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"Get out," Alice shoved FP out of her house. He stood outside the front door but before he could say anything else she slammed the door on his face. He stood there tempted to knock on the door and talk to her but he didn't. She looked at him through the peephole. She watched as he stared at the door. As he turned his back to the door. As he walked away, kicking a rock in his path.

Ten minutes before her need to kick him out FP came to her house while Edgar was helping her find peace. FP grew jealous of Edgar instantly. He was taking up all of Alice's attention. FP wanted to be the one there for her. The one she goes to for help but he blew it with his temper. "I don't like him. I don't like him at all. There's something about him-"

"FP don't do this right now. Edgar is here to help me deal with things."

"I can easily do that. You don't need him."

"Alice, I don't think this is good for you. There's a lot of tension here that could ruin everything we've worked on."

"Stay out of this," FP pointed a finger at him.

"FP please leave."

"Come on Al," FP pleaded. His eyebrows furrowed. He was being defeated. The next thing he ultimately regrets but it slipped out. "It's me or him."

"You're making me choose, really?" Alice scoffed. "I can't believe you."

"Who will it be?" FP continued what he started. That was when Alice kicked him out. She was agitated by the idea of him making her choose. She was unsure of who to pick. She was hesitant to pick FP because she's always loved him but his recent outburst made her unwilling to choose him. She chose Edgar for the sheer fact that she was angry at FP.

"Come on back Alice," Edgar asked her to come back to the couch. She stepped away from the door and walked back to the living room.

A week went by and she has not seen FP try to consult her. The only Jones man to come around the house was his son. Eventually she saw less of Jughead in the house too. She wondered if he and her daughter were still growing strong. Betty came out of her room looking like she was going to go out. She passed Alice on the way out. "I'll be back later mom."

"Are you and Jughead going on a date?"

"No I'm going to hang out with Veronica today. It's a girls day today." Betty opened the door and Edgar was right outside. "Mr. Evernever is here."

"Good afternoon Alice."

"Come in," Betty let him in before leaving. He approached Alice and walked her over to the living room so they could start their healing session. Edgar began talking to Alice like he usually does everything time he's at her house but Alice can only find herself hearing him and not listening. Her mind could only focus on FP who she once again pushed away out of anger. She could not concentrate today. She was irritated by him making her choose but she'd be lying if she said she didn't miss him trying to annoy her.

"Alice?" Edgar saw her get up and grab her keys. She wanted to see FP. If he wasn't coming to her then she has to go to him. She needed to apologize but she wanted him to be the one to apologize.

"I'm cutting today short. I need some fresh air," Alice walked out of her house before he could tell her to stay. Alice went to southside knowing exactly where to go. She sat in her car near the trailer park. She had to think about what she was doing. What she was going to tell him. If what she was doing was right.

Her thoughts were interrupted by FP coming out of his trailer but he wasn't alone. He was laughing. The door was blocking whoever was with him. Jellybean came running out and leaped onto him. Jughead came out and handed him the keys to the car. That answers Alice's question of why Jughead would come to her house less often. His family was back in town for good.

"Go with Jug to the car, okay? I'm waiting for your mother."

"Okay," Jellybean kissed his cheek before he put her down. "Race you to the car, Jug!" She yells at her brother as she runs to the car.

"I call shotgun!" Jughead yelled running behind her.

"Gladys! You ready babe?" FP yells into the trailer.

"I'm coming!"

"We're just going out for lunch," FP chuckles. He pulls her close and kisses her.

"Geez, can't a girl look good?"

"I thought you said you were done."

"I am done," Gladys gaped and smacked his chest.

"Sorry," FP laughed. "I was kidding."

"You and your jokes are the reason our marriage was failing."

"Hey but we're working on it. Anything to bring this family back together," FP closed the door and walked his wife to the car. "You have no idea how happy Jughead is about this."

Alice heard everything the Jones family said and left after they were gone. She didn't want them to see her. She was too late. FP decided to give his marriage another try since he thought Alice wanted nothing to do with him once again. He went out with his family while Alice went home alone.

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