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Alice carried Charles out to the front yard with her. They went to go check the mailbox together. Fred was coming out his house next door. "Morning neighbor," Alice waved. "Say hi to Fred honey."

Charles flapped his little hand at Fred. He tried to grin with the pacifier in his mouth. Fred waved back. "Good morning Alice. The baby is still a cute little thing. Reminds me more and more of FP as he grows."

"Where you off to?"

"A little errand."

"Well good luck with that."

"Thanks," Fred climbed into his truck and drove off. Alice grabbed the mail and went back inside. She placed it on the table and placed Charles on the play mat in the living room. She turned on the tv so he could watch a cartoon while she made lunch in the kitchen. She brought him over a snack to chew on in the meantime so he wouldn't throw a fuss. He loved the baby cereal she would get him from the grocery store. "Where's my handsome little boy?" Alice tickled him. The boy gurgled with laughter. "Mama loves you."

"Mama," The boy repeated.

"Good job baby. I've always told your father you'd say mama first." Alice went back to the kitchen to check on the oven. She could already smell the lovely scent of the toasted garlic bread. She put on her oven mitts and pulled out the tray. She placed it on the table to cool down.

The wall phone rang in the living room. Alice took the mitts off and left them on the counter so she could go check who it was. "Hello?"

"Alice, good morning baby," FP said on the other line. Alice was bubbling with happiness hearing his voice. "Baby you there?"

"I'm here. Oh my god how I've missed hearing your voice. Hold on," Alice let the phone hang while she went to go grab their child.

"Alice? Alice where you going?"

"Your daddy is on the phone," Alice picked Charles up. She took him over to the phone. "We're back. Charles say hi to your father."

Charles flapped his hand causing Alice to laugh. "He can't see that sweetie. Say hi instead."

"Mama," Charles said.

"Hey we agreed you'd say dada first," FP said.

"Sorry not sorry baby," Alice tells him.

"Charles, are you and your mom doing alright? I bet you've grown so much since the last time I've seen you two."

"We miss you," Alice says melancholically.

"I miss you both too. I promise I'll be home in no time. My tour will be over very very soon. Once it's over I'm home for good."

"I can't wait."

"I sent a little surprise for you. Fred should have gone to pick it up this morning."

"So that's where he went," Alice thought out loud.

"You'll love it. Well I hope you do."

"It won't compare to you being home though."

"It'll be close I promise you that," FP says. "I'd love to tell you more about it but it looks like I have to go. The line should be cutting out soon."

"Stay safe honey."

"I will," FP says. "Love you."

"Love you too," Alice placed the phone back on the wall. She heard a knock on the door. Fred looked through the window. "Alice! I've got a delivery for you!"

"Coming!" Alice yelled. She walked over with Charles in hand. She opened the door and her jaw drop.

"I told you I'd be home very very soon." FP told Fred to hold the flowers for him. He held his arms out. She went straight into them. FP held his wife and son tightly. Alice welcomed him home with a kiss. FP then ruffled the boy's hair. "You've gotten so big." FP tickled his neck. Charles giggles and brings his chin down to block his fingers.

"He's starting to look too much like you," Fred passed the bouquet of flowers to their rightful owner.

"How long did you know?" Alice asked.

"Two weeks."

"You've known he was coming home for two weeks and you didn't tell me? Why did you lie to me?"

"I didn't lie. I just didn't tell you," Fred chuckles. "If you had asked me if I knew FP was coming home maybe I would have told you."

"All that matters is I'm home with my family for good now," FP grabbed the child into his arms. "Which reminds me, Fred can you do me a favor?"


"Can you babysit tonight?"

"You serious?"

"I have been stuck with men for months. I'm dead serious."

Alice laughed and whispered into his ear. Fred fondly rolled his eyes. "You have all the time in the world now and you chose tonight."

"Looks like it," FP smirks. "So what do you say?"

"Fine but don't go making another one. I'm not a babysitter."

"Love ya," FP tells him as he walks his family inside the house. "Is that garlic bread I smell or am I just hungry?"

"You're in luck," Alice says. "They're fresh out the oven."

"God I love you."

"I know," Alice pecks a kiss on his cheek and goes into the kitchen. FP placed his son on the high chair and went over to Alice. He wrapped her arms around her waist. She stirred the noodles in the pot.

"I bet you can't wait for tonight," FP teased.

"I do love a man in uniform."

"Too bad I won't be wearing it anymore," He ran a hand up on her side. "Especially tonight." FP pecks kisses on her neck.

"FP the baby," Alice points out.

"We can call Fred over now."

"You waited months. I think you can wait a couple more hours."


"You're right. Let's get Fred," Alice grabbed the baby and they walked over to Fred's house. FP knocked on the door.

"I told you. You owe me five bucks," Mary tells Fred from the couch. Fred pulled out the dollar bill and handed it to Mary before grabbing the child at the door.

"Two minutes. It's been only two minutes." Fred took the child from Alice.

"What can I say? I've served for this country and now I've got to serve in the bedroom."

"I get it. I get it. Go, my ears don't need to hear it," Fred says. FP and Alice didn't give it a second thought. They went straight to their house and into their bedroom.

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