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Charles' excitement for his birthday party left him restless. He woke up bright and early and ran to the kitchen. He ripped off the final number on his countdown and ran over to his parents' room. He jumped on top of them and tried waking them up. "Wake up! Wake up! Wake up! It's my birthday!" He yelled excitedly. Alice sat up after being woken up by their son. She hit her face on the paper he was holding in front of her face. "Look mama! It's my birthday!"

"It is," Alice smiled with joy. She was tired but excited too. "You're growing so fast." She slicked back the fringe of hair hovering over his eyes. FP extended his arm out and yanked Charles down towards him. He pecked a kiss on the top of his head. "Wake up daddy," He giggled. "I'm this many now." Charles held up a hand. He wiggled his five fingers at him before splaying them on his face. FP sat up and tickled him all over. He showered him in kisses. "One," FP sat him up. "Two," He pulled him close. "Three," He placed the third kiss. "Four."

"You missed one!" Charles pointed out.

"Did I?" FP pretended to be clueless. He was leaning towards Alice to give her a kiss but Charles swooped in to get his fifth kiss. Alice gaped and FP laughed. "Sorry, baby. The kisses are all reserved for our big boy, today." Alice pouted. Charles curled his finger at FP gesturing him to come closer. FP did as asked and Charles whispered into his ear. "I'll let you give mama a kiss. She loves kisses too."

"Okay," FP nodded and smiled. He leaned closer to Alice and kissed her on the lips. "Charles was kind enough to lend you one of his kisses."

"Why, thank you baby." Alice thanked him.

"Can we have cake now?" Charles asked.

"Then there won't be any for your birthday party later, bud." FP said. "What will your friends eat?"

"They don't need to know," Charles made both of his parents laugh.

"You still have to wait for uncle Fred to bring it over to your birthday party later."

"Are the soy-pents coming? Hog Eye always has the best candy."

"Yes the soy-pents are coming," FP laughed. He's always loved the way he says serpents. FP curled an arm around Charles and lifted him up in the air. He walked him out of the room. Alice trailed behind. "Do you want to go to Pop's for breakfast?"

"Yeah!" Charles was full of energy this morning.

"Go put on your shoes," FP sets him down and Charles sprinted to his room but ran into the door. "Honey, are you okay?" Alice's motherly side kicked out. It was a loud bang.

"Yeah!" Charles rubbed his forehead. "I just ran into the door."

"Let's dial it down, okay?" FP chuckled. "Save the energy for later. We have a surprise for you."

"A surprise?" Charles was very curious to know what it was. He came back with his shoes in his hand.

"You'll get to see after we get breakfast." Alice picked out one of Charles' sweaters from the closet. She knelt down to his level and put it on him. "Okay, let's go. I bet Pop is preparing your pancakes as we speak." FP opened the door. He picked up Charles. He shuts the door behind them all and carries the boy to car while his other arm rests on Alice's waist.


"Is the surprise at home?" Charles asked as he buckled back in. He was stuffed after a big breakfast.

"That's the plan," FP adjusted the rear view mirror. "All set?"

"Yes," Alice smiled. They both knew what to expect back at home. The trip to Pop's was their distraction for Charles. It gave Fred the time to set up the surprise for them.

"Drive faster!" Charles yelled.

"I'm driving as fast as I legally can."

"Uncle Tom won't mind. Tell him it's my birthday." Charles was very smart for his age. FP believed he inherited that from Alice.

"If you see him on the way you can tell him that." FP chuckled. Charles gave him a nod of satisfaction. All the way back home Charles tried guessing what the surprise would be. He gave many attempts. A dinosaur, a space cowboy, a new toy car, and many more ideas.

"Uncle Fred!" Charles rolled down his window. "Is it my cake?"

"Happy birthday kiddo," Fred walked up to the sidewalk. "Did you bring me any pancakes?"

"Daddy you forgot uncle Fred's food!" Charles face palmed. He peeked his eye through his fingers. "Is the cake chocolate?"

"Yes," Fred chuckled. "Aunt Hermione and I will bring it to you later. It's in my refrigerator."

"Daddy said there was a surprise. Do you know what it is?"

"Yes I do," Fred confirmed.

"Can you tell me?"

"How about we go see?" FP insisted. Charles unbuckled himself and pushed the door open. He waited for his parents to hurry up. He grabbed each of their hands then looked at Fred. "I ran out of hands uncle Fred. Do you want to hold my feet instead?" FP and Alice laughed. Their child was too precious. "Sure bud, why not?" Fred loved the kid so much. He walked behind them all with Charles sitting in his arms.

"It's a fluffy horse!" Charles' jaw dropped. He squirmed and tried to run to the petting zoo.

"It's a llama, sweetie." Alice watched him run to it. FP wrapped an arm around Alice so they could admire their child together. Fred cleared his throat. FP pulled him closer and pecked his cheek. "Happy now?"

"Daddy!" Charles yelled at him. "We had a deal!"

"You're right!" FP turned to look at Fred. "How could you let me do that, Freddie? The kisses are all for Charles today."

"Look mama this rabbit is big," Charles giggled. The rabbit was twitching its nose and it tickled his hands. FP and Alice went to go join him inside the pen.


"Charles it's time to cut the cake!" Alice announced. Charles stopped running around with his friends and went to her. FP brought a stool out for him to sit on. He lifted him up to his seat.

"Alright kids!" FP whistled. "It's cake time. Let's all sing Charles happy birthday first." The crowd began to sing to him. He looked around at everyone. Alice lit the candles for him. Charles smiled for the picture Fred was taking. FP and Alice crouched down and kissed him each on the cheek. "Happy Birthday Charles," They both say gleefully. Charles blew out the candles and everyone cheered. "Let there be cake!" Charles threw a fist up in the air. He bit down on the corner of the cake, no longer being able to wait. "Best birthday ever!"


Season 3 is back on today! It's also my birthday but I have SAT testing today, oof.

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