed to shut you up so I could kiss you again."

"Loser," She leaned her head on his shoulder.

"Oh, baby, on the contrary. I'm winning." He said with so much pride. He won her back and he knew it was one of his biggest accomplishments. He snuggled her close and they both took a long nap.

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